Chapter 421 Entering the Palace

"Let go of Lord Yiyang!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xie Qian quickly asked these Jurchen soldiers to let go of the brother of the King of Korea.

Li Huai, who had just been roughly tied to a war horse like a slave, saw Xie Qian as if he had seen a savior.

Those Jurchens didn't hold back at all when they captured him just now.

Thinking of the brave eyes of those Jurchen soldiers.

This made Li Huai, who had always been pampered and pampered, unable to help but feel scared at this moment.

At this moment, he couldn't care less about the Jurchen soldiers' red hands that were strangled after they untied them.

He hurried to Xie Qian's horse and said with tears in his eyes.

"The barbarians in the north are too rude and dare to offend our royal family. Your Excellency must make the decision for us."

Xie Qian looked at the North Korean prince who looked particularly young due to his long-term residence in the palace.

Although in my heart I don't like these powerful children who have been raised to waste a long time ago.

He can neither manage the world nor ride his horse to kill thieves.

It was of no use to the rule of the empire.

However, I think that in the future there will be some tasks related to the emperor in North Korea that require the cooperation of the North Korean royal family.

Xie Qian couldn't just bypass this person and go to Zhongzong Li Yi.

He could only dismount temporarily, hold Li Huai's hand in front of him, and comfort him.

"The White Lotus demons are causing chaos outside, and my soldiers are here to protect the princes of North Korea. The barbarians in the north are ignorant of etiquette and are barbaric by nature. Lord Yiyang must not get along with them."

"What! The White Lotus demons are causing chaos!"

Li Huai was startled after hearing what Xie Qian said.

Obviously, after the two massive invasions of North Korea by the Red Turban Army, the White Lotus Sect's reputation is known to everyone on the peninsula.

Thinking that he had just obeyed the imperial court's order and moved the palace to Kaicheng. In the palace, he had accumulated a large amount of gold and silver treasures, as well as beautiful wives and concubines.

The thought of your property being in danger at any time.

Li Huai couldn't help but move around anxiously.

"This...what can we do!"

Seeing Li Huai's behavior, Xie Qian thought to himself that these so-called royal families had been in peace for a long time. Sure enough, they were just wine bags and rice bags. They had long lost the majestic appearance of Li Chenggui when he started his business.

But considering that the current vassal kings of the Ming Dynasty were put in the situation of Li Huai, and they probably behaved in the same way, Xie Qian was relieved again.

Sure enough, the emperor is a man destined by fate. Otherwise, how could such a person appear in an ordinary palace.

So he continued to shoot the arrow first and then draw the target without changing his expression, and continued.

"The White Lotus demons are rampant. Please come with me, Lord Yiyang, to see Wang Jia. Please ask King Zhongzong to quickly mobilize troops and horses to suppress the demons!"

After Xie Qian finished speaking, Li Huai stared directly at the mighty Jurchens and Liaodong warriors beside him.

So he added.

"During this period, my guards will be here to guard the palace gate. They will definitely not allow the Xi Zuo inside the palace and the White Lotus traitor outside the palace to have a chance to cooperate inside and outside. Lord Yiyang, just don't worry."

Having said this, Xie Qian looked at the eyes of Li Huai, who was a little embarrassed and looked away from the tiger and wolf man beside Xie Qian, and said seriously.

"Now that the situation is urgent, please Lord Yiyang take me into the palace quickly!"

You are quite a nice person!

Although Li Huai didn't say it directly, his eyes showed the kind of clear look from inside to outside that Xie Qian had seen countless times in those princes who had been raised in deep palaces since childhood and had no inheritance rights. madness.

Xie Qian even felt a little guilty for a moment.

"Then let's leave now..."

At this time, Li Huai was sweating anxiously because he was worried about the gold and silver in his home.

He took Xie Qian's hand and walked towards the palace.

Xie Qian shook his head.

Looking in the direction outside the palace gate, there was a constant sound of rapid horse hooves coming from that direction. "Don't worry, Commander Qiu will go with me in a moment."

Xie Qian just finished speaking.

A group of light cavalry, apparently fast horses galloping directly from the north gate to the palace, had already appeared in front of Xie Qian.

The leading general is wearing the military uniform of the imperial court's Xuanwei general.

It was Qiu Luan who was inspecting the troops of Liaodong and Jurchen ministries on behalf of the emperor at the border of Liaodong not long ago.

Qiu Luan also saw Xie Qian.

The two looked at each other, Qiu Luan nodded slightly and dismounted.

When he heard Qiu Luan's name, Li Huai was deeply moved.

After all, the North Korean royal court was in trouble, and it turned out that the first to arrive were the Ming Dynasty's envoy guards.

Who is the friend of the North Korean royal family and who is the enemy of the royal family? There is no need to explain the answer.

In order to protect the Korean royal family, the Ming Dynasty even sent senior military attachés like Qiu Luan.

Tomorrow! There is virtue!

"I know a shortcut! Come with me!"

Thinking of this, Li Huai took the lead in moving towards the palace gate.

He led the two of them towards the direction where Zhongzong's capital collapsed after he moved the capital.

When he saw that only Qiu Luan and Xie Qian were following him.

Everyone else was placed behind guard outside the palace gate.

His heart was instantly filled with shame.

I just judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

So they waited until they arrived in front of the palace door, which had already been lit with lights everywhere due to the chaos in the city.

Li Huai deliberately took a few steps forward and explained the situation to the guards guarding the palace door.

"What does General Qiu think of these people?"

Xie Qian and Qiu Luan stood ten steps away and watched Li Huai negotiate with the guards.

At this moment, Xie Qian's expression was relaxed, and there was no sign of the nervousness of being in the palace.

He even had the mood to look at the few soldiers standing in front of the North Korean palace not far away who were obviously dressed differently from other soldiers. They were obviously talented people hired by the North Korean royal family to protect their own safety.

Next to Li Huai's left hand, the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi has a thin snake wrapped around her right arm. Her whole body is snow white without any impurities. It is obviously not extraordinary.

The two armored warriors on the right hand side are obviously from the Western Regions. They have red eyes and brown hair, and two discs hanging from their waists. They seem to come from the same family.

"A shaman warrior, two Zoroastrian guardians..."

Compared to Xie Qian, who had left the court for a long time and didn't care much about political affairs.

Qiu Luan, who has been on the front line these years, could see the details of the three people in front of him at a glance.

Qiu Luan looked cold and showed no interest in the two Zoroastrian warriors.

Until his eyes met the little snake in the beautiful woman's arms, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

But he didn’t dwell on it too much. He thought for a moment and said.

"It's okay to deal with ordinary evil spirits. Generally speaking, the chance of winning against a big monster that can seize the state capital is slim. But if it's a stronger evil spirit, I'm afraid these people alone won't be able to pacify it. We have to mobilize a large army and recruit North Korean heroes and warriors to fight together. No-"

Qiu Luan gave what he thought was a fair evaluation.

Xie Qian on the side looked thoughtful when he heard this.

"Then if the general confronts him, what are the chances of winning?"

After hearing Xie Qian's words, Qiu Luan instinctively showed a smile on his face, and then quickly restrained it.

"If the gold is blown and the drums are beaten, and the imperial army forms a majestic formation to welcome them, facing the same number of strangers is like chopping melons and vegetables."

(End of this chapter)

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