Chapter 442 Memories

This made the elite soldiers of Jiubian who had just reorganized and were ready to show off their talents extremely excited.

The Mongolian princes and Mongolian dignitaries from the mainland who surrendered to the Ming Dynasty were equally excited.

Beginning with Kublai Khan, the Mongols were divided into two groups.

The Mongols in the north mostly come from the Mongol Khans who came from the north in waves to seize the throne of the Yuan Dynasty.

The Mongols in the south are Mongolian military households accustomed to life in the Han region.

With the southern slope becoming a node, the conflict between the two sides completely broke out, and the imperial guards who were supposed to protect the Mongol emperor killed the emperor.

Then he was wiped out by the new king from the grassland.

The fact that the Mongolian cavalry massacred the Mongolian nobles together with Zhu Yuanzhang does not prove their disloyalty.

On the contrary, in the eyes of many Mongolians, Zhu Yuanzhang, who generously rewarded them with land and titles and agreed that they could stop farming, was the real Great Khan.

And Dayuan's unlucky thing only does some beastly things like forcing the Mongolians to farm and mobilize the Mongolian military households in the northwest to prepare their own dry food to cross the sea and fight the Japanese. Only idiots with atrophied cerebellums can do this.

Many Mongolians went bankrupt due to the corvee service in the Yuan Dynasty, and had to flee north to the grasslands again to prepare for a second start-up as soon as they entered the customs.

"How is the preparation for war in Liaodong?"

"Everything is ready--"

Gao Lin replied.

He wiped off the blood on his armor, and in the battle just now, he raised his sword and killed two pirates who had tried to board the flagship.

Qiu Luan, who had taken the magic medicine donated by Liu Qingyuan, gradually became more stable as the medicine took effect.

"We are just waiting for the edict from the emperor and the ministers in the cabinet."

Qiu Luan nodded gently.

"How did the court handle the matter of the border general's smuggling of military kuma grass?"

Gao Lin asked Qiu Luan, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, even though Qiu Luan was ordered to guard the southwest all year round.

But as Jin Yiwei's old superior, and the Jin Yiwei who were rotated to garrison in the southwest all obeyed his orders, he still knew a lot of Jin Yiwei's inside information.

"Anyone who still refuses to stop after Mr. Wang arrives will be sentenced to death. Those who were earlier will not be held accountable as long as they return the court property in time."

Qiu Luan applied the hemostatic medicine on the wound on his abdomen.

He took a breath and looked at the Liaodong general beside him, who was admiring the beautiful view of the sea filled with smoke and flames of war after the battle.

"It was a difficult time. Many people relied on reselling horses, grass and weapons to ensure that their families would not be reduced to begging. Military households could sell off their armor and weapons, but if they were all sold Now, when the Northerners come, what will they use to fight the Mongols?"

Qiu Luan explained.

Gao Lin nodded. The Gao family is not like the wealthy families in Hebei and Shaanxi who own hundreds of hectares of land.

In history, the successive invasions of the Jurchens and Mongols greatly damaged their vitality, and they have long since lost their former glory.

Starting from Emperor Renzong, the Ming Dynasty's finances collapsed, and the arrears of military pay and food accumulated over time.

It is completely normal for the army to resell what the country can still distribute, and use grain, grass and weapons to make up for household expenses.

During this period, the Ming army plundered border markets and extorted and robbed Ming and Jurchen merchants on the border more frequently than ever before.

It even once exceeded the frequency of Jurchen invasions.

The hatred between Jurchen and Mingren was gradually cultivated in this mutual invasion.

The two sides robbed each other and retaliated against each other. The blood feud accumulated and continued from generation to generation.

However, the Manchu nobles who mounted cavalry in the name of revenge finally sat down and made peace with the Ming Dynasty's Liaodong army because they could jointly plunder the wealthy south.

I have to say that history sometimes has an unspeakable sense of humor. "Since the Datong Incident, has anyone dared to commit a crime against the wind with Jin Yiwei's embroidered spring knife?"

Gao Lin said in a joking tone.

But his expression and his heart clearly didn't think so.

The Datong Incident was a military mutiny that took place less than half a year after the emperor ascended the throne.

Military households were full of resentment because of long-term arrears of pay and oppression by officials.

They took advantage of the darkness and kidnapped the manager, and then led the troops with horse soldiers to knock on the door of Datong Mansion in the name of Mongolian invaders.

Immediately, the army covered up the massacre, killing the highest officer of Datong first. Zhang Wenjin, the dignified second-rank official of Zuodu Yushi, was divided and eaten by the rebels to vent the resentment of the sergeants.

The army surrounded the General Military Mansion and the government office, and under the bewitchment of the White Lotus demons, they burned them all into ruins with a fire.

Then he seized the arsenal in the city, opened the prison and released the prisoners. After bringing enough food and grass, he distributed all the food and grass in the general storehouse to the soldiers and civilians of Datong, and then marched towards the capital in a mighty manner.

This incident shocked both the government and the public.

The imperial court issued thirteen edicts to appease the rebels.

Then he ordered the Beijing army to enter the capital to impose martial law, and sent additional supervisory censors to the northern military towns overnight. He recruited elite Liaodong soldiers from the Xuanfu government and immediately marched in the direction of Datong. They must be persuaded or annihilated before the Datong soldiers and horses arrived in the capital.

Gao Lin, as the general in charge of Liaodong at the time, naturally knew how the generals at all levels in Liaodong would react after receiving the harshly worded edict from the imperial court.

Faced with the fierce internal disputes sent by the imperial court, the Liaodong Army was asked to immediately send elite cavalry southward to defeat the Datong Army's censor.

Reactions varied.

But there is no doubt that many people believe that after this military mutiny, the political situation in Ming Dynasty will undergo more intense political turmoil than after Tumubao.

Before it was clear which side would win the final victory.

The best way is to sit back and watch.

Wait for the dust to settle before making a decision.

This is how it should be——

Gao Lin thought.

Until that day, the emperor announced that he would send out all the elite soldiers in the capital, personally wear military armor, and lead the emperor's Sixth Division to destroy the Datong rebels.

The Heavenly Master of Taiping Dao conferred the title, and the white lotus demons fled in all directions.

All the local wealthy families who participated in the rebellion were arrested and tortured, and were forced to sell their property and turn it into military pay to appease the Datong army and people.

Some border generals who ignored the imperial edicts during the Datong rebellion were punished mercilessly.

The commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu, Shi An, and the senior officers of the Xuanfu were all chopped into pieces by the Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards who came under orders in their own camp.

The eunuchs in the palace were ordered by the Empress Dowager Jiang and the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army to make meat soup and send it to Jiubian as a reward for the generals and senior generals.

Gao Lin was glad that he was just a general at that time.

When I think of the Liaodong Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander-in-Chief, who knelt on the ground and vomited, their faces so pale that they wanted to vomit out their stomachs after those court angels left.

I still couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

He really couldn't imagine it, after seeing how the imperial court treated disloyal people.

How dare these current generals ignore the emperor's mercy and choose to continue doing such a U-turn business.

(End of this chapter)

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