My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 14 The Mystery of Chen Han

Chapter 14 The Mystery of Chen Han (Newbies, please collect!)
"The sun rises in the east! Then there will be a world!"

Suddenly, Zhu Houcong seemed to see a scorching sun rising in front of him.

The creatures on the earth felt its kindness, built sculptures according to their imaginations, trembled on the ground, and worshiped its authority.

In his chest, the scorching sun cast in his heart was vibrating desperately.

It almost drained all the blood from Zhu Houcong's body and turned it into golden nectar, which made Zhu Houcong feel dizzy.

His limbs and bones seemed to be on fire, and hot bloody breath spewed out from his mouth and nose.

The brilliance condensed on his right hand, and Zhu Houcong raised his eyes slightly.

Although the thing in front of him didn't know what Zhu Houcong was doing, he instinctively felt afraid of the light.

It had a premonition that something bad was going to happen and wanted to get away——



With a shout.

It was a spear of light that could separate heaven and earth.

Taken from the first dawn of chaos.

It didn't even have time to think.

He couldn't even see clearly how the light spear was thrown at him.

It only saw the clan boy in front of it make a throwing motion, and the next moment, half of its body lost consciousness in an instant.

No ash, pain, burning or choking smoke.

He didn't even have time to scream.

Having lost its head and most of its organs, it fell straight down.

it is finally over--

Zhu Houcong stood up and saw no response for a long time outside the window. He just spit out a mouthful of blood and stood leaning on the pole.

If it weren't for the physique of a cultivator that is far superior to that of ordinary people, I'm afraid he would have been drained on the spot just now.

There was a little light coming from outside along the window.

"My son... my son..."

I don't know how long it took, but in the darkness, Zhu Houcong woke up from his extreme exhaustion when he heard a familiar voice. It was Huang Jin.

Zhu Houcong saw one of his arms hanging weakly on his shoulder, holding a copper candlestick in his right hand.

"I'm glad you're all right."

Huang Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhu Houcong was safe and sound, and quickly stepped forward to help him.

He did not ask Zhu Houcong how he knocked down the thing when he was unconscious.

He is a smart man who knows what he should know and what he should not know.

Zhu Houcong stood up and picked up something from the window sill that was obviously left behind after the thing escaped and didn't have time to take it away.

Like a token.

It exudes a fishy smell that makes people frown and make them feel extremely uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

The words on the surface have gone through the vicissitudes of time and the erosion of time and have become blurry. Zhu Houcong read the few words in the middle without even guessing.

"In the first year of Dayi...the Emperor of the Han Dynasty granted...Longxing the Chief Administration...Zhang Desheng..."

In the first year of Dayi, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty...

This was the reign name of the puppet Han Dynasty that fought for the world with Zhu Yuanzhang at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and had hundreds of thousands of troops to separatize the Huguang area.

This Han emperor naturally refers to Chen Youliang, the pseudo-Han emperor who established himself after killing Xu Shouhui in Caishi.

but why……

Why do the badges of the long-dead Puppet Han Dynasty appear here.

What does Chen Youliang have to do with those monsters tonight?

What is the difference between the southern warlords at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the so-called southwestern mountain barbarians?

This made Zhu Houcong's heart feel a little heavy.

Under the surface of everything as usual, the water in this world seems to be much deeper than I imagined.

"Huang Jin, thank you for your hard work..."

Zhu Houcong looked at Huang Jin, who was grinning in pain and fixing the bones of his dislocated arm, with soft eyes and said softly.

"It's just some superficial injuries. It's nothing serious. Prince, don't worry."

Huang Jin shook his head.

He shook the arm he had just connected and said with a grin.

"Go back and rest quickly! If the princess asks..." "The villain did it accidentally."

Zhu Houcong nodded.

He was really exhausted, but in the end he forced himself to open the window and looked outside where the thing had just fallen.


Only a few streaks of smelly sea water remained in front of the window.

Even the window that had just been smashed by that thing was restored to integrity.

Everything I just saw seemed like an illusion.

The guard outside the door saw Zhu Houcong coming in a hurry.

"What are your orders?"

The face of the young man in front of him was still a little immature, and his movements were a little reserved.

Zhu Houcong knew that this was probably another slave that the palace bought from the refugees while taking advantage of the chaos in the southwest.

Due to successive years of famine and the rebellion of the chieftains in the southwest, Prince Mu's Mansion, which was originally assigned to Kunming by Zhu Yuanzhang of the Hongwu Dynasty to guard the southwest, had written several times to the imperial court in Northern Zhili asking for help.

But today's Ming Dynasty has long been trapped in the whirlpool of peasant uprisings, military mutinies, and clan princes' rebellions that have occurred one after another in various places.

How can they allocate troops to support the southwest? They don't even care much about rescuing the victims.

An adult man is given five measures of grain, a woman is given three measures of grain, and the elderly and children are given away for free.

The price offered by the palace was considered fair among many powerful men, but it still made Zhu Houcong feel chilly.

The thousands of miles of road from Chengdu to Anlu, Hubei, were filled with corpses of refugees, making it difficult for vehicles and horses to move.

Jackals, tigers and leopards ate endlessly, and more corpses were thrown into the river by the officers and soldiers sent by the court to clean the roads, and flowed down the river, blocking the river and temporarily stopping water transportation.

As for exchanging children for food, there are countless people who buy and sell their wives and daughters. Among the disaster victims, those who can be sold to wealthy families as maids and concubines are extremely lucky. Those who are sold to butchers by their owners’ husbands in exchange for dry food and supplies for traveling, and there are even more who continue to flee to seek relatives. .

So much so that human flesh is now even lower than dogs and pigs.

"It's a little dirty here. Go and ask some servants to clean it up."

Zhu Houqing ordered.

The young man in front of him looked nervous. Entering the palace was a job he finally got after going through many layers of screening.

His two sisters and mother have to rely on themselves to survive in the city.

If the prince is angered, not only will he lose his life, but the whole family will suffer as well.

"After cleaning, go to Huang Jin and give each of the guards of Chunyi Hall two taels of silver, and say it was my order."

Two taels of silver was already more than two months' salary for the young man in front of me.

Looking at the excited young man in front of him.

Zhu Houcong shook his head and sighed.

The common people in the world are suffering!

After returning to the room and concentrating, Zhu Houcong felt relieved.

I can settle down for the time being.

Zhu Houcong took two Bingxin Pills again and waited until his mood was completely stable.

He took out another Qi Condensing Pill and the last two spiritual crystals.

Taking advantage of this calamity, it shouldn't be a problem to break through the bottleneck in the later stages of Qi training.

But for my future cultivation, I am afraid I will have to go back to the world of immortality.

There are also magic weapons and magical elixirs to collect.

Zhu Houcong couldn't help but think of today's battle.

If he had a handy weapon, why would he risk his life?

While talking, Zhu Houcong swallowed the elixir, and the medicinal power was released, guiding the true energy to move according to the method of nourishing qi.

Qi Qi level!

Zhu Houcong opened his eyes.

Now he is also a late-stage qi-training monk who can serve as a deacon in the outer sect of Qingyun Sect.

In the mortal world of immortality, he would be a figure like a heavenly master.

Many secret techniques also have the confidence to practice.

It’s time to plan the next path!

 There are some modern place names that I can't pronounce, so I'll change them appropriately. I hope everyone knows this.

(End of this chapter)

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