Chapter 131 Celebration
And Jiang Wan knew that this person had always been stable and was well known both inside and outside the court. His expression at this moment suggested that something serious had happened.

"Probably the Emperor himself is here——"

Lu Fang's eyes flickered as she looked at Wang Zuo, who was leading the imperial soldiers to inspect various parts of the palace, and Huang Jin, who was carrying orders and walking in a hurry.


But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he realized that he had made a mistake.

"But...why doesn't the emperor-"

Jiang Wan was confused.

She found no trace of the emperor's arrival.

"Empress, please don't make any noise..."

Lu Fang looked at the maid next to Jiang Wan and said.

And the maid also stepped back knowingly.

Jiang Wan didn't say that this is someone close to me, a sister in love or something like that.

The Ming court had strict laws and orderly rules.

How many of these rich young ladies can regard these poor women who sold themselves into the family as their equals?
Killing and reselling at will. As for the government not allowing slaves to be kept and killed, the powerful landlords had their own methods to deal with it.

Seeing Lu Fang's serious look, Jiang Wan also looked serious.

"Your Majesty doesn't want others to know. There must be a reason. My Majesty, don't ask anymore. Just wait with peace of mind——"

Afterwards, Lu Fang looked around and saw that Jiang Wan didn't seem to take it to heart, so she had to remind her again.

"Your Majesty is as powerful as the sea. You know what happened today and I know it. If you leave this door in the future and the queen says something more outside - don't blame me for not admitting it."

Lu Fang's expression was serious, even a little cold.

He accompanied Concubine Jiang here on the orders of the Queen Mother.

The reminder was also because it was the Queen Mother who summoned me here through a decree. The Queen Mother is His Majesty’s biological mother. The relationship between mother and son is currently harmonious. It is impossible for him to watch Jiang Wan get into trouble and affect the harmony between the royal family and mother.

But... the ceremonial supervisor is the emperor's personal servant.

The emperor's state and family affairs department, ceremonial supervisor, etc. all participate in this process and are directly responsible to the emperor.

My position is always on the side of the emperor.

Even if the other party is the Queen Mother or the Queen, it is the same.

Not to mention that you are just a concubine now.

It is impossible for Lu Fang to put herself on the line to protect you.

"I have remembered your father-in-law's words. What happened today came from your mouth as well as my ears, and no one else will know."

Apparently, someone was going to disappear.

"Thank you madam!"

Lu Fang clasped his fists. Since Jiang Wan had promised like this, he would not take the initiative to find out how Jiang Wan wanted to keep this secret, and he didn't want to know.

"Your Majesty doesn't like to kill slaves. Before he entered the palace, he hated the tyrants and tyrants who killed slaves at will. Please be careful!"

I don’t know if he is really thinking about Jiang Wan, what will be the consequences if the emperor knows that his concubine is so cruel.

Or simply out of pity, Lu Fang said.

"My father-in-law is too worried. I will give her a reliable person to live the rest of her life in peace."

Jiang Wan was stunned when she heard this. She knew that people inside and outside the palace said that Lu Fang was charitable and extremely considerate of her servants. It seemed that her words were not false, so she immediately said.

"My empress does good deeds and accumulates virtues! You will definitely be rewarded in the future!"

Lu Fang knew that the little girl's life had been saved. With Jiang Wan's promise in front of him today, she would probably be able to live a stable life in the future, and praised her.

In Jingyang Palace, with the sound of a brisk gong, a kind-faced eunuch hurried out from the palace, holding the emperor's edict in his hand, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.

No need to cover up either.

It was Huang Jin.

"Concubine Shu gave birth to a son and a daughter! The Emperor has a queen! The Emperor is overjoyed!"

"I am issuing an amnesty to all those who have died! The whole country celebrates!"

"Consecrate Su Zhen, the former chief military officer of Shandong Beiwa Road, as the Lord of Loyalty and Trustworthiness!"

"The second son of Enyin Su Zhen, Su Quan, Su Zhang, has the title of Jinyiwei Qianhu, and his three grandsons have the title of Jinyiwei Qianhu..."

"Forgive Su Wenju for his crime of exile during the Zhengde period, and move his whole family back to his place of origin..."

"Reward gold, silver, land, tribute, BMW, colorful clothes..."

As Huang Jin announced the decree, the Imperial Guards preached loudly, and the entire palace, or rather the entire capital, instantly boiled.

After hearing the news, all the officials excitedly sat up from the bed, put on their clothes, and walked out of their homes to drink with their friends.

We are planning to prepare a congratulatory table tomorrow to congratulate the emperor on the birth of his eldest son, the empire will have a queen, and the imperial line will continue.

The students of the Imperial College also stopped studying hard and gathered together to share food and wine with friends from all over the world to celebrate this moment.

Yuan Zonggao and Wang Qiong, the cabinet ministers who were on duty at Wenyuan Pavilion, heard the news from the Hanlin officials. After confirming it again and again, they listened to the cheers in the capital and looked at each other, with joy on their faces at the same time.

"The Heavenly Family is so happy to have a queen!"

Yuan Zonggao said with a smile when he heard this.

"I will give His Majesty a congratulatory form and congratulate Your Majesty!"

"That's exactly what I mean."

Wang Qiong also laughed and said.

For these two people, nothing can cheer them up more than this news, and they feel more energetic even when they work overtime.

Nowadays, the emperor has the style of Taizong, and is also influenced by the late emperor, and he has a vague intention of treating himself as a military emperor.

Every time they went on an expedition, these cabinet ministers were anxious, fearing that something might happen to the emperor, leaving the empire without a successor, and attracting ambitions from vassal kings from all over the country.

But now, everyone in the cabinet could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that the emperor's eldest son was consecrated, which was a good omen.

Now, even if something happens to the emperor outside, the imperial system can still be maintained.To the whole world!Isn’t it a great joy?

However, along with the joyful atmosphere in the palace, the emperor's last decree made them stop and couldn't help but look at each other.

"The Emperor is overjoyed! He has given the baby girl the name Zhu Changning and the title Princess Yong'an——"

"To ensure peace and tranquility for the civil and military people of our Ming Dynasty, and for the eternal peace of our country—"

"The prince's order is determined by the Ministry of Rites and the literature review, based on the theory of the replacement of the Five Elements, and is selected by the Queen Mother and other cabinet ministers——"

The two people who looked at each other in the cabinet and vaguely felt that something big had happened unknowingly had the same mood. Standing in the waiting room of Jingyang Palace, they watched the midwives who delivered Concubine Shu being led by the forbidden soldiers. After leaving, Lu Fang looked as usual.

"Those who have meritorious service should be rewarded - let the inner court reward them with more jewels and silks, don't be stingy!"

In the delivery room, Zhu Houcong said to the people around him.

Those midwives were all taken away in various ways when they were about to give birth. At most, they knew that they were not the ones who delivered the baby of the emperor's eldest daughter.

Others don't know.

Zhu Houcong would naturally not do anything bad to his own people.

At most, they arranged for their whole family to come to the palace to prevent them from making up rumors after dinner, but the blind cat met the dead mouse and told the truth.

"His Majesty……"

In the room, there were only Zhu Houcong, Huang Jin, Lu Fang, and Su Ziping's personal maid Xiao Cui.

On the bed, Su Ziping held the son she had worked so hard to give birth to. Her delivery went so smoothly that she recovered soon after. However, the pain of her first delivery made her seem to have some hallucinations.

There was something about the emperor in front of Su Ziping who had a bright smile and hummed a pleasant ditty. Because of the birth of the emperor's eldest son, he had removed his disguise in front of Su Ziping and looked a little playful.

There were also some terrifying visions of the eldest daughter of the emperor in his arms, who was giggling and playing with her father.

"Your Majesty, your eldest son is here."

Su Ziping held her first son, the first son of the emperor in front of her, and said with a smile.

Su Ziping still can't believe that she actually gave birth to the eldest son of the empire, the man who is most likely to take over the entire empire in the future.

Nowadays, all the billions of people and countless civil and military elites in the world are probably celebrating the birth of the emperor's eldest son with joy.

However, I don’t know whether the emperor loved his daughter too much, or it was because he was a father for the first time and did not realize the value of the emperor’s eldest son to the entire empire.

His eyes actually stayed on the eldest daughter who was supposed to be the accessory of the emperor's eldest son.

Occasionally he raised his head to care about his body, but he didn't even look at the child in his arms.

Su Ziping didn't know what went wrong.

But for the sake of the stability of the empire, she reminded her kindly.

"Your Majesty, won't you hug him?"

The baby had just been born, and its struggle in the midwife's hands had used up his little energy. He seemed to know what kind of world he had fallen into, and cried for a long time. Now he was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms.

"Oh... no, there is a ritual in the morning tomorrow that requires me to bring the child out for all the officials and ancestors to see. There will be plenty of opportunities then, so don't rush it."

The emperor in front of him was holding a little baby girl, and his tone was perfunctory. However, seeing that Su Ziping looked a little depressed, the emperor seemed not to want to disappoint his beloved concubine, so he coaxed the eldest princess in his arms.

However, his eyes signaled Lu Fang, who was trying to take the eldest princess in His Majesty's arms, to step aside in order to free up his hands to hold the eldest son of the emperor.

He simply hugged the emperor's eldest daughter with his right hand, and took his first son from Su Ziping's hand with his left hand.

Looking at the crumpled thing like a little monkey underneath, Zhu Houcong's face was full of disgust.

This stupid son is still sleeping at this time——

After a symbolic hug, the child was handed back to Su Ziping.

"It's not early. After finishing the matter of the emperor's eldest son tomorrow, I still have to prepare for the expedition against the Eastern Sea Sharks with the generals, so I'll go back first - my dear concubine, please take good care of the baby. I'll go to court tomorrow after the morning. Come to see you."

Su Ziping forced a smile, feeling very puzzled by the emperor's preference for women over men.

Lu Fang and Huang Jin followed Zhu Houcong and looked at each other, but said nothing to the emperor's abnormal scene.

Just stand respectfully.

"Your Majesty, where are you taking Chang Ning? Is it windy outside? You need to put on some extra clothes so you don't catch a cold..."

Su Ziping asked, but the emperor's answer made Su Ziping dumbfounded.

"I live alone in Xiyuan, and I feel a little lonely. How about my beloved concubine Chang Ning borrow me for a few days? Then I can return it to my beloved concubine another day?"


Su Ziping was speechless. She didn't know what all this meant today.

Looking at the young emperor in front of him, he seemed to have obtained a beloved toy.

She could only remind.

"Tomorrow we will go to court early to accept the congratulations of all officials. Your Majesty, please don't forget—"

"How come my beloved concubine has become as fond of picking on me as Concubine Yin? Don't worry, nothing will happen to me as long as I'm here."

He walked out of Jingyang Palace as usual, looking at the most perfect masterpiece in the world under the moonlight with a face full of joy.

You have foundation building skills as soon as you are born. As long as you are supplied with enough spiritual energy and nourishing essence and blood, you can enter the infancy stage one day and one night.

By using the golden elixir outside the body and refining it with the technique of fake elixir, one can instantly possess powerful power comparable to that of an elixir-forming monk.

The emperor was overjoyed, his beloved daughter was with him, and the sharks in the East must have been defeated one day.

Behind him, Lu Fang looked at Su Ziping, who was holding the sleeping emperor's eldest son on the bed. She vaguely felt that something was wrong, and said softly before closing the door behind her.

"Your Majesty is just a father for the first time. He is overjoyed. Please don't think too much about it."

When parting, he added.

"Your Majesty has sent a decree to send someone to raise the emperor's eldest daughter in Xiyuan. Your Majesty, you don't have to worry."

"The Holy One is overjoyed. The entire Su family has been rewarded. Even Su Wenju's family, who was convicted during the Zhengde Dynasty, has been pardoned and returned to their place of origin. The empress has a new son and a phoenix, so she should be happy."

Su Ziping, who thought Princess Yong'an was just staying in Xiyuan for a few days, was stunned for a moment.

 Nothing, let’s fight again tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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