Chapter 432 Fairy Mountain

Fan He was overjoyed when he heard Zhu Houcong's words.

They guard the Tieling border all year round and spontaneously request orders to garrison the frontline fortresses.

He also volunteered to join the army in the campaign in Liaodong to defeat demons in the four realms.

Now, together with the Forbidden Army, we step into the crisis-ridden North Korea...

He faced all the hardships without any regrets. Isn't that what he wanted in the end?

In order for his whole family to get rid of their humble status.

Future generations no longer have to be like themselves and their ancestors, who have been guarding the border for generations and fighting endless battles with the almost endless mountains on the other side, as if they have traveled from another world, with Mongolian rangers and Jurchen warriors suddenly appearing.

From time to time, I have to endure attacks from evil spirits who come out of nowhere.

The drama of killing and counter-killing is happening all the time in this world.

He and his family were already overwhelmed, like most people who still had hope.

The reason why they fight desperately is not for honor and court rewards.

Those things are too far away and have nothing to do with them.

In fact, their desire is simple.

After accumulating enough meritorious deeds, he can be forgiven by the court.

Escape from this place at the speed of flying, start over in the mainland, and live a relatively peaceful life blessed by the Holy Emperor.

Originally, Fan He thought that this kind of opportunity would not appear until ten years later.

And now, looking at the emperor who made a generous promise in front of him.

He was so excited that he couldn't speak immediately.

His lips were pursed tightly, and his shoulders were trembling slightly. It wasn't until Guo Xun next to him coughed twice that he recovered from the unbelievable sluggishness.

Immediately he prostrated on the ground and shouted for the emperor's sage.

"The lowly people have no other reason to dare to serve the imperial court. I only hope that if I cannot come back alive from this trip, I hope that the emperor will have mercy on me and forgive the orphans and widows in my family, exempt them from the corvee and low status, and allow them to return to their ancestors." Land, start a new life——"

Fan He said in a deep voice, trying his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

When Zhu Houcong heard this, he was silent for a moment.

Of course he knew what the soldier in front of him meant.

If he agreed to his request now, Fan He would be extremely happy and would kneel on the ground to thank Tian En.

He will also get a good propaganda sample - a loyal warrior died for the glory of the emperor, and the imperial court generously pardoned him and his family for the sins they had shouldered.

And help the loyal minister and righteous man of the Ming Dynasty to raise his offspring for free.


Zhu Houcong was not willing to lose such a good soldier who was loyal to the court and valued love and justice.

And he also knew that after receiving his promise, Fan He would definitely sacrifice his life in the next battle to earn honor for the court and the emperor.

But again - there is a high probability that Fan He will not be able to come back alive during this trip to North Korea.

As for the probability of this, if nothing unexpected happens, it is 100%.

"The dead warriors are useless. If they come back alive, the court will rehabilitate the ancestors of the Fan family and move their bones back to their ancestral land."

Zhu Houcong said.

He inspired the warriors before him.

"Although the road ahead is dangerous, a true warrior must turn the impossible into possible and use his extraordinary will to explore the way to salvation in this world."

Yes, death is not the only destination for humans in this world.

One day, people can rely on their courage to overcome all difficulties and get out of this black puzzle given by history.

... "Are you the only one back?"

On the waves of the East China Sea, the Taoist Celestial Master who had shocked the world for thousands of years and the Immortal Army under his command stretched across the north and south, looking at the looming overseas fairy island not far away hidden in the morning mist.

Although the fairy mountain is hidden in the mist, it cannot be seen clearly.

But you can vaguely see the outline of a beautifully shaped pot-shaped vessel that is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, like the maids in noble houses in the Han Dynasty used to collect dew.

Long before the First Emperor ordered Xu Fu to lead 3,000 boys and girls eastward to search for the fairy mountains, he also ordered those who entered the sea to carry giant fishing gear, and then he waited for the big fish to shoot with his crossbow.

In the ancient land of Yanqi, the legend of Penglai, Fangzhang and Yingzhou, the three fairy mountains on the sea, where the elixir of immortality is hidden, has been spread.

Wang Jia of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did it in "Supplementary Notes".

"Three pots refer to the three mountains in the sea. One is called the square pot, the second is called the Ying pot, and the third is called the Peng pot, which is shaped like a pot -"

But looking at the fairyland in front of him that he had been pursuing for thousands of years, Sun En's expression was unusually calm.

Because he knew that everything in front of him was not real.

Because the real fairy mountain is never above the water, but under the water.

The fairy mountain in front of you is like a giant beast that chooses to devour people.

If those unlearned and unskilled alchemists from the pre-Qin Dynasty were here.

I am afraid that I will be extremely excited and try various means to climb the so-called "fairy mountain" in front of me.

But the final result, as far as Sun En is concerned, is just becoming food for those ocean giants.

Sun En looked at the dark shadows lingering under the illusory mirage and thought silently.

He turned his head and looked behind him at Tang Cai'er, who was covered in bandages and wounds that had just been bandaged. At this moment, she looked around at the East China Sea that had just gone through a battle.

There were layers of pitch-black tentacles and grease floating on the sea that looked like octopus limbs.

The birth of the Immortal Mountain will naturally attract countless arrogant coveters to fight here.

As for the result of the war, it was obvious that the unfathomable True Immortal in the Sea in front of him won the victory.

"Yes, the Luo religion attacked us. Not only did they kill the saint, but they also took away Maitreya's treasure book——"

When I think of my sister dying in such an unknown manner at the hands of those Luo believers.

A flash of hatred flashed in Tang Cai'er's eyes.

"The Ming court pursued us much faster than expected... The Quanzhen people from the Qintian Prison finally caught up with us and surrounded the Luo believers, so I was able to take advantage of the chaos and escape..."

Hearing Tang Cai'er talk about what he saw and heard in the underground palace.

The expression on Sun En's face remained unchanged, as if everything was as expected, and he looked particularly unpredictable.

Tang Cai'er looked at the Wei Jin Immortal in front of her who was made up of beams of light with fear.

She instinctively noticed that compared to the past, the aura emanating from the person in front of her was colder, and the human part was quickly passing away from the body of Sun Tianshi in front of her.

He is transforming the Tao——

Tang Cai'er's mind instinctively flashed this legendary word.

This startled herself.


Although it sounds like a word that Taoists who pursue the road will like to hear.

But the reality is exactly the opposite.

What Taoists long for is to one day "achieve the Tao and become an immortal" and "become an immortal and ascend".

It is definitely not to become a part of the great road and be swallowed up by the heavenly way, that is, the three days of pure Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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