Chapter 415 Feathered Man


Zhu Houcong thrust the King of Qin's sword into the ground fiercely.

Black threads spread out from King Qin's sword, constantly entangled in Jiao Ming's body.

Despite Jiao Ming's constant struggle, those black threads that clearly have a deep connection with Liu Tian's old spirit are growing like weeds.

Soon, with a long and sad cry, Jiao Ming was included in King Qin's sword.

But Zhu Houcong was too late to be happy.

Just like countless monsters and monsters in this world.

It cannot be stopped overnight.

If you want to pacify it, it will take hundreds of years and several generations to completely eliminate it.

After dealing with Jiao Ming in front of him, the feathered man who had attacked Zhu Houcong above the Zhao family showed his whereabouts again.

The palm wrapped in white feathers touched Zhu Houcong's back almost instantly.

It seemed as if Zhu Houcong's heart was about to be ripped out in the next second.

Zhu Houcong tried to dodge the blow.

But the feeling around him, like being surrounded by thick agar, that he was imprisoned and unable to move, still made Zhu Houcong's heart sink.

The dark sky in the underground palace turned as white as snow at some point, and those white feathers fell rustlingly from the sky.

Constantly filling the sky and the earth.

"Seize the soul and restrain the spirit!"

The arm behind him appeared in a weird and unusual way without any sound, and now it had passed through the flesh on his back and penetrated deep into his heart.

But Zhu Houcong strangely did not feel any pain.

The golden red precious blood boiling like fire in the body met the pale palm, where the Yang and Yin collided, making a sizzling sound.

The divine fire in his body made the palm that was grabbing at Zhu Houcong's heart slightly dull for a moment.

But that's all.

The palm that stretched out from the void had pure white hooks that were definitely not something humans could possess.

At the next moment, Zhu Houcong's heart, which was already a little tired due to overload, would be tightened.

Just before the sharp claws took out Zhu Houcong's heart and tore it into pieces.

Accompanied by Zhu Houcong’s call.

A long ax with a sinister wind suddenly appeared from the air and struck hard at the position where the arm appeared.

Zhu Houcong turned around and stared at the white feather rain in front of him with an ugly expression.

The part of the back that had just been penetrated by the sharp claw was now ice-cold.

Even if Zhu Houcong mobilized his energy and blood to try to disperse the cold air behind his back that blocked the meridians like solid ice.

But the effect is not ideal.

At this moment, the phoenix bird also reacted. It immediately flew on top of the stone statue, dodged the white feathers falling from the sky, looked back and sprayed out blazing flames, igniting the white feathers floating towards it in the air.

"Feathered Man——"

Fengniao's tone was full of doubts and shock, and he looked at the scene in front of him that even he could only call legendary, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

On the other side, the black chain held in Zhu Houcong's hand made the ghosts and gods of Cao Wei, who had previously appeared in the darkness, attack the feathered man who suddenly appeared.

With the destiny, the restrictions were released to Zhu Houcong.

Zhu Houcong could not only use the six-day restriction here to suppress Jiao Ming, but he could also use it to control the ghosts and gods here.

"Feathered Man?"

Hear the whisper of the phoenix behind you.

Zhu Houcong pulled out the King of Qin Sword with his backhand and slashed forward in coordination with Cao's ghosts and gods.

After suppressing Jiao Ming, some incredible changes appeared on King Qin's sword.

The most obvious is its new ability to control water and set fire. Zhu Houcong held the King of Qin Sword, and the power of the underground water veins that could only be vaguely felt through the Qi-gazing technique became more and more clear.

The sword energy emitted by King Qin's sword divided into three sword lights in the air.

They attacked the evil objects hidden behind the white feathers in the void.

The white feathers burn when exposed to fire, fall when exposed to water, and finally fall apart in the interlacing white light.

Zhu Houcong stared at the figure that gradually appeared in the air under the pressure of ghosts and gods and the sword of King Qin.

When I heard the exclamation from Fengniao's mouth.

He repeated this familiar yet unfamiliar word with a hint of confusion in his tone.

Speaking of familiarity, people living in this land are not surprised by the legend of the Feathered People.

In fact, as early as the Qin and Han dynasties, those alchemists who aspired to obtain an official position in the imperial court had already told the legendary stories of the monarchs in the Shang and Zhou dynasties who rose to prominence.

And got the favor of kings.

And he was rewarded with gold, silver and official position by the emperor.

The emperor must find the ancient method of becoming an immortal and offer it to the court.

But if it is strange.

That is in this land. Since the rise of Buddhism and Taoism, the ancient alchemists have been almost wiped out by these new competitors through various methods.

So far, there are only a few schools of thought in the pre-Qin period.

Most of them have been reduced to family skills passed down from the bottom of society.

Not in a dignified manner.

Transformation into an immortal, along with the legendary feathered kingdom, has long ceased to be the first choice path for kings of all ages to seek immortality.

Instead, it has completely become a folk tale in the mouths of tea masters in tea halls everywhere.

It spread all over the country and turned into the material of storybooks.

Is this place really related to the distant pre-Qin royal court?

If it is true, then what did the Han people get here, and they insisted on building this underground palace for refining the elixir of longevity for the Han emperor.

What does the elixir of immortality have to do with this distant era?

Zhu Houcong felt that as he and the mission went deeper into the underground palace, instead of becoming clear, the originally clear context became increasingly blurred.

"I still have people in Danqiu, leaving behind my old hometown that will never die——"

While Zhu Houcong was thinking, Fengniao, who was staring closely at the blurry figure shrouded in the sea of ​​white feathers in the void in front of him, suddenly said coldly.

This is a poem from Chu Ci!

And Fengniao obviously understood something.

He stood up, raised his head, let out a long cry, turned to Zhu Houcong and said solemnly.

"If you want to obtain the elixir of immortality and defeat the plan of the corpse-destroying master to come back to life, you must kill this thing today."

Seeing Fengniao being so solemn, Zhu Houcong nodded.

After all, the two of them are still grasshoppers on a rope.

Tianming is about to fall asleep, so he naturally hopes that Ming Ting can last as long as possible after he falls asleep.

Under this premise, Zhu Houcong could still maintain the most basic trust in this phoenix bird.

"How should Feiyu deal with this——"

Zhu Houcong looked at the white feathers that were gathering on the ground and in the air in front of him as time went by. Most people seemed to be stuck in a quagmire as soon as they entered this place, unable to move.

At this time, with the spread of Fei Yu, even the movements of the illusory and incorporeal Cao family ghosts began to become sluggish.

Obviously these white feathers floating in the air can not only interfere with tangible things.

(End of this chapter)

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