Chapter 176 Guazhou
Wang Tang in front of him kowtowed to the ground with such force that even the bricks were cracked. His forehead was scarlet. Gu Dayong was startled and glanced at the Emperor beside him.

Seeing Zhu Houcong closing his eyes, Gu Da took a few steps forward to help him up, pulling him to prevent him from kowtowing again, and said with a heartache on his face.

"My godfather knows that you are loyal to the emperor and the court - but this handwriting is so similar to yours. If you didn't write it, who do you think would want to harm you?"

"Zhou Wenyi, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing! Zhang Jin, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment! And that Yang Yiqing... They are usually unhappy with their son. They secretly rely on the Emperor's absence from Nanjing to slander the imperial court and the emperor's father. They also secretly sympathize with Zhang's rebellion. ! Using authority to seek personal gain for the family! Look down on us eunuchs who are sent by the palace to monitor their words and deeds! Everyone of them is suspicious! "

Wang Tang's head was covered with blood, his face looked ferocious, and he spoke word by word.

"Oh? Officials from the Six Ministries in Nanjing dare to slander the imperial court secretly! Collude with the party! Slander the Holy One? Do you have any evidence?"

On the side, the young man in a brocade robe who had been watching the farce in front of him quietly without saying a word finally spoke.

Although Wang Tang had already guessed Zhu Houcong's identity, he still looked at Gu Dayong with doubts as a matter of course.

"This is the emperor today. You were sent to the palace when the late emperor was still alive. It's normal that you don't know me. Please tell me in detail what grievances you have. My father will definitely not let outsiders bully us."

Gu Dayong explained.

The king suddenly became frightened, kowtowed and shouted long live.

"Tell me everything you know. Tell me everything they said about me behind their backs -"

Hearing the emperor's words, Wang Tang was overjoyed.

He holds a high position in Nanjing and has many enemies. Naturally, he doesn't know who is using this to frame him.

But just because I don't know doesn't mean I can't tell who is suspected.

He knew that this matter was of great importance, so he wanted to bite and drag more people into the water.

At least, he cannot bear the responsibility and anger of the court alone.

Of course, Wang Tang has been in charge in Nanjing for many years, so there is naturally countless dirt on these officials in Nanjing, and it is impossible to talk nonsense.

For Jin Yiwei in Nanjing, it is not difficult to judge the authenticity.

He must have information in hand before he dared to expose his crimes to the emperor.

And this is exactly what Zhu Houcong needs.

Zhu Houcong was very satisfied when he looked at the dense list of names confessed by Wang Tang in front of him and the amount of money embezzled from the banks behind them.

It's a good reason to let Du Jinyi guards enter the city to see how deep the water in Jinling is.

By the way, the money and food supplies from several big battles were almost spent, but these corrupt officials were looted to replenish the military treasury.

"Only you and I know what happened today—"

After hearing the words of the emperor, Wang Tang immediately kowtowed and gave orders to the imperial guards beside him.

"Order the Jinyi Guards to command Wang Zuo, and unite the Nanjing Jinyi Guards and the guarding eunuch Wang Tang to thoroughly investigate the slander of the imperial court and the creation of rumors in Nanjing City."

"I will order the officials of the Nanjing Ministry of Rites to prepare for the arrival without further delay."

"The Eastern Expedition army continues to move up the river, sweeping away the shark nests along the coast..."


Guazhou, shoal.

This wetland riverbank where water and land intersect is the favorite nest of the sharks.

Yu Dayou stroked the long sword given by the emperor in his hand, and the sunlight shone through the reeds swaying around him. Although the sword had been filled with the blood of evil spirits, it was as pure as if it had just been forged from the flames.

The sword body is slender, measuring three to five feet. It is made of black iron that is hard to find in the world. Touching the sword body lightly, it is cold to the bone. If an ordinary unknowing mortal touches it with ignorance and ignorance of beauty, it will only feel cold. It will take a moment for a layer of frost to condense on the area it touches.If you endure it for a long time and the cold poison enters the body, there is a risk of amputation.

This sword was given to the soldiers by the Emperor during his campaign in the southwest last year as a reward for conquering Qujing and seizing the homesick and rebellious Dragon Vein soldiers.

Yu Dayou can still recall that unforgettable time. Although he was born as a general, the killings were just like the battle in the southwest. The imperial troops worked day and night to fight against the sneaky evil spirits hidden in the mountains in the southwest. The murder of the traitorous chieftain still made him unforgettable for a long time.

The war sharpened him and allowed this newly-adult man to understand himself clearly. His will, martial arts, courage, and weapon use skills developed rapidly during this period.

But in the final battle of Luchuan, facing the increasingly powerful monsters, watching the crowds of people fleeing under the blood tide and green disaster, the roar of the divine birds in the sky, and the drought demon tearing apart the mountains and rivers... that kind of powerlessness that goes deep into my heart. Feeling, he knew that his improvement was far from enough.

Even the smug feeling in his heart when he was praised by the emperor for giving him a sword made him even more ashamed.

So when Guo Xun, the avant-garde commander of the government army, was ordered to select personnel from the Forbidden Army to go westward, he did not enthusiastically sign up like Hu Zongxian and Ye Jiuliu.

He knew his own shortcomings, so he targeted those sharks, those who plundered the coast of the empire and caused countless sufferings to the people - those ferocious, stupid, and barbaric ones, who came ashore in waves from the sea. , endless sharks.

The torch in front of him flickered, and he knew it was another opportunity to test his skills.

"grown ups--"

The young man in front of him, who was wearing ill-fitting armor, swallowed his saliva as he looked at the group of five Imperial Guards in front of him.

Seeing Yu Dayou's gaze coming over, he pointed at the dark, man-made underground caves in front of him and whispered.

"The advance team just went down there, and there are indeed traces of shark life - and there are noises deep in the cave. They don't dare to act rashly, and asked you if you want to continue exploring, or wait until noon."

The young man asked carefully. At noon, when the sun is at its strongest, the sharks will have a period of obvious fatigue.

Some tribes will collectively fall into a state of dormancy except for fixed sentries. The Ming army squads often take advantage of this to carry out surprise attacks.

Often good results can be achieved.

Yu Dayou came to the entrance of the cave. The surroundings were obviously covered with water plants by the sharks. He leaned down and the fishy smell unique to the sharks hit his face.

"No, just now!"

Yu Dayou didn't pay attention to the boy's pale face for a moment.

He looked up and looked at the position of the sun in the sky.

It was still a quarter of an hour before noon, just enough to reach the deepest part of the cave when they were most tired.


The young man did not dare to resist or have any objections, because in front of him were the emperor's close guards, the most loyal servants, these terrifying warriors who truly possess extraordinary power and can conquer tigers and leopards, and tear open dragons and pythons alive.

"I'll tell them to go down again -"

Yu Dayou nodded.

The five Imperial Guards following him looked at each other and checked their equipment one last time.

When the advance team not far away heard the order conveyed by the young man, their faces instantly turned ugly.

Yu Dayou didn't care about the opinions of these clan members who were brought to the front line by the imperial court.

He only had to act according to the emperor's orders.

The truly powerful vassal prince's children will not be here. Most of these clan soldiers who are sent to the front line as scouts for the imperial army are very far away from the royal bloodline, and have been owed rice and even rice by the government all year round. The down-and-out clan can barely eat anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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