Chapter 436 Shady story

"Form up! Form into formation! Meet the enemy!"

"The fleets are arrayed around the flagship, the gunners are in position, aiming, and waiting for orders!"

"The envoy and your gentlemen are still on the boat. Don't let the enemy get close. Put down the boat. The Imperial Guard will follow me in a speedboat to destroy the enemy ship!"

"Master Liu! Please quickly go into the cabin and take shelter!"

Accompanied by the dark ships on the horizon rushing towards the Ming Dynasty mission.

Li Changshou, who had parted with the emperor in Niumao Town, saw the Imperial Guards jumping into the sea one after another following Qiu Luan's orders, riding in light boats towards the pirates not far away.

He knocked on the door of Liu Qingyuan and Liu Yushi who had helped him a lot when investigating the Haiyan case after he became a ranger.

No, now I want to change my name to Liu Shilang.

With the assistance of the Rangers and the Forbidden Army, Liu Yuanqing and Li Changshou jointly solved the Haiyan case that the emperor had been paying close attention to since he ascended the throne, and uncovered the cult demon behind it.

Under the instruction of the imperial court, Liu Qingyuan received the cooperation of the Naval Control Department that had just been established by the southeastern imperial court. In the name of temporary naval control envoy, Liu Qingyuan recruited naval and land soldiers from Anhui, Fujian, Zhejiang, Suzhou and other places to gradually clean up the hidden secrets of the Ming Dynasty. The Luo Jiao forces that have been in the imperial court for a long time.

But on the surface, although Liu Qingyuan seemed to have mobilized a lot of troops and materials, the Luo religion was only born more than ten years ago, even though the above-mentioned imperial court had repeatedly stated the harm of this religion.

But there are too many things that the court has to deal with.

Luo Jiao has developed his power in the Caobang over the years and has had few conflicts with the government.

And sometimes the official silver supplies transported from Nanjing to the capital required them to act as thugs and protectors for the government fleet on the way.

Therefore, the court did not pay too much attention to Liu Qingyuan's petition.

Liu Qingyuan had no choice but to use the existing evidence to track down and arrest those Luo Jiao evil party members who might be related to the rebellion.

But after the Liaodong Incident, the situation was different.

At the time when the White Lotus Sect within the Ming Dynasty was almost all expelled from the Ming Dynasty.

Luo Jiao attacked and killed the imperial officials. This audacious act was almost tantamount to rebellion.

Many people in the Ming court quickly realized this rare opportunity.

For example, Liang Jun, the newly appointed minister of the Ministry of Industry, immediately submitted a letter requesting the imperial court and the cabinet to order an order to define the Luo sect as a "big treason" and "chief evil" that the court needed to concentrate all its efforts on, as dangerous as the White Lotus sect.

Then mobilize elite soldiers from all walks of life to start a large-scale manhunt and investigation in the south. It is necessary to bring all these audacious cult thieves to justice.

After seeing that the cabinet readily agreed.

Liang Jun then proposed that Luo Jiao had been entrenched in the local area for many years and had a deep foundation. The imperial court should send special envoys to coordinate the army and horses from various places and eliminate the bandits.

He also volunteered and expressed his willingness to go deep into the smoky land of the south for the imperial court to hunt down the traitors. As a civil servant, he only knew how to be loyal to his father and educate the people. He recommended Liang Cixuan, the commander of Guangdong Province, to be the commander-in-chief this time. Details on the annihilation of the evil White Lotus Party.

Of course, it is no coincidence that both the new Minister of Industry and the Guangdong commander were named Liang.

Not only do they come from the same prominent family, but they also have the same prominent father, who is currently assisting the emperor in the cabinet to control all the world's affairs.

"The current situation is that even Liang Shoufu's sons are aware of the drastic changes that are about to take place in the court. Do they want to quickly accumulate merits so that they can cope with the huge reforms that the Ming court is almost destined to carry out next?"

Liu Qingyuan thought silently in his heart.

Hearing Li Changshou's urgent inquiry outside the door, he realized that the fleet had encountered an accident.

After quickly putting away the imperial seal and edict, he straightened his clothes in the mirror.

After ensuring that his image will not damage the dignity of Han officials.

Then he walked quickly towards the door. It was obvious that the cabinet had already decided on the person who would annihilate the Luo religion and achieve this feat of inviting heaven.

Liu Qingyuan, the leader of the annihilation of Luo religion, seemed a little embarrassed in the south.

The imperial court then took advantage of the opportunity of Xie's relocation to Korea and urging the barbarians in the East, including Ryukyu, Japan, Luzon and other islands, to obey Wang Hua. Liu Qingyuan was quickly promoted from the sixth-rank supervisory censor to the third-rank official, or the recent rapid expansion of power in the Ministry of Rites.

Apparently some big shots in the court wanted Liu Qingyuan to shut up after taking advantage.

To avoid this, it is said that before the emperor came into power, the prince Zhu Houcong, who was in mourning at the palace of the monk Chuxing, had a brief meeting to supervise the censor for talking nonsense, and asked the emperor to punish everyone for this.

Although I can't take any credit for wiping out the Luo religion.

However, within one year, he was promoted from the sixth grade to the third grade... This——

Liu Qingyuan felt that there were only a handful of big shots in the entire Ming Dynasty who had the ability to do this.

For the sake of your own life.

It is better not to delve into the details of the horrifying infighting behind the seemingly peaceful court for this appointment.

"What happened?"

Thinking about it, Liu Qingyuan opened the door. Li Changshou, who was wearing a light cloth armor and pacing in front of Liu Qingyuan's door, was not as calm as the serious old man in front of him.

Li Changshou stepped forward, took Liu Qingyuan's hand, and walked into the treasure ship.

While walking, don't forget to look around.

"The pirates under Wang Heng have attacked the leading ship of the mission. Now Commander Qiu is leading the officers and soldiers on the ship to fight fiercely with them. It seems that they will not be able to solve the problem for a while. Sir, you'd better go with me to take shelter below the deck first. Just avoid it."

Before Li Changshou finished speaking, he heard the deafening roar of a huge cannon and the slight tremor of the ship's hull.

He looked up and saw that the Ming army fleet was aiming at the pirate fleet heading towards the Ming court in a sagittal shape.

After a brief aiming, the Liaodong and Frankie gunners in the Ming army adjusted the angle, and then the artillery on the ship fired in unison.

Almost instantly, the first few pirate ships flying flags burst into violent flames.

Then there was a ear-piercing explosion, and the air flow blew over the guardrail on the deck of the nearby ship, and the flying debris penetrated into the hearts of the pirates.

Ushered in waves of painful cries.

But looking at the fragments of pirate ships floating on the sea.

Liu Qingyuan was not at all happy.

Because after the two leading ships were destroyed, four larger ships simultaneously appeared from the burning sea.

They did not immediately rescue the pirates in the water, nor did they reduce their speed and fire back.

Instead, as if being stimulated by something, they rushed towards Ming Ting's fleet at a faster speed.

Are these pirates desperate for their lives?

Although Liu Qingyuan had just entered the Ministry of Rites, he was not very proficient in maritime affairs.

But he also knew that these pirates and swashbucklers, who did not know each other, gathered together to wander on the sea mostly for the purpose of robbing wealth.

Because the sea area is vast and easy to hide, these pirates are even more precious than the ordinary horse bandits in the Ming Dynasty.

And where did such a person get the courage to attack the Ming Dynasty's mission?

(End of this chapter)

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