Chapter 116
"Imperial order! Innate Lord General! Yiqi Divine Lord! Dutian inspects the Great Spiritual Officer! Selfless and fierce general of the three realms!"

Zhang Yongxu hit the Sanwu Evil Slaying Sword with one wave of his hand, and cut his hands open, letting the blood flow on them.

The huge demonic creature in the black mist let out a roar, and the black mist gradually dissipated, revealing its true form.

"Poetry·Daya·Yunhan" says: "Drought monsters are cruel, as if they are in despair."

It is nearly five meters tall, has two wings on its back, and has green skin and red eyes.

The mouth is full of sharp teeth like knives, and the claws and claws are as sharp as jade and stone.

Wherever it passes, the earth is dry and cracked, and the vegetation turns to ashes.

Its power is infinite, and it can fly into the sky and escape from the earth. Although it is a ghost, its hands and feet are extremely strong and strong, and it is not afraid of the sun and thunder.

Half-gods and half-ghosts cannot be controlled by those with shocking supernatural powers.

And the way Longhushan collects them is also very simple.

That is to report to the imperial court and declare them to be the human incarnation of a certain protector god in Taoist legend.

Use the faith of all peoples to restrain their words and deeds.

The image usually adopted by Longhu Mountain is that of the Taoist mountain protector, the head of the five hundred spiritual officials.

He is the "Innate Chief Protector of the Way with His Heart, the Three-Fifth Train King, the Heavenly Monarch, and the Powerful Spirit Manifested Heavenly Lord"

As the dignified Taoist first protector!
Our Wang Lingguan has dozens of clones in the human world, ready to slay demons at any time. It makes sense!
Zhang Yongxu continued to recite the scripture Baogao.

The image of the terrifying Drought Yaksha above his head is also changing.

"Golden eyes and red hair, the number [-] train is Thunder God!"

A pair of red eyes turned from red to gold, and a head of blue hair turned like fire!
"Soaring clouds, commanding thunder!"

The Yin Qi all over the body is gone, and the fairy sound is curling up, accompanied by the divine thunder.

"Accumulate meritorious deeds in hundreds of thousands of ways and swear to serve the ancestors!"

Before Zhang Yongxu finished speaking, the flying great yaksha looked up to the sky and roared, seeming to break free and stop the transformation. Zhang Yongxu felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and a little blood oozed from his mouth.

But he still insisted on continuing to cast spells.

"The strongest and most courageous, save death and life"

"Explain teachings in every direction and open forums everywhere"

"The fierce official, the three-five train"

"The sound of Taiyi's thunder should transform into Tianzun!"

"Your Majesty issued an edict to subjugate demons and demons!"

The huge demon above its head suddenly spread its wings and soared into the sky with bursts of thunder.

With a roar, the tens of thousands of stiff soldiers in front of them could not stand upright, and fell straight to their knees, trembling and prostrate on the ground. No matter how the pale and frightened Duan wizards behind them tried to control them, they were not allowed to take another step forward.

After all, Longhushan and the Ming Dynasty only controlled the Great Yaksha in the name of canonization.

It's not really Wang Lingguan descending to earth.

In the eyes of these zombies, the essence of the breath of the thing in front of them is no different from the previous one.

They are all the kings of zombies, the leaders of the dark soldiers and ghost generals.

Even if it flies overhead, everything along the way will spontaneously ignite and turn into ashes amidst the wails.

But he was also kneeling on the ground, not daring to move.

After just a few back and forth, the flying great yaksha, the 36th generation founder of Tianshi Tao, roared with satisfaction in the sky.

The dead soldiers in the battlefield have almost been completely eliminated.

Only ashes and dry, cracked earth were left.

In the direction of Silun's house, the Duan wizard's skills were broken, and they all vomited blood and fell to the ground, seeing their lives in danger.

"not good--"

Silun said something bad secretly.

His hand tightly grasped the dead branch that was intended to be used against the Ming court's forbidden soldiers.

"Things on the battlefield are unpredictable - don't hesitate -"

On the side, the blind scholar replied.

He patted his sleeves and swung out two long wooden whips.

"I'm going to fight this flying ghost. You order the wooden soldiers to form a formation behind me to help me."

After saying that, he led the wood and rushed towards the big ghost in the sky.

Below, Silun Guang no longer hesitated, clapped his sleeves and waved his branches, causing all his wooden soldiers to come out.Around the scholar, vines sprouted out, twisting like snakes and moving as fast as the wind.

Carrying the power of heaven and earth, the demons smelled the aura of destiny, and their expressions changed drastically.

The 36th generation patriarch was not afraid at all. He raised his sharp teeth and long feet, and rushed forward. He threw himself at the scholar with both hands, but was entangled by a wooden python several meters thick.

He was angry and used force, and thunder flashed down from all around, tearing the wooden python into pieces.

The scholar looked surprised.

Then he looked serious.

"I originally planned to let the wooden soldiers use the blood of the Ming army to sacrifice the destiny, but I didn't expect to first suppress the evil ghost raised by the sect like you."

"Get up."

Tens of thousands of wood demons on the ground sat dumbly on the ground and did not attack the surrounding Ming troops, just like wooden sculptures.

But as soon as these wood carvings entered the ground, they took root and sprouted, taking root deeply in the ground, absorbing nutrients from the earth's veins and the essence of the dead soldiers.

Forming a demonic forest.

Countless giant trees and vines rose from the ground. Although they were constantly burned to ashes by the drought fire, they still rushed towards the 36th generation ancestor of Tianshi Dao in the sky.

Although the flying yaksha was fierce, but faced with the siege of so many green tide wood demons, and the demons enlightened by destiny to help, his fatigue gradually showed.

But right there the scholar saw layers of vines wrapping around the drought demon, trapping it.

When I got close, I was ready to get rid of this flying yaksha.

But he saw a cunning light flashing through the eyes of the thing in front of him, which was like a copper bell.

Golden thunder flashed around him, and the vines that bound him instantly turned into ashes.

He swooped down, opened his bloody mouth, and came straight towards the scholar in front of him.

not good--

The alarm bells rang in the scholar's heart, but he could not avoid it.

He could only watch helplessly as the Yasha tore open green screens one after another and rushed toward him.

Just when the scholar thought that he might have to meet his destiny early this time, a big blood-red hand grabbed the Hanba in front of him.

Seeing the blood worms surging in front of him, Feitian Yaksha, who was so powerful just now, couldn't help but have a look of fear in his eyes.

He immediately gave up on the scholar and turned to protect himself.

it's time!

Seeing the Barbarian God appearing first, Zhu Houcong stopped adjusting his breath in the military tent.

The calamity power surged around him, far more than before.

Zhu Houcong suddenly realized something in his heart.

Destiny—even the fragments of destiny!
It is still enough to call this world an irresistible catastrophe.

Then he roared loudly and sang loudly!

"Lao Lao's chariot and horse are not out of the saddle, and you will know that you will die when you are in trouble."

"Two hundred years have hurt the country's progress, and eight thousand miles have left the people disabled."

"The autumn wind, the sword, the tears of the lonely minister, the setting sun, the banner and the altar of the general."

"The demonic atmosphere in the world is still there, please don't wait and see."

I recall that along the way, the people were displaced due to war, and I saw ferocious soldiers and cruel officials, and endless demons and monsters along the way.

The corpses of the fleeing people are scattered all over the fields. It is really like "the bones are exposed in the wild and there is no rooster crow for thousands of miles."

Zhu Houcong took advantage of the excitement and made a temporary guest appearance as a copywriter, copying a poem and charging directly at the barbarian god himself with the King of Qin sword in hand.

It is much more difficult for humans in this world to survive than Zhu Houcong once thought.

But today!I will end everything!Completely pacify this chaotic group of barbarians in the southwest!

Zhu Houcong shot towards the sky with his sword.

Feeling the fighting spirit in Zhu Houcong's heart, Qin Wangjian was also excited, exuding a bloodthirsty red light.

The blood of demons, or the blood of the Southwest Demon, is undoubtedly a better tonic for it than that of the Li family.

Yesterday Lord Huodexing conveyed the news that both Can Yuan Tianming and Barbarian God had been severely damaged.

The price is that Zhu Houcong must personally preside over a heaven-sacrifice ceremony this year.

(End of this chapter)

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