Chapter 138 Red Carp

The smile disappeared from Zhu Houcong's face.

He was naturally aware of the relationship between the speaker outside and Li Changge in front of him.

After all, the same fishy smell emanating from their blood could not be concealed in front of Zhu Houcong.

"The imperial court has repeatedly issued orders to local governments to ban the evil custom of human sacrifice. How can anyone dare to be so rampant?"

"The local governor, instead of stopping him, actually knew the law and violated it, and helped the tyrants to do evil——"

In front of him, the special envoy of Qin Tianjian had already stood up and walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Zhu Changning hesitated between staying and waiting for the crabs or going out with Zhu Houcong to watch the excitement.

But he quickly followed Zhu Houcong's footsteps.

What a joke!You can eat crabs anytime!This excitement doesn’t happen every day!

As soon as Zhu Houcong walked out of the door, he saw two servants dragging a woman away by the bridge.

And there are indeed officials at all levels in the county sitting next to Hualong Bridge.

Not only the magistrates and magistrates, but also the servants of Zaoban are all here.

Generals from nearby guard posts also arrived.

The woman was in her thirties, her hair was messy, her clothes were shabby, her eyes were distracted, and she looked a little stupid.

She struggled, but two or three strong servants could not hold her down. She did not beg for mercy, but just cried to the gentlemen by the river, begging them to be kind and not to throw her daughter into the river. The river is fed with carp.

"Hurry and drag it away!"

The county magistrate at the top, with his Chinese character face, turned his head, as if he couldn't bear to see the suffering prayers of the woman below.

Upon seeing this, the master on the side quickly coughed towards Li Liwen.

This brother of the head of the Li family and the second-in-command of the Li family quickly said to the Li family caregivers beside him.

"Go, everyone, stop this woman's mouth!"

Everyone hurriedly ran towards the woman, holding silk scarves and ropes to prevent the crazy woman from saying any nonsense.

Li Liwen quickly took out the incense he had prepared.

I saw that the woman had been held down, tied and gagged and dragged away.

The gentle county magistrate just signaled the county magistrate to turn around.

This county magistrate was a title he had just received when the new emperor ascended the throne in the 16th year of Zhengde's reign. It was unlikely that he would have to be received by the emperor on the same day.

Moreover, if you become the head of a county in your 30s, your future prospects will naturally be unlimited.

Naturally, everyone was vying to please him and were in awe.

"Please also ask Mr. Zhao to take us to worship the river god!"

When Li Liwen saw Magistrate Zhao getting up, he quickly asked someone to pour a glass of wine from a purple-gold copper pot and presented it to the Magistrate.

One by one, he poured a glass for all the officials behind him.

However, although they each hold the same wine vessel, the proportion of the milky white liquid in the cup is different.

For example, the county magistrate has a full cup, followed by the county magistrate who owes a little less, and then the six-room envoy and secretary, who has only half a cup left.

Looking at the slightly milky white, crystal clear liquid in his hand, Zhao Wenhe had a smile on his face.

This is the brain of the shark, which has the effect of prolonging life.

On weekdays, a thousand pieces of gold are hard to come by, and there is no market for them.

This is also the reason why many officials in Qingcheng are willing to tie themselves to the Li family and openly take the lead in participating in the river god sacrifice, which is obviously against the imperial regulations.

Zhao Wenhe looked at the contents of the cup with a daze in his eyes.If the colleagues who were among his fellow Jinshis came from wealthy families from various places, and whose families all inherited secret techniques, they would naturally not care about what was in the cup.

However, Zhao Wenhe came from a poor family, and becoming an official through the imperial examination was already the result of strong support from his family.

Not to mention any Taoist secrets.

My colleagues have their own inheritance, and with the blessing of official positions, the imperial court is now strong. If local powerful people do not respect the imperial court's orders, they can immediately recruit soldiers and horse guards from nearby guards to capture them.

But he was just a boy from a poor family, so it was a fluke that he passed the exam.

If you don't know how to adapt, you may really die and you don't know how to die, let alone drinking fairy medicine, learning secret techniques, inviting the Yin God, and the Enze family.

After all, Qingcheng has a high mountain and the emperor is far away. Moreover, the war is going on in the coastal areas now, and the local government orders are blocked, so the county magistrate is really like a local emperor.

Moreover, the Li family is one of the few wealthy families in Qingcheng who possesses "magic skills". In order to resist the invasion of the sharks, these county officials will inevitably have to use them in the future.

It is said that the Li family's water control skills were particularly powerful. During the Yongle period, Tang Sai'er, the demon girl of the White Lotus Sect, gathered people to cause chaos and almost swept across Shandong. The imperial court sent troops to conquer it many times but could not stop it.

Even Gao Feng, the commander of the Qingzhou Guard, was beheaded on the spot.

Later, the imperial court ordered Wei Qing to lead the Japanese army to conquer the Japanese army, which took several months to pacify.

When the demon girl attacked Qingzhou City, she didn't conquer it. She just plundered the surrounding guardhouses and left. It is said that the ancestors of the Qingzhou Li family performed miraculous magic on the Hualong Bridge.

Summoning a giant red carp from the river, the White Lotus Demon's magic was unable to be used in practice, and he could only retreat in frustration.

It is said that on that day, Tang Sai'er, the leader of the White Lotus Sect's thieves, came in person, but his expression was greatly shocked when he saw the divine carp.

He directly ordered all his followers to evacuate, and until they were quelled by the imperial court, the White Lotus Sect's demon soldiers never invaded Qingzhou again.

Zhao Wenhe looked at the young three-year-old child on the altar who was tied with a rope and hung on a wooden pole over the river. There were already many red carps with "dragon blood" in the legend. He looked at the immature three-year-old child above his head gathered here.

These red carps have exposed their fangs and are flapping in the water, jumping to the top of their heads. It is like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, trying to bite off a large piece of meat from the baby's body.

Unfortunately, the auspicious time for the sacrifice had not yet come, so the child was hung in mid-air above the river, just in a place where the carps could see but couldn't reach.

The child looked at the gorgeous fish at his feet with their fangs exposed, charging at him with ill intentions, exuding a strong smell of blood and fishy stench, and was so frightened that he cried loudly.

"The auspicious time has come!"

The Li family members sounded the gongs and drums.

Li Liwen waved his hand to the servant who was placing the rope to feed the carp, and on the other hand, he approached Zhao Wenhe and said.

"It's time, please ask the county magistrate to order the sacrifice!"

The officials then laughed with the Li family members, drank the contents of the cup, and felt refreshed and energetic.

"If the sacred carp is happy today, will there be a new reward later?"

Li Liwen hinted.

In addition to the child hanging on the pole, some girls and boys bought from Ren Yazi were pressed by the Li family by the river, waiting for a while for the red carps to eat the child's appetizer and then throw them into the river.

Zhao Wenhe no longer hesitated.

Said loudly to everyone
"The sacred carp is the official god registered by the imperial court! Today, under the orders of the imperial court, I lead the county's Zhongwenwu and Li clan people to offer sacrifices here! I hope the sacred carp enjoys the sacrifices! It can keep our Qingcheng safe and have good weather in the coming year!"

"Everyone! Why don't you thank the Emperor for his great kindness!"

Hearing this, people had different thoughts.

However, those fish in the river were indeed the ones who could most feel the emperor's grace, so they jumped out of the water and nodded desperately.

Feeling that the blood food that people had sacrificed this year above his head was getting closer and closer to him, the splashing in the water became more intense.


A cold shout came from the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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