Chapter 465 Prince

"Don't worry about them..."

Zhu Houcong stood up and walked into the back courtyard.

The sun has set in the west now, and the concubines from each palace have come to take the princes and princesses back to the palace.

"How is the Su family preparing..."

The surrounding candles flickered brightly and dimly as Zhu Houcong stepped forward, reflecting the expressions on the faces of the emperor and the servants behind him.

Zhu Houcong stood in the shadow of the corridor and looked at the concubines not far away who were holding their children.

Huang Jin turned around and glared fiercely at a certain young eunuch who wanted to announce the emperor's arrival.

At this moment, his face instantly turned pale.

" should think carefully about where you are before you speak."

Huang Jin scolded in a low voice.

Zhu Houcong looked back at the man. He did not feel the blood of homesickness in him, which made his eyes soften a little.

Most of them are descendants of the previous generation of barbarian monarchs.

"Don't blame him—"

No matter how high your xinxing cultivation is, no one can resist the instinctive desire for spiritual energy in their body.

They have a strong attachment to this Longevity Palace.

The little eunuch next to him, who was trembling all over and afraid to speak, looked like a savage from the southwest.

What's more, these are children whose minds are not yet mature.

It can also permanently eliminate the possibility of these local nobles setting off local rebellions.

"When did you enter the palace?"

The Ming court seemed to have given them a choice, but basically they had no choice but to take the initiative to enter the palace.

If you don't enter the palace, you will only die.

The children all seemed healthy, and the combination of spiritual roots and spiritual energy had begun to subtly transform the bodies of these children.

Instead, boys of suitable age were selected from the captives of the conquered chieftain tribes in the southwest and the various forces destroyed by the Ming army in the northwest and then sent to the palace after castration.

The better the psychic ability, the deeper the degree of transformation.

Zhu Houcong was not surprised.

The concubines took them back to the palace, and Prince Xueduo showed a look of reluctance in his eyes.

Anyone who starts cultivating immortality will be obsessed with areas with dense spiritual energy.

Doing so would demonstrate the Ming court's grace and the emperor's mercy by pardoning the descendants of these sinners.

He looked carefully at the emperor who was watching his children not far away.

In fact, most of the eunuchs following Huang Jin were not pure Mingren.

In the first year after Zhu Houcong ascended the throne, he ordered a temporary ban on recruiting eunuchs from the private sector.

"In the first month of the first year of Jiajing, my tribe was defeated by the heavenly soldiers and all of them went into exile. I also surrendered to the court with my father, and was then sent to the palace as a gift to the court by the military government."

Although his voice was trembling, the education he received among the chieftains made his expressions fairly clear.

Zhu Houcong generally understood.

"Are you raw or cooked-"

Generally speaking, cooked fandom has basically been brought under the direct control of Mingting, while raw fanban still retains relatively much independence.

But seeing how fluently this young eunuch spoke made Zhu Houcong a little curious.

"Between raw and cooked fan, my grandfather's generation was recognized as cooked fan by Emperor Xiaozong, but now he is branded as raw fan and is criticized by the Ming army..."

Although Uruch did not put it too bluntly.

But the meaning in the words couldn't be more obvious.

Huang Jin looked solemnly.

It has begun. The traditional arts of the Ming army can kill the good and take credit!

And if this matter is really what Uruzhi said, the situation will obviously be more serious.

In the past, the Ming army in the north only slandered the surrendered Mongols for rebellion in order to gain military glory. Often the local Ming army would kill all the Mongols who surrendered to the Great Wall before the court's appeasement edict was issued.

Given the established facts and no evidence, it is very likely that the court would really punish the local Ming army.

Things often just settle down.

The disastrous consequence of this was that a large number of Mongolians defected to Yuanting out of fear, and in order to take revenge, a large number of bloody conflicts were caused in border markets. Under the accumulation of contradictions, there will be endless border troubles and endless war drums.

"Qiu Luan or Luo An?"

Zhu Houcong asked.

He thought about the situation in the Southwest today.

Those nobles who do whatever it takes to obtain military honors can do such things.

This pattern has happened countless times on the northern and northeastern borders.

The vortex of power surrounding the capital.

The generals of the Ming army will use all means to gain fame for themselves.

Bloodshed and hatred are the themes of this era.

The Central Plains dynasty has long regarded and acted as a conqueror and suzerainty, and in the end it will surely reap the consequences.

"They are the troops of the Xuanwei Department... My father harbored homesickness and rebelled against the Party. His crime is unforgivable. I have absolutely no intention of harboring any grudges and complaints. I hope Heaven will tell me clearly."

"I know——"

Zhu Houcong said to Huang Jin.

"After we get back, let Lu Fang draw up the plan and send people to the southwest to see what the situation is."


Huang Jin looked serious.

"Let's talk about the Su family——"

"The Governor's Office of the Fifth Army has responded and arranged for all the Su clan members to be included in this Northern Expedition."

Huang Jin replied that as the personal chamberlain who conveyed the imperial edict on behalf of the emperor and also served as the eunuch and eunuch, he knew very well the purpose of the emperor's arrangement.

"When Yuanting is destroyed, we will immediately order the Su family to establish a vassal in the former place of Yuanting... then we will..."

Having said this, Zhu Houcong paused.

He is still thinking about what to do with his hometown in Mongolia.

He made up his mind.

A unified Mongolia is a huge threat to the Central Plains at all times.

Just follow the previous method and split it into two empires, the east and west.

"Let Su Zhen serve as the Jurchen Protector first. In addition to commanding the Mongolian tribes east of the Onan River, he will also command the Jurchen kings, which will serve as the foundation of Zhu Zaiji's vassal state in the future."

Huang Jin listened quietly. He knew that the emperor came here specifically to tell him that there must be something he needed to do.

And the young eunuchs he brought behind him were all carefully selected people with outstanding memories.

Even if there are any omissions, you can compare and record them after you go back.

"As for the Yuanting headquarters and right-wing troops in the east, they will be handed over to the Li family and let Zhu Zaihan and his mother clan rule..."

Zhu Houcong planned his empire.

"The snowy plains of the north are a place where evil spirits roam. Only the most determined and brave warriors can conquer it——"

But since Emperor Yongle, the Ming court has not produced such brave generals and soldiers for many years.

Zhu Houcong considered the difficulty of this Northern Expedition.

The longevity medicine is to completely solve the hidden danger of Sun En.

As long as this water fairy exists for one day, for his ambition, he will create countless organizations similar to the White Lotus Sect within the Ming court.

This time Luo Jiao jumped out first, which was indeed beyond Zhu Houcong's expectation.

He originally planned to deal with the White Lotus Sect first and then order the southern state capital to eradicate all Luo Sect rebels.

Liu Qingyuan's ability to do things is a bit too outstanding.

The cabinet was at loggerheads over whether to reward or demote this person.

In the end, it was Liang Chu who came forward and allowed Liu Yuanqing to successfully advance to several levels.

Of course, Liang Chu's help was not free.

(End of this chapter)

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