Chapter 458 Subtitles

Unabashed praise for Zhu Houcong.

The dragon girl in front of her was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed, just like the spring breeze in March dispelling the ice and snow.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty - but there is more I can do for Your Majesty."

Her words were extremely ambiguous and her eyes were wandering.

She has determined to take advantage of this major change that has not happened in a thousand years.

As more and more information came back, she gradually realized what a great thing the young Ming Emperor was quietly doing since he came to power.

Hidden under the expedition to the southwest and the cavalry to the east were the redeveloped Xiyuan and the newly organized Forbidden Army.

As the empire begins to conquer evil everywhere.

An item called spiritual plant is gradually beginning to spread throughout the empire.

This is the foundation that holds together those Custodes who no longer seem to be controlled by the power of evil.

Of course the Emperor Ming Ting would not share such a powerful power for free.

So she came up with a backup plan.

He will inevitably give this power to his direct bloodline.

And he's quite rebellious.

"We will have the qualifications to rule the world——"

He asked, and Long Nu understood that Zhu Houcong was not asking how much physical pleasure she could bring him.

Yes, our children.

She seemed not to be surprised at all by the words of this ambitious but awkward dragon girl.

"I look forward to good news from you——"

By the time he finishes conquering the Mongols, if he can successfully survive the catastrophe, he will reach a higher realm.

He had not thought that the Sea Clan would truly surrender to him.

Zhu Houcong's consideration is more simple and direct.

A brand new system, a system that allows all living things to no longer be subject to the constraints of the terrible evil, is gradually taking shape with the reforms of the Ming Dynasty.

And if she could have a child, she would indirectly have this power.

"You must have noticed the opponents hidden among your obedient servants...and I can completely clean up these traitors among the Sea Tribe for you."

Whether it is out of profit considerations or the illusory imperial family affection.

Zhu Houcong just regarded the Sea Clan as a blood bag for his reforms on land.

"What can you do for me-"

Zhu Houcong was delighted that he had gained another reliable ally.

The carefully selected haenyeo around them lowered their heads.

And she had expected this.

Then he would forcibly divide the four seas and divide the kings among them.

Let the Sea Clan fall under his control forever.

The dragon girl's request for alliance in front of him greatly exceeded Zhu Houcong's expectations.

He was so excited that he even kissed the forehead of the dragon girl in front of him in the water.

To express that he can't wait to see the power of his allies.

He could defeat the Sea Tribe, but he couldn't kill everyone.

"Bring their heads to me and I will give you a special gift—"

Zhu Houcong said.

He assessed the power of the dragon girl in front of him.

He compared the level of the best among the elders of the Sea Clan just now. It can only be regarded as average.

He took out a bronze Changge from the storage ring and handed it to the dragon girl in front of him.

When the dragon girl took it into her hands, she was immediately impressed by the power of what she saw in front of her.

She couldn't put it down and played with this treasure that came from that barbaric era, when even the sea tribe had not yet developed independent consciousness and integrated into one.

The power left behind by the previous owner frightened her even more.

The dragon girl danced her sword and cut long marks in the water, showing her skillful martial arts.

Zhu Houcong watched as she walked out of the palace carrying the Chang Ge and walked towards the residence of the Sea Clan elders.

Zhu Houcong was greatly surprised by the news from Zhang Fawei.

The alchemists seemed to be looking for the whereabouts of the elixir.

And it seems that he has already done several games with Sun En.

However, even if many famous alchemists rushed forward, they could not do anything to the Immortal Sun.

Instead, several heads were beheaded, and a few more fierce generals were added to the army of Immortals under his command, and then they fled in confusion.

On Zhang Fawei's side, with the combined efforts of a group of warlocks and a Taoist master, they easily captured the warlock who was mixed with the Japanese.

The rogues were temporarily controlled to maintain the normal operation of the lair and to facilitate the subsequent search for Sanshan's traces.

"You don't look like a dragon?"

While waiting for his allies to prove their strength to him.

Zhu Houcong chatted with several maids beside him.

They are the attendants of the Dragon Palace. Of course, most of them are tributes to the Ming court that can be taken away by Zhu Houcong at any time.

Zhu Houcong was a little confused about the girl in front of him with some parts of her body showing red tail fins. She didn't seem to have some characteristics of the dragon like other shark girls.

The water-avoiding beads were put back into the storage bag after Zhu Houcong arrived at the Dragon Palace.

Although the Dragon Palace is underwater, a large amount of sea water has been artificially isolated with magic to prevent fish that accidentally entered it from awakening the sleeping evil god under the Dragon Palace.

The arrival of Zhu Houcong obviously aggravated the evil god's awakening.

Destiny severely damaged his family, and the smell of Zhu Houcong's body reminded him of his mortal enemy in his dream, and he fought with him.

But these shark elders are no longer surprised by this. Over the past hundred years, Poseidon has awakened to a higher and faster degree.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when the evil god wakes up. No one knows what the condition of the awakened evil god is.

Is it the rebirth of the old soul, or is it the birth of a new soul on the remains of the body?

"I am also a dragon...but the judgment standards for dragons here may be different from those of people on land."

The Dragon Palace is filled with a layer of transparent water mist all year round.

Whenever people talk, the water mist will vibrate with the sound of their voices.

Then it distinguishes the languages ​​of all the races in the ocean, and a string of white... subtitles appears above their heads.

It seems that due to the vastness of the ocean, countless civilizations were eventually formed that could independently create their own writing systems.

This efficient communication method was an eye-opener for Zhu Houcong.

Of course, the dragon girl can understand people's language, but for these common aristocratic sharks, they usually never see land in their lifetime.

Naturally, I won't learn this kind of thing.

"Dragon nature is inherently lustful, mating with all things, and dragon descendants will then mate with each other... Dragon species are judged by the purity of their blood, and dragon organs are also a bonus in the eyes of some special enthusiasts. But the strength and weakness of most sea clans are determined by their bloodline at birth——"

The red-haired girl in front of me replied.

Zhu Houcong's focus is on the words that are constantly moving and dissipating above her head.

"What is this? The function of the formation? Or some kind of word spirit?"

(End of this chapter)

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