Chapter 472 Checkmate

Akito knows a lot of things——

This is a view that Sun En has always agreed with.

It's just that they always involve this valuable knowledge in boring internal struggles.

Then they were consumed again and again in the struggle.

"It's really not the right time for you to be resurrected now."

Sun En looked at the naked woman in front of him with some pity on his face.

Different from Tang Xiuying or Tang Caier's beautiful and charming appearance.

The Tang Saier in front of her really just looked like an ordinary folk woman.

At most, his face looks somewhat delicate.

Even because she has been practicing martial arts for many years, her appearance is not outstanding even among the people.

Her smile gradually faded.

Because as the halo flickered, Sun En's shadow in front of him became thinner and thinner.

Tang Saier asked puzzledly.

"I can probably last half an hour."

The corners of Tang Saier's mouth twitched slightly.

Disappearing is the best way to describe her appearance.

"Emperor Taizu is dead. Is there anyone in this world who Sun Tianshi can't deal with?"

Sun En stared at the cold pool in front of him.

"I don't think any of us can wait for this day."

Tang Saier glanced at the huge octopus corpse behind him.

"I didn't want to do this, but unfortunately the key to my corpse was in his hands. I had no choice but to kill him."

"A certain evil god in the sea..."

Sun En said.

Because she knew that Sun En's current state was very wrong.


"You're dying-"

The temptation just now shredded Sun En's last bit of luck.

But now, she was staring with a pair of scarlet eyes, showing her fangs, stood up with a charming smile, took off her scattered clothes on the ground, put them on, and answered Sun En's questions with a stiff expression.

"How did you kill it - or in other words, what price did you pay to kill it."

And the hot current rushing from the mountain gate made him sigh.

"One hundred and fifty years——"

I knew I couldn't escape this time.

"Zhu Houcong..."

The King of Qin's sword pointed at the water master in the world of cholera.

And looked at Luo Qing's body on the ground.

Zhu Houcong felt a sense of joy.

There is also an unexpected surprise.

It seems that not only Sun En can be dealt with today, but also Luo Jiao can be dealt with as well.

"As you can see, I'm dying—"

Sun En took a step forward and pointed to the pool behind him.

He looked at the Emperor Mingting in front of him seriously, as if he could see emotions such as desire, excitement, etc. in his eyes...

But to his disappointment.

The expression of Zhu Houcong in front of him seemed even colder than his own.

He didn't seem to care at all about the art of immortality.

"Aren't you curious about what the legendary elixir of longevity is?"

Sun En asked.

Even his imminent death could not make his mood fluctuate a little bit again.

After all, Zhijie Xian's immortality technique has unavoidable side effects.

Perhaps this is why Sun En is so eager to seek true immortality.

As the degree of dismemberment became deeper and deeper, he had completely lost his original intention. In other words, he has completely lost himself.

Life doesn't matter, and death doesn't matter.

If he hadn't realized this problem just after the corpse was dissected, he forcibly imposed a ban on himself.

Let Sun En find the elixir of longevity at all costs and gain true immortality.

I'm afraid that Sun En has long since disappeared somewhere in the world, becoming a cold ice sculpture that silently watches the various conditions of the world.

"Life and death have their own destiny——"

Zhu Houcong replied.

He saw that Sun En's energy was exhausted, so he took the initiative to dissipate the magic around him, accepted Sun En's invitation, and sat beside Luo Qing's body to have a long conversation.

Zhang Fawei behind him stared closely at the newly resurrected Tang Sai'er.

He felt the aura of evil in this woman.

Although she looks very weak, she may not even be able to handle Fan He.

But Zhang Fawei did not dare to take these magicians lightly.

The source of power for these warlocks never comes from themselves or from a direct bloodline offering.

They may be associated with any terrifying or strange being.

It is simply impossible to achieve a comprehensive response using ordinary means.

"After all, we cannot predict tomorrow, so immortality and immortality are just lies to ourselves and others in the final analysis——"

Zhu Houcong replied.

This is why he does not believe that the so-called longevity medicine can really make people live longer.

He understands the urinary nature of this world too well.

Nothing is free.

Any spell requires a corresponding price to be cast.

As for the longevity technique——

Zhu Houcong looked at Sun En in front of him.

"If it's really so useful, why won't the Qin court of the First Emperor be seen for thousands of generations?"

"It's so open-minded——"

Sun En sighed.

Hearing Zhu Houcong's words seemed to shatter some paranoia in his heart, and his facial features that were originally covered by light were revealed from under the halo.

"It would be great if I could have thoughts like yours back then - but after pursuing the great path for so long, I would be surprised to find that I could not obtain the elixir of immortality in the end."

Sun En turned his palm down and took out a stone slab directly from the ground, with silvery white light flashing.

In a moment, a piece of beautiful jade appeared in front of Zhu Houcong's eyes.

Two words were clearly engraved on it.

"Speaking of Qin"

"These are some interesting stories about the era of the First Emperor that I have collected in the past. I am afraid that the First Emperor's plan is not just as simple as immortality. He has become something terrible that lingers in this country. We will never be able to escape from violence. The yoke imposed on us by Qin."

First Emperor.

Zhu Houcong looked at the stone slab in front of him, his eyes flashing with light.

In the end, he accepted Sun En's last gift. Sun En in front of him no longer posed any threat to Zhu Houcong.

Zhu Houcong did not immediately read the text.

Seeing Zhu Houcong being cautious, Sun En looked at the cold pool aside, thinking of the fierce battle that Zhu Houcong and the things in the water would definitely have in a hundred years.

He couldn't help but remind.

"The Qin Dynasty was a unique dynasty...Whether it was the Warring States Period or the Han Dynasty, it was completely different from the violent Qin Dynasty."

Yes, no dynasty will use legal weapons to turn one-third of the people of his country into slaves.

Thus, an inexhaustible supply of free labor can be obtained.

No dynasty would force minors to do hard labor and have their descendants serve the empire throughout their lifetimes.

For the people of Qin, any small mistake is the last step into the abyss of eternal destruction.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang never doubted that they would lose all their future once they fell into the hands of Qin Ting.

So they raised the flag of rebellion, even though their guilt seemed no greater than that of rebellion.

But in the face of the bloody facts, no one dares to gamble with their own lives and the lives of their whole family.

(End of this chapter)

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