Chapter 425 Xianbei

"I don't know about this, but in the legend of my hometown, if a shark really falls in love with a human being, not only will her form become extremely beautiful, but every tear she sheds will turn into a pearl."

While speaking, the enchanting lady stared at Xie Qian closely.

The look in his eyes was completely different from the cold look of the white snake on his arm.

She hadn't encountered such a delicious human being in a long time.

The golden vertical pupils in those black eyes flashed faintly.

Mrs. Snake thought so.

She had heard the sensational stories spread among the ancient tribes in her hometown in ancient times.

The wizards will sacrifice the purest boys and girls of the tribe to the gods.

To gain shelter.

But she never thought that such a delicious smell would appear on an old man's body.

It seems that the secret skills practiced by the Central Plains people can not only straighten their own thoughts.

In the eyes of those hateful demons, it is also an extremely delicious meal.

Is this how those Confucian scholars "sacrifice their lives for righteousness"?

Interesting, interesting…

"The Mermaid Tears——"

Xie Qian learned about this precious medicine from Guo Xun's letter.

It is said that it can give birth to human flesh and white bones, and it is a rare good thing in the world.

Xie Qian knew the efficacy of the Merman's Tears, but he had other ideas about its origin.

Mrs. Snake looked at Qiu Luan's leaving figure.

But the two warriors left behind still made her dare not act rashly.

She could feel the strong energy and blood in the bodies of these two warriors who, under Qiu Luan's instructions, never left Xie Qian's side.

Even compared to the two Zoroastrian warriors who were responsible for protecting the king of Korea, they were not bad.

What's more, she felt a strange aura from the two of them.

That is the breath of witchcraft and ghosts.


Looking at the two people in front of her, Madam Snake was secretly surprised.

The Ming Dynasty is indeed worthy of being a great kingdom.

Even the samurai accompanying the mission were so powerful.

This made her inevitably retract her fangs and follow Xie Qian, waiting for the opportunity.

"Where is Madam from? She doesn't look like a native of North Korea, nor does she look like a Jurchen from the North -"

Xie Qian was a little interested in the woman next to him who was different from the barbarians in the Central Plains and surrounding areas.

He turned around and looked at the white snake on the woman's arm.

Experience told him that it was not a spiritual beast that was domesticated by many wealthy families in the mainland through various means to resist ghosts and gods.

It is a true treasure that is born and nurtured by the earth.

"You probably don't have much impression of my hometown. It is in the wilderness further north than the Jurchens. The last time an envoy from the Central Plains came was in the seventh year of Yongle, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty set up Nu'ergan Dusi and added health offices in various places - - Our tribe also used to trade with the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, there is "unbreakable ice" in the north all year round, and "dragons, snakes, beasts, and demons roam around". It is said that the envoy was eaten by demons on the way back. What a pity - "

the woman replied.

Xie Qian nodded, his expression calm.

The north is bitterly cold and unsuitable for human habitation.

The emperor of Liao once wanted to take all the northern tribes into his hands.

But unfortunately, in the end, because the cost of ruling was too high, it was completely inferior to going south to invade the Song Dynasty, so he gave up on his own initiative.

"The Xianbei people are also descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Now that China is strong, one day, the Xianbei Turks will return to their homeland." Xie Qian said.

He did not continue to ask.

Whether the death of the Yongle period envoy was an accident or for some other reason is now unexplainable.

The unification of the people of Yan and Huang is a top priority in the eyes of traditional scholar-officials like him.

Since the war in the Central Plains, the Chinese Miao people have fled north into the ice fields, fled south into the mountains, or rushed west into the desert, or made rafts and drifted across the sea to the east and became island barbarians.

Now that there is peace, these remnants from all over the world should lead their lands and surrender to the emperor.

To be the king of the whole world.

If you don't follow the king's rules and incur the wrath of the imperial court, it would be a pity to order the king's troops to attack and trample them with iron cavalry, leaving blood flowing everywhere...

But after hearing Xie Qian's words, the snake lady was not angry.

On the contrary, she blinked her beautiful eyes, covered her lips and smiled softly.

"If the king's order can be fulfilled, how can the barbarians from all over the world be disobedient? Unfortunately, the road is far away, and although China is prosperous, there are always unexpected things inside. I am afraid that it is not as easy as the Lord said to spread the power to the world. ——”

Xie Qian said nothing.

After Xie Qian and two guards took away all the artifacts in the palace that might be related to the White Lotus Sect.

Mrs. Snake, who could never find a chance to make a move along the way, looked at Xie Qian's back who was gradually walking away in front of the palace gate.

The soft light between the eyebrows dissipated, revealing the coldness.

She lowered her head and touched the head of the white snake on her arm.

And when the white snake opened its mouth, it spit out human words.

"North Korea has become a puppet of the Ming court. The priests' plan to go south may be disappointed again -"

After hearing this, Mrs. Snake was silent for a moment and replied.

"Where are the Jurchens? Even if the Haixi Jurchens have the support of Mingren, they may not be able to take up all the black soil under the sun."

"No, you underestimated the Jurchens and also underestimated Akito."

Unexpectedly, the white snake in the woman's arms shook her head and sighed after hearing this.

"The Haixi Jurchens have completely controlled the north, and Mingren massacred the priests in the jungle according to the list. The first batch of Jurchen priests who sneaked into the jungle have basically been slaughtered. The current situation is to retreat to the ice field and wait for destiny. Change, and then waiting for an opportunity to go south is the best strategy——"

White Snake's voice was cold and methodical.

"We must be patient like our ancestors. The Xianbei people waited for hundreds of years before the powerful Xiongnu Empire and the even more powerful Han Dynasty declined together, so they went south and took advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains to seize power. Now the Central Plains is still unified, isn't it? When we should use our troops, not to mention that the Russians in the west are also rising and eyeing the vast ice fields..."


The Snake Lady raised her head reluctantly and stared at Xie Qian's back, like the best hunter looking regretfully at the legendary prey he had never seen before.

"That's it - as long as we retreat to the ice field, we can still maintain our independence and unity. From ancient times to the present, no matter how powerful the Central Plains dynasty is, we have never heard of anyone being able to conquer the vast ice field."

White Snake said, giving this junior a final reminder.

Then he closed his apricot eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Success or failure is beyond human control.

The Emperor of the Central Plains wanted to use his overwhelming force to open up a new path in the established cycle of history.

The ancients quietly watched the changes in the outside world, waiting for the opportunity to regain control of the Central Plains.

He made no secret that he was not optimistic about the Central Plains emperor's series of reforms.

There is a vague expectation that under the fierce reforms of the powerful emperor of the divine, civil and holy warriors, the powerful empire will finally be overwhelmed and fall apart after a hundred years.

It waits, when the northern warriors will flock southward like the harsh winter.

Use longbows and sabers to occupy all the land under the sun that their horse hooves can tread.

(End of this chapter)

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