Chapter 453 Capture

"Not yet... but our patrol team sent news that there are two ships flying the flag of the Nanyang Commercial Bank wandering around the island, and they seem to be here for the dragon."

Hearing the words of the master next to him, Gao Chuan was immediately alert.

"Nanyang Trading Company? What are they doing here?"

The military advisor named Liu Yuanjie is proficient in Chinese and Japanese, and even knows a lot of dialects on small Nanyang islands, so he is deeply trusted by Gao Chuanzhenyou.

Without this guy, the efficiency of selling stolen goods by myself and others would probably be much lower.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Chuan was really there, but he couldn't think of anything that these maritime merchants could do here.

You're not really here for that dragon, are you?

But these people designed to capture the dragon in order to satisfy the wish of the water fairy who was so terrifying and indescribable before.

Although Gao Chuan really thinks that he is not a moral model.

But I think of those barbaric chiefs who died in extremely miserable ways the first time they saw Sun En.

"The Nanyang Chamber of Commerce is our big customer, and it is said that they have deep connections with Xiyi and the Ming Dynasty... Harmony makes money, so the general should try not to use weapons..."

Gao Chuan really thought for a moment

He said.

"I hope you can show people the courtesy of peace as much as possible and not use swords lightly?"

He took out the long sword in his hand. The blade was upright. It didn't look like it was used by the Japanese, but more like a sword that had been re-polished and added to the pre-Qin weapons.

Gao Chuanzhenyou also calmed down at this time. The shadow that Sun En left on him that day on the isolated island in Nanyang was really too profound.

He strode outside, his tone already a little impatient.

"The good news is that Master is waiting for me here."

Gao Chuan really feels that he still needs to learn to repay kindness.

"Then I'll go meet them in person -"

The sword on his waist is not a mortal object. It is the first batch of weapons forged when Xu Fu merged with the local people when he crossed east and taught the iron smelting technology of the Central Plains.

Gao Chuan really hung the sword on his waist.

Gao Chuan really said.

And he casually picked up the famous Akisui Hakuri long knife in his hand.

So much so that he still lives in fear.

Gao Chuanzhenyou's words were cold, but the master on the side looked troubled.

"If you don't listen, I can only use the weapon made by Fang Xianren, a famous craftsman in Kyoto, to chop off the heads of these madmen."

The master on the side smiled bitterly.

"No matter what they are here for? Ask them to drive them away! If they don't listen, tie them all up, and then spread the news so that the Chamber of Commerce can use the money to ransom them..."

So he continued to preach.

But he also knew that Gao Chuan had really regressed, and it was already impossible for him to give in in front of everyone.

It has gone through thousands of years of wind and frost, killing people and drinking blood.

It is the most ferocious sword in the world.

His grandfather once encountered storms and pirates at sea. Fortunately, an immortal came to his aid and gave him this sword.

I went to Kyoto to find a famous craftsman to restore it after years of being a pirate.

Drinking blood in the hands of Gao Chuanzhenyou, now he has regained his former style again.

Therefore, he held this fierce sword, put down his wine glass surrounded by rogues, and boarded the warship. He did not care about the merchants who might also be here to hunt for treasure.

He even asked the little pirates around him to warm a bowl of wine for the heir of the Shanbei King. When he came back, he would discuss with him the plan for the restoration of the Shanbei Kingdom.


Things were clearly going somewhere quite wrong.

Watching the waves set off by the man in front of me directly capsize the two dragon-headed galleys.

Looking at the dragon on the opposite boat that had been drained of blood. Gao Chuan was so smooth that he slid the earth throne directly in front of the young man in front of him.

Holding a knife in both hands, telling the story of Meng De.

And just as he was quietly looking at the dragon that was said to have swallowed up many ships and had done many evil things, he was thinking about who would be better in a fight between the person in front of him and the Immortal Sun.

The person in front of him seemed to have seen something incredible.

There was a soft sound.

Zhu Houcong took over the weapon called Qiu Shui.

After looking it up and down, he handed it to Zhang Fawei next to him.

"Look at-"

Zhang Fawei took it and felt the unusual warmth and coolness of the sword on his fingertips.

Zhang Fawei looked at it several times and finally determined where the cold feeling came from.

"Those alchemists' methods."

Zhang Fawei stroked the line on the sword where the seal script should have been written to show the identity of the caster.

But now all these places have been deliberately covered up by thoughtful people during the recasting process.

"Those alchemists are really everywhere -"

Zhu Houcong said, he looked at the Japanese in front of him.

"Where did you get this sword——"

"This is inherited from my family, but if the young master likes it, then I can give it to him..."

Gao Chuan said hurriedly.

His expression was full of flattery.

Even if he is surrounded by his subordinates now, he can't control that much.

And when Zhu Houcong glanced over, he seemed to be evaluating whether the Japanese man was telling the truth or a lie.

Feeling the cold light in Zhu Houcong's eyes, Gao Chuan really shuddered.

Yeah! This is what it feels like!

It's almost the same as Sun Xianren, but it doesn't feel as cold as Sun Xianren!

Realizing this, Gao Chuan really lowered his head deeper.

Zhu Houcong was a little surprised by this person's reaction.

Logically speaking, the other party shouldn't be so afraid of the method he just used.

But now he doesn't care about this matter. He thinks more about the pre-Qin alchemists who appeared more and more frequently after Zhu Houcong went to sea.

"Tie them up and hand them over to the government for trial - you just said this was a family inheritance, so do you know where this knife came from and who repaired it for you."

Zhu Houcong ordered.

Gao Lin held his sword and took the overseas Taoists behind him in a small boat to fish out the ronin one by one, and then threw the five-flowered bundle into the cabin, preparing to hand it over to the King of Ryukyu when he returned to Ryukyu.

When they heard that these people were going to hand over themselves to Ryukyu, the ronin didn't resist much.

Ryukyu Elementary School usually doesn't really kill these ronin.

On the contrary, he was treated with extra courtesy and became a major source of enrichment for the royal army.

Either he would be drafted into the army by Ryukyu, or he would have to spend some money to redeem himself from Ryukyu.

In short, those who have not committed extremely heinous crimes will generally not be subject to death.

But if it were left to Akito, it would be different.

First, all the belongings will be confiscated and put into the pockets of corrupt officials.

Then either he was dragged to work as a slave laborer in various mine supervisory offices, or he was directly accused of a bunch of crimes by local officials, and his political achievements were all reduced, and all the local suspicious cases were solved.

What a great master of Qingtian! congratulations! congratulations!

(End of this chapter)

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