Chapter 184 Xiao Yuniang

Yu Dayou repeatedly confirmed that he was not hallucinating.

He turned around and climbed up the passage, picked up the head of the priest that he had chopped off before, and split it open.

This time it was filled with white brains.

Comparing the two heads, Yu Dayou was sure that something happened here without his knowledge.

He was silent for a moment and continued walking deeper into the underground palace.

He needs to bring the truth back to the emperor.

The stone door in front of him is intact, and the relief sculpture of Poseidon on it is majestic, solemn, and exquisite. But what makes people feel a little strange is that the face of the Poseidon sculpture in front of him should have been painted by the top craftsmen of the Sea Tribe who spent their entire lives learning. The face is completely blank.

Yes, it is completely blank, neither a human nor a fish. It is as if this sculpture is just a figment of the sea people based on their own body shapes, praying for the blessing of a being similar to themselves.

Yes, if there really is a being as great as the Emperor in the world, how could it really be possible for him to be like the Emperor and extend his royal kindness to the sea, pity the world, and unconditionally protect these ants-like sea people?
Whatever is given, something will be expected.

He thought, taking a deep breath, that maybe what was inside the door and the culprit of all this today was something he couldn't deal with, but in order to repay Jun's father's kindness, what could he do even if it meant mountains of swords and seas of fire?

The earth and rocks next to the stone door were violently smashed open, and something got in.

The hole is more than three meters long and has a regular circular shape. There is some transparent and viscous liquid on the ground, dragging a wide, viscous and wet trail.

There was a pungent smell in the air, like a strong pungent smell that comes from various spices that have been boiled and stirred together.

It can't be said to smell bad, but the combination of all the smells that should make people feel happy makes people feel a little nauseous.

Behind the stone gate was a warehouse used by the sharks to store food. Yu Dayou saw mountains of dried fish, which were randomly discarded on the ground in the chaos.

The ground and walls were stained with scarlet blood.

In the warehouse, through the dim light of the night pearl, accompanied by the painful roars of beasts coming from the depths of the warehouse, it seemed particularly penetrating.

Yu Dayou was on full alert and walked forward slowly.

In the deepest part of the warehouse, there is a huge figure, which is a huge sea snake. Its golden-red vertical pupils are emitting an unknown light, and now it looks a little sluggish due to excessive blood loss.

There was a huge wound on its abdomen, golden scales were scattered, and blood continued to flow from it, dragging a long blood mark.

Presumably after experiencing a fierce battle, it barely managed to repel the intruders. It dragged its seriously injured body all the way here to guard the treasure it was ordered to protect.

It was a row of iron cages made of fine steel.

But now most of the iron pillars on the cages are easily broken by something using strange force.

Most of the cages were empty of what they were supposed to be storing.

Only the iron cage on the far right, next to the big snake, was still intact. Inside, there was a naked girl who was shivering because of the cold.

It seems that the cold air in the cave comes from here.

Yu Dayou thought in his heart.

At this time, the golden snake also noticed someone breaking in.

It raised its head, raised its huge mouth, and let out a menacing growl at the intruder.

The pain in its abdomen made it twist its body like crazy and rush towards Yu Dayou in front of it, facing a monster that was more than ten times its own size, even though the opponent was already seriously injured at this time.

Yu Dayou still felt the deep pressure from the top Haisi.

This is a monster of the same level as those yellow dragons in the sea in the Dengzhou battle.Yu Dayou tried his best and threw himself sideways, avoiding the venom and the cold breath that could instantly freeze an elephant into an ice sculpture.

The gravel and dust on the ground were splashed away by Yu Dayou's attack, exuding an earthy and damp smell.

He rolled from the ground and swung his sword towards the tail of the giant snake above his head.

But in his hand, the indestructible sword given by the Emperor was unable to cut through the hard scales of the golden snake in front of him.

Even just the shock of the collision between the two made Yu Dayou fly backwards.

Fortunately, although the giant snake was powerful, it had an abdominal injury and had to keep an eye on the treasures of the sea kings around it.

It did not pursue rashly, which gave Yu Dayou a chance to breathe.

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

This made his internal organs, which were originally churning like an ocean, feel much better.

At this time, the giant snake saw that the little insect on the ground was not dead after its blow, so it continued to slide its body and attack without touching the abdominal wound.

Yu Dayou knew he was invincible, so he dodged in embarrassment.

He observed the girl in front of him who was kept in a cage like an animal.

"I am a military general of the imperial court and a bodyguard of the Emperor of Heaven? What is your name? Do you understand Mandarin?"

Yu Dayou asked while dodging.

The girl heard the voice, raised her head, and heard a bit of surprise in her eyes when she heard the people in front of her calling themselves officers and soldiers.

She grabbed the iron cage with her hands, looked at Yu Dayou who was dodging left and right under the attack of the giant snake, resisted the dizziness caused by hunger for several days, and answered loudly.

"My name is Xiao Yuniang, a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang. I and my father and brother took salt from the government and went to the northern frontier to exchange for food - but we were robbed here by these sea monsters. Please save me, sir!"

Looking at the girl with sound limbs in the shark's lair in front of him, Yu Dayou knew that the treasure that the shark priests talked about before was probably her.

But...why are those sharks so sure that if they hand this girl over to the emperor, they will be rewarded heavily?

However, the python's attack was smart. Even though he was seriously injured, Yu Dayou was still no match. He was quickly cornered after dodging continuously.

"Lord be careful!"

At this time, the woman suddenly spoke to warn, and a gust of evil wind hit her from behind her head. Yu Dayou lowered his head subconsciously, and saw a small snake flying away from his head.

This little golden snake was only as thick as an arm and less than two feet long. It flew onto the giant snake and immediately burrowed into the giant snake's injured flesh.

The exposed flesh and blood soon sprouted a series of flesh buds, swallowing up the golden snake.

Yu Dayou felt that after the golden snake swallowed these small snakes, the blood flow rate at the wound of the giant python in front of him slowed down a bit.


Seeing that the attack missed, the giant python opened its bloody mouth and started to kill Yu Dayou who was already retired and could retreat in the corner.

Yu Dayou held the long sword in his hand. At the critical moment of life and death, although the hope of success was slim, he still decided to fight to the death.

But - just before the golden snake was about to swallow Yu Dayou into its belly.

A broken heavy sword flew from the stone door and hit the giant snake's ferocious red right eye with excitement of devouring blood.

(End of this chapter)

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