Chapter 101 Murder

"Thank you, little General Hu..."

Wang Shouren accepted the urgent edict, but was not in a hurry to open it.

Instead, he asked the generals beside him.

"Luo Rong just relied on his subordinates to be familiar with the terrain of Mengshan Mountain, and sent elite soldiers and strangers to guard various passes, thinking that we would not dare to attack by force. A few days ago, I passed by Mengshan Mountain and accidentally discovered an unknown secret from the mouth of a hunter at the foot of the mountain. I wonder which general is willing to lead his troops up the mountain to capture the Luo thieves?"

Looking at Wang Shouren who was looking at everyone with a smile in front of him, several generals looked at each other, with uneasy expressions on their faces.

Under the leadership of Wang Shouren, the Southern Army was able to win many battles. It was inevitable that Wang Shangshu would "accidentally", "accidentally", "pick up" and "hear" before the formation, and then find the enemy's flaws, and then the three armies would obey orders. This is the reason for moving forward and defeating the enemy with one strike.

However, among all the people present, he was the biggest official. Although the others knew that Wang Shangshu was telling lies again, as long as they could explain it clearly and the battle could be won, they would still joke with the old man.

"The last general is willing to lead five hundred wolf soldiers into the mountains to capture the enemy!"

Yu Dayou, a young general who was only 20 years old, said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Shouren nodded slightly to express satisfaction.

"In this case, I will lead the army to beat the drum at the foot of the mountain, pretend to be the main force and forcefully attack the mountain, attract the main force of the rebels, and wait for the general to go up the mountain to capture the leader of the bandit, and achieve victory!"

"However, Luo Rong has lived in the Southern Barbarians for a long time and has some sorcery. General, please be careful."

"Shang Shu, don't worry too much. The wolves under my command have not drank breast milk since they were born, but were kept among the wolves to coexist with the wolves. It was not until they were 12 years old that they sent hunters to kill the wolves and take them back to their original families to raise them... Through the education of rituals and music, they gradually become humane. Those who join the army at the age of 16 will have a fierce and evil spirit in their chests, and they will not be able to get close to them with other magic arts."

Yu Dayou smiled when he heard this.

Wang Shouren nodded, turned to look to the other side, looked around the generals, and his tone became solemn.

"Luo Rong is easy to break, but Yang Wenlong is a fierce general in Luchuan. He has two hundred elephant soldiers under his command. He is fed day and night with the essence and blood of hundreds of beasts and the secret medicine of Luchuan. He is extremely powerful and hard to be hurt by swords... The previous defeat of King Mu was due to carelessness. The elephant soldiers broke through the central army and were defeated and died. Tomorrow's battle in Qujing, you generals can be sure."

When the generals were hesitating, a loud voice came back.

"According to His Majesty's order, I led the emperor's forbidden troops to come to the army and harassed them for many days, just to relieve the imperial court at this moment."

Hu Zongxian on the side immediately cupped his fists and asked for a fight.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Wang Shouren clapped his hands and laughed.

He said three good words in a row,
The other generals were secretly ashamed when they saw that Hu Zongxian, who was only a young man, had such courage.

The Luchuan elephant soldiers have been famous all over the world since Hongwu. In the previous attack on Kunming, they ignored the arrows and rushed straight into King Mu's army.

According to the memories of the Ming army that was defeated in the Battle of Kunming after Wang Shouren led his army to re-enter Sichuan.

Those giant elephants have red eyes, dark skin, and are as solid as rock.

The firearms and spears used by the Ming army to deal with the elephant soldiers in the past have lost their due effect.

Therefore, it is a very reasonable thing for the Ming army to be beheaded and seize the flag without any countermeasures, and then directly capture the entire army, and then be defeated across the board.

King Mu and his capable men and strangers were almost wiped out in one battle.

The situation in the southwest completely collapsed.

"The general is worthy of being a forbidden soldier of the emperor, and his bravery is astonishing...but..."

Wang Shouren changed the topic and looked aside. Ever since he came to Wang Shouren's army, he had tried hard to reduce his presence in an official position. He was promoted to the third rank of the official rank, and was ranked as the Imperial Supervisor and Supervisor Li Xuan along with the Six Ministers.

Wang Shouren looked at the old man in front of him with a smile.

The tone is gentle. "The elephant soldiers in Yang's army are famous all over the world for their power, but I can't guarantee that they still have unused sorcery and evil methods. I also asked Li Jianzheng to accompany the army to Qujing to prepare a formation for General Hu, just in case something unexpected happens."

Listening to Wang Shouren's words, which seemed to be discussing with him, but in fact left no room for error, Li Xuan squeezed out a stiff smile on his face.

"Master Shangshu has a destiny, how can I refuse?"

In this case, when Li Xuan came, he had just been promoted to the third rank of Jianzheng, and he had perfectly realized the class jump. The first time he was ordered to go out to work, he came with the air of an outsider.

But when he came to the big tent, he saw Wang Yangming sitting in the main seat, discussing the march route with the generals of the Ming Dynasty, just like an ordinary little old man.

Feeling the terrifying aura, Li Xuan's legs went weak and she almost knelt down and knelt down to Wang Shouren on the spot.

He suddenly doubted whether he, the Taoist leader, was really just an empty frame pushed up by Taoist sects in the world to fool the royal family, as the world said.

In fact, he is neither popular with Xuanmen nor trusted by the court. He is just a ruthless working machine.

Either that, after working in Mingting for a lifetime, I found out in the end that I didn’t know anything.

If today's emperor's body dominates the world, the astonishing cultivation of humans and gods on earth can be said to be the foundation of the Zhu family's royal family.

What about this living minister who is famous for his Confucianism, but whose strength is comparable to some esoteric gods who have lived for thousands of years?

Damn it, I told you that when King Ning rebelled, there must be a reason why the 46th generation Celestial Master who faked his death and transformed into a flying yaksha to seek refuge with King Ning drowned in Poyang Lake inexplicably.

Could it be that he was so loyal to Prince Ning that he committed suicide in defeat due to grief and anger when the situation was over?
In an instant, Li Xuan seemed to have figured everything out.

The speed of his kneeling was a little faster because of his understanding of his mind.

"General Wu Linglang! Follow me and be ordered to go out to defeat the enemy."

"As ordered!"

Behind him, Lingtai Lang, who was in charge of spring, summer, mid-autumn, and winter, who was in charge of the facial features, fixed the calendar, and pushed the four seasons, answered.

Li Xuan glanced at Wang Shouren, who looked like an ordinary old man next to him, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the look of approval in his eyes.

In the future, you should carefully warn the juniors in prison not to become arrogant and arrogant just because you have mastered some strange skills.

The water in Mingting is so deep!
I think I have been working hard for decades, but now I seem to have seen the tip of the iceberg.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh.


"Is there no news from Mengshan yet?"

Yang Wenlong Fu Jian watched as the Lucchuan barbarians in front of him dragged two men and two women from a family to the altar and beheaded them neatly, regardless of their cries and pleas, and asked the soldiers beside him.

Essence and blood spurted out from the headless neck, but it seemed to be gradually swallowed by some invisible thing in the air, turning into a blood mist and dispersing in the air.

The barbarian soldiers holding iron whips on the side kicked the fallen heads into the deep pit next to them. The pit was seven feet in diameter and was now filled with the heads of local people.

Men, women, old people and children, every household was neatly organized. Anyone who could be captured by the Luchuan barbarians and had no time to escape would be beheaded here to sacrifice to heaven.

"It is reported that the main force of the southern army has arrived at the foot of Mengshan Mountain. Mengshan is surrounded by water. I am afraid it will take some time for General Luo to reply!"

The soldier beside Yang Wenlong answered carefully.

But Yang Wenlong interrupted him mercilessly and roughly.

"Send more people! Send more people! My king's sacrifice to heaven and earth is related to the fate of our country in Luchuan. There must be no loss. Let Mengshan prepare quickly. If he cannot hold it, he will kill the sacrifice as soon as possible and destroy the earth. Never let a corner of my Luchuan dragon vein fall into the hands of Ming people!"

(End of this chapter)

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