My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 198 Jinling Forbidden Palace

Chapter 198 Jinling Forbidden Palace
In the dim light, what makes people feel strange, thoughtful but creepy is that in the dark underground chamber in front of them, all the six ministers and nine ministers deployed by the Ming Dynasty are gathered here.

As the second core team of the empire, which is nominally the same as the northern imperial court, it is natural that they gather together in such a turbulent season to discuss important matters of the imperial court.

However, what was different from the past was that the people in front of them were all wearing black robes and holding candles in their hands. They were not like those officials appointed by the imperial court to protect the country and the people, but rather like members of a cult wanted by them.

"The army from the north of Quarry City has already fought against the Sea Tribe——"

Hearing the words of the man in black robe at the front, Yang Yiqing, who was lying on the recliner with his eyes closed to relax, opened his eyes.

Although the figure shrouded in black robe in front of him was extremely familiar to Yang Tinghe, the sound coming from under the black robe did not sound like a human being, but was similar to the chirping of some kind of insect, which was sharp and harsh.

Yang Yiqing didn't speak, he glanced around.

The dim underground palace was built during the founding period of the Ming Dynasty, and the skilled craftsmen who took it from Yuan Ting spent countless efforts.

Such a huge and secretive building complex was excavated under the Forbidden Palace just now in the dark night.

Although this underground palace was opened by Zhu Yuanzhang to provide possible shelter for his descendants.

But in fact, in the course of historical evolution, it proved to be of limited use when the imperial capital was surrounded by powerful enemies.

And as Zhu Di conquered Nanjing, captured all the civil and military officials and the emperor's honor guard, and headed north, making the northern capital the capital.

Even the northern emperors after the Ming Dynasty may not have known about this complex underground labyrinth under the city of Nanjing. If they were not keen on studying the construction of the Forbidden Palace in Nanjing during the Hongwu period, which was moved to the capital with Zhu Di, of secret documents.

Although the underground palace is unusually secretive and dark, and the interior seems a little damp because it is close to the Yangtze River, this does not affect the fact that these weird things secretly hidden in Nanjing gather here according to their secret agreements to discuss what is happening outside the city. The war that broke out, and trying to figure out how to bet to maximize your own profits.

"There is a high probability that the Ming army will withdraw from the quarry - this time the lords of the sea tribe will come out in full force -"

Among the crowd, someone spoke first in the silence.

Yang Yiqing heard the sound and looked over. Although he could not clearly see the face of the person who spoke because of the black robe, but with his amazing intuition and familiarity with these Nanjing colleagues, he still recognized the person's identity.

Zhang Jin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment of Nanjing.

Of course, this is the identity that the person in front of him plays when he walks out of the underground maze under the imperial city and comes to the ground to sit in the Great Ming Palace every time the sun rises.

These creatures are undoubtedly the best actors, becoming one with their dear hosts, evolving with each other, and finally merging with each other in a final, perfect unity.

This is not a body-taking or one party plundering the other. The souls of those hosts are entangled with these creatures and merge with each other in mutual complementation.

This is also the unique way of eating and surviving for this species.

They are a collection of countless different kinds of complete life -

In their long lives, they will play the role of countless species among countless stars, experience their own joys, sorrows, and joys, and compose themselves, the soul epic of the great race.

The crowd is me, I am the crowd!
They have an infinite lifespan, and sometimes they may be immersed in the joys, sorrows, and joys of playing a role for their whole life, and it is not until seven days after the death of the actor that they realize their original true identity.

Some of the most deeply involved creatures, playing the role of certain immortal species on this planet, may remain in the state of actors for much longer than they are aware of their individual existence.

And won't wake up for quite some time.For these interstellar wanderers, the water on this planet is much deeper than any they have ever seen.

This can be seen from the fact that after landing on this planet, no life in the group can escape from this planet and return to the state of wandering in the universe.

They are trapped here, unconscious.

Even though this Nanjing Minister of Punishment had already recalled everything the moment he stepped into this underground palace, he still did not forget to use his iconic and calm tone that was praised by the world to estimate this moment. A fierce battle is currently breaking out in Quarry, which is only a hundred miles away from Nanjing City.

On weekdays, people only thought that this Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was familiar with hundreds of classics, had an extraordinary bearing, and had the cultivation of an ancient gentleman who did not change his expression even when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him.

But he didn't see through the cold and ruthless nature of the alien life hidden under the human surface.

"Objection! The Sea Dragon King is still unable to break the restriction of Jinling and enter the Yangtze River - I am not optimistic about the fate of those sea lords who went up the river along the ruins of Mingting Dragon Vein."

As soon as Zhang Jin, the alien under the black robe, finished speaking, another person on the opposite side raised his hand, indicating that he did not agree with the Minister of Punishment's judgment of the situation.

Yang Yiqing looked up and saw another old acquaintance.

Zhou Wenyi, Minister of Household Affairs of Nanjing——

This was his identity in the Nanjing government office above ground during the day.

"My proposal remains unchanged. I refuse the Sea Dragon King to enter Nanjing, and hold a ceremony at Xiaoling to try to activate the remaining dragon veins under Nanjing City to prevent the Sea Dragon King from attacking Nanjing after being rejected!"

Zhou Wenyi said, he looked around, everyone was silent.

No one dares to rashly support the decision to destroy the high degree of self-determination that has been maintained since Jingnan came to Jinling when the situation was still unclear, completely fall to the Ming court, and completely break up with the Hai clan next door.

"What Official Douxiu said makes sense, and I support Qixi's view!"

In the silence, Yang Yiqing raised his hand.

Dou Su is one of the 28 constellations. Huainanzi divided the 28 constellations into nine fields, and Dou Su is one of them.

The Dou Su belongs to the water level in the north and is called Xie, so it is also called Dou Mu Xie. It is also the first constellation of Xuanwu in the north, with a total of ten star officials and 93 stars.

But obviously, the names of these Dou Sui have a more profound meaning at this time.

And it vaguely hints at the origins of these strange life forms in front of them.

"I also support the view of the Seventh Seat Douxiu Official——"

Another person stood up from the crowd, it was the female Su Xingguan. These were modeled after the official system of the Southern Song Dynasty. They called themselves Privy Envoys of the Nanjing Privy Council and secretly formed the tenth seat of the Southern Council of Cardinals.

This is a woman, and a very beautiful woman.

Even though she is covered in black robes, people can still feel a unique feminine feeling from her movements, but she has an extremely strong sense of softness on her body. Her voice is calm and powerful, with a hint of this ethnic group. Without exception, a cold look.

(End of this chapter)

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