Chapter 479 Jinglong

"I'll go bring the sarcophagus over -"

Zhang Fawei said and left here.

He summoned a few sailors who were playing leaf cards on the deck to come over and move the sarcophagus from the storage warehouse.

"By the way, Mr. Mai, there's something I've always wanted to ask. Is our ship off course?"

While waiting for Zhang Fawei to move the sarcophagus back, young Tianshi Zhang asked casually.

His eyes were staring straight at the vast sea in front of him.

The memory when he came told him that there should have been an island there.

But now there is nothing on the sea.

Waves that were stronger than before were hitting the hull of the ship, causing the ship to sway slightly at this moment.

Although I had already vomited for a while when I came here.

After forcibly adapting to life on the deck, Zhang Tianshi had gradually developed the nerve to adapt to life at sea.

But at this time, as the wind and waves became increasingly fierce, Zhang Tianshi felt a new round of tumbling begin in his stomach.


Magellan pointed to the red ship mark that the Ming army had set up on the sea and temporarily fixed with anchors not far away.

"Because we have temporarily formed an alliance with the sharks, this sea route is currently the most economical and economical one... The road we took when we came here was really too tortuous."

But the wind and waves on this road are also big enough.

Zhang Tianshi complained silently in his heart.

"Thank you to the Emperor for your kindness, for granting peace to the world and allowing all people to rest and recuperate——"

Zhang Tianshi said.

He turned around and saw a group of strong men walking towards here carrying the four corners of the sarcophagus.

The leading official is the son of Wang Qiong, Wangge Lao, who is now very vocal in the cabinet and is said to take over the post of chief minister of the cabinet after Liang Chu retires.

Now, by virtue of his great achievements in supervising the construction of warships, appeasing the northern border generals, and leading the navy to rescue Jinling, this man has been promoted to the rank of Zuozhong of the Ministry of War, the chief officer and the military governor, and has additional control over the military affairs of the three provinces.

The censor of the territorial navy was responsible for coordinating the various naval forces in Liaodong, Korea and Ryukyu.

This person didn't know what news he heard, but he actually followed him at this time.

"Lord Wang——"

Magellan said hello perfunctorily.

This Western imperial official didn't seem to like this murderous civil servant very much.

"I heard that a key criminal appointed by the emperor was here, so I boarded the ship to have a look."

Wang Jinglong raised his hand and ordered the navy warriors behind him to place the sarcophagus on the ground.

He walked around He Yingjun lying on the deck.

He is not surprised by these evil spells, and he also knows the power of those ancient curses.

Therefore, he did not rashly touch the female alchemist on the ground who had been tied into a ball with white silk.

Wang Jinglong had seen many corpses of victims affected by evil spells when he led the Ming army in the north to eliminate evil priests in the north.

The terrifying shape of it is truly terrifying.

Although the military censors stationed in various places have long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

There was even the leisure to pick out some of the mortal soldiers who were affected by the sorcery with less serious injuries, and put them into the army the next day to defend against the Mongols. As for the injury getting worse? Aren't they just a few more tentacles? What's the big deal.

If you don't act before the battle, the supervisors will chop off your head anyway and send your whole family to Tieling to guard the border.

But Wang Jinglong had always relied on his father's care to serve as an official in Beijing.

Although the public security in the capital cannot compare with Zhu Houcong's previous life.

But compared to other places in the Ming Dynasty, it was a place where various forces entangled each other to check and balance each other.

Not many monsters dare to commit crimes in broad daylight.

What he saw during the Southern Expedition and Northern Inspection gave Wang Jinglong a particularly huge shock.

But it also made him more aware of the way in which the entire empire really operated.

Confucian etiquette is just a decoration to whitewash peace.

What really allowed Confucianism to rule the world and suppress Buddhism and Taoism was the powerful force accumulated day by day in the hands of many powerful clans, powerful families, and other forces based on its consistent concept of "respecting heaven and the ancestors."

And what can make these powerful families unite instead of separate and rule as kings will only be more powerful force.

The elite soldiers and warriors under the central court and their terrible destiny relied on absolute violence to maintain the unity of the world.

As a Confucian scholar, Wang Jinglong saw what he saw, which made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

The books he learned since childhood are lies. The so-called psychology of Zhu Xi and others are just two fake books that fool the world in different ways.

And the Confucian scholar he played was fake.

The current imperial court has become increasingly impatient to continue wearing this layer of skin called Confucian ethics.

If Wang Jinglong wants to rise step by step in this court like his father.

Wang Qiong's comfort echoed in his ears again along with the turbulence of the sea.

"If you want to be a true Confucian scholar... you must go back to our ancestral land and visit our ancestral hall. This year, on behalf of the family, go and worship the ancestors and ghosts and gods who have protected us for a long time, and the divine elixir. It is also reserved for you. I am already over seventy. How many more years can I live even if I take this medicine? But if you can successfully enter the cabinet before the age of fifty, with the protection of the magic pill, you can do it. To protect the family's wealth for another thirty years..."

Wang Jinglong was moved by the words of his old father, whom he had always considered too rigid and strict.

He knows what he should do.

This system seems to require a steady stream of 'Confucian scholars' who come out of the imperial examination.

But in fact, true Confucian disciples are the foundation for the maintenance of this empire.

Those scholars who only know how to read are just tools deliberately trained to maintain the superficial unity of the empire and whitewash peace.

More of them is not more, less of them is not less.

Wang Jinglong looked at the female alchemist on the ground who was trying to open her eyes wide and try to see the flowers on the sarcophagus.

It seems that once the core force of the empire collapses, these so-called 'scholars' who have no power to protect themselves will meet a sad end due to the invasion of northern evil spirits and the iron cavalry of alien sacrifices.

"I came here in compliance with the imperial edict to discuss with the Hai tribe on the construction of shark lairs in various islands and harbors... I heard that the imperial court was collecting clues about the alchemists recently, so I came to board the ship to have a look."

Wang Jinglong said.

Seeing that Magellan didn't speak, Zhang Fawei could only stand up and speak.

"Your Majesty Wang is interested. His Majesty did order the spies of Qintian Prison to collect information about overseas alchemists. However, these alchemists have been very cunning since they went into exile in overseas countries. They have integrated into the local Tu tribe for a long time. If you are not careful, I’m afraid it’s difficult to pick it out.”

"It doesn't matter. My trip this time is to recruit sailors from Ryukyu, Luzon, Japan and other countries, and lead the lords of the Ministry of Rites to discuss with each country the specific regulations for the exploration and trade of the coming year... At that time, the princes of various places can offer heavy rewards."

(End of this chapter)

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