Chapter 108 Exploration (completed in [-] days)
That Xiong Xiong was scolded in public, his face suddenly turned red, he felt he had lost face, he cursed, rolled up his sleeves and looked like he was about to punch someone.

Xiong Bai was not afraid when he saw this, he picked up the knife and glared at Xiong Xi and cursed angrily.

"What do you want to do! You dare to be so arrogant in front of the superior. Come here, take him to the ancestral hall and lock him up!"

Seeing that Xiong Baizhen was angry, the villagers quickly stepped forward and took Xiong Xi away, fearing that Xiong Baizhen would chop Xiong Xi in anger.

"Xiong Bai! You are a bastard of the Xiong family! A person with a foreign surname got in by deception! What a coincidence, as soon as you came to the village, the witch doctors in the village got into trouble one after another, and now you can't even find a witch doctor. Come out! Our Xiong family was originally the most prominent family in Miao Village, look at how much life is left in the whole village now——!"


It seemed that someone covered Xiong Xi's mouth to prevent him from speaking anymore.

"It makes me laugh. It's getting late. Please take a rest as soon as possible."

Xiong Bai turned his head and said to Luo An with a hint of guilt.

He turned around and glanced at the villagers in the village. The villagers he glanced at shivered subconsciously.

"You two take the errand and go back to your room, and I'll get rid of the remains of the Xiong Gaba."

Luo An silently acquiesced.

On the way back, Luo An followed two villagers and asked Maungruo casually.

"Then Xiong Xi said that your village chief's surname is not Xiong. What does it mean?"

"Oh, that's right. Actually, in his early years, our village chief——"

The young villager next to him was not wary and opened his mouth to answer.

Then he was bumped directly by the old villager next to him, interrupting the young man's words.

"The official is joking, although our village chief is not originally named Xiong, he married the daughter of my Xiong family and became one of our own. Since he came to Xiongjiazhai as the village chief for more than 30 years, he has worked hard for more than [-] years, which is obvious to everyone. What happened to our family today?" Gillian's family is the second son of the village chief's deceased wife and her ex-husband - Xiong Xi is famous among us for being a talker with no brains and no clue. The boss must not believe his nonsense! "

Luo An was keenly aware that the old man's eyes subconsciously revealed a bit of fear when he mentioned Xiong Bai.

"I see."

Luo An replied, thoughtfully thinking of the scent he smelled on Xiong Garpo.


"Several chieftains in the surrounding areas have surrendered to the emperor. As soon as the Ming army crosses the Jinsha River and confronts the main force of Luchuan in half a month, they will attack the Royal Court of Luchuan from behind."

"By the way, I also sent the portrait of Little Mu King. Although it seems unlikely that it will come here, it is better to send it than not at all!"

Hearing Qiu Luan's words, Luo An nodded and said nothing.

He stared at a white child's finger bone in front of him, still thinking about something quietly.

"Why, I see you are in a bad mood."

After Qiu Luan finished speaking, he sat in front of Luo An minding his own business, picked up the teapot from the table and drank directly.

The two of them were the only survivors after the Jin Yiwei first entered the southwest, and their friendship emerged from a heap of dead people.

There were no outsiders present at this time, and it was not official business. The atmosphere between them was very relaxed.

"Look at the relationship between the original owners of these two things?"

Luo An raised his hand and shot out his bone fingers. Qiu Luan took it in his hand and smelled it carefully.

Luo An stretched out his hand, and there was a piece of burnt flesh in his palm.

"This is the flesh and blood left after the demon burned it."

Sensing a certain connection between the two, Qiu Luan's face became serious.

He picked up the bones, bit them into pieces in his mouth, and tore off a small piece of the monster's flesh and put it into his mouth. His expression instantly became distorted.


He spat out the demon flesh and blood that exuded a horrible stench.

"I admit that I have never eaten anything so disgusting. This thing cannot grow in nature at all."

"What did you feel?"

The corners of Luo An's mouth raised slightly, then quickly lowered them as if nothing had happened.

Qiu Luan's reaction was expected by him. After all, his reaction just now was much greater than Qiu Luan's.

As for why Qiu Luan was asked to try again——

One of the joys of life is to watch other people's misfortunes.

"There is a blood relationship between the two, a very close blood relationship..."

The blood of monsters from another world has greatly strengthened their five senses, and detection methods that humans could not use in the past are no longer a problem for the Jin Yiwei. "And in more ways than one—"

When he said this, even Qiu Luan himself was shocked.

what does this mean?
"Wait, let me confirm again."

Qiu Luan picked up another piece of the demon's burnt flesh.

After thinking for a few seconds, he put it in his mouth again, resisting his nausea, and tasted it carefully.


As Qiu Luan retched, the corners of Luo An's mouth curved wider and wider.

"Are the people in this village all intermarrying? The smell is really weird!"

After Qiu Luan finished vomiting, he raised his head and said.

"No, the current village chief is an outsider."

Luo An shook his head and replied.

"But what you said is possible."

"The demon's body should be a direct blood relative of the deceased, and within three generations, and this thing should be quite old, at least 30 to [-] years ago - ugh -"

Qiu Luan answered while holding on to the wall, retching.

"That basically rules out that the deceased's parents turned into monsters and came back to seek revenge after their death."

Luo An said.

"Grandpa and grandma—"

This is very interesting.

You know, according to these villagers, Xiong Bai married the widow of the Xiong family 30 years ago. After becoming the village chief, his wife died within a few years.

The widow's husband died earlier.

The legend of Xiong Garpo only emerged in recent years. If the demons that sneaked into the village today and drank the flesh and blood of their relatives were these two people.

Where did this monster stay in the past few decades?

As for Gillian's parents, who disappeared two days ago, they had probably been murdered.

"Why are you going? Tomorrow we have to set off to bring the Bear Clan Witch back to His Majesty——"

He saw Luo An put on a bamboo hat, opened the window, and pretended to go out secretly.

Qiu Luan asked quite vigilantly.

"Go to the Xiong Family Ancestral Temple. Do you think these Xiong Family survivors and descendants of the Chu Kingdom are capable of shouldering the mission entrusted to them by His Majesty?"

Luo An observed the surroundings, and sure enough, there were several sneaky figures outside Luo An's house, obviously spying on Luo An and the others.

Qiu Luan was silent.

When he came here, he also met the so-called village chief who married into the village, and his strength could only be described as average.

At most, there are a few spells for lucking out evil spirits.

Any Jin Yiwei can take him down with a little caution.

But just like this one person, hundreds of people in Xiongjiazhai have been treated submissively for decades.

The emperor wanted a witch from King Chu's legacy, but in order to deal with the barbarian god behind the homesick rebels.

Luo An is indeed very interested in the truth tonight, but if the task assigned by the emperor cannot be completed on time, this is what worries him the most.

Now, they can only hope that these Chu family descendants have backup, but due to various reasons, Xiong Bai has been able to occupy Xiongjiazhai for so many years.

"I will go with you."

After figuring this out, Qiu Luan also put on a bamboo hat.

"No, you have other tasks-"

Luo An turned over and flew out, like a nimble swift, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

Only the words behind him lingered in Qiu Luan's ears.

"Go to the river in the back mountain and see if Xiong Bai really threw the burnt flesh and blood of Xiong Gaba into the river as he said."

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(End of this chapter)

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