Chapter 490 Uzang

"My local informant came to report that the Ming army in the Hetao area has not made any moves, and seems to be waiting for moves from various Uzbek tribes."

This is what this Han border resident who deliberately dressed himself as a Mongolian said.

When talking about those Buddhist countries on the plateau, the faces of everyone present became a little ugly.

"How dare those bald donkeys intervene in the prairie people's war——"

People are puzzled by how the herdsmen on these plateaus can covet themselves.

This is a huge insult to them.

Those miserable and ignorant herdsmen, the secret monks who only know the glory of their own life.

How dare they put themselves on the same level as the Golden Family to intervene in this war for destiny.

Is this a joke?

Looking at the smiling, round-faced Taoist priest who answered the complaints of the Jin Yiwei for the first time, Luo An and the Jin Yiwei beside him also looked helpless.

Ida Khan didn't look at him.

People looked at each other, daring to feel that being underestimated was a big joke.

He easily dismissed two ghosts that were wandering around the area and wanted to devour the guide.


Instead, he gave instructions to Shi Tian Jue Shi.


After getting the answer he wanted most, Ada Khan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will make the following arrangements -"

"Not far, not far."

The right-wing chief, who looked panicked just now, hurriedly replied.

Luo An, who was transferred back to the north from the southwest with a letter from the imperial court, followed Lan Daoxing, who was famous throughout the Ming Dynasty. Since entering this vast plateau, he has seen the white bone pagodas and human skins along the way. The summoning flag made him and the guards behind him feel a sense of discomfort.


"The 30,000 households on the right wing must strengthen patrols in the east and do not engage in direct combat with the Ming army. We must use thirst and exhaustion to eliminate these invading enemies on the grassland... Let the herdsmen take their tribes to migrate to the west. , burning water and grass along the way, telling them that if they can win this time, the Immortal Sky next year will make this place lush again and protect their cattle and sheep from getting sick."

However, this Quanzhen Taoist Priest seemed not to be surprised by all this.

Looking at the Great Mercy Temple that Zhu Di personally ordered to build during the Yongle period, which was vaguely visible on the mountains not far away, he said.

"Master Lan, how far is it from the temple of Dharma King Daci——"

"Tell the khans of Kipchak that the time has come for the Golden Family to fulfill their promise, and let them gather their men and horses to meet at the foot of the sky. As long as the Ming army cannot follow the route of the plateau and bypass the desert and the battlefield, under the protection of destiny Next, the Ming army in Hetao will never be able to capture the traces of our grassland warriors who come and go like the wind——"

I felt a lot more at peace inside.

This Taoist priest is first-rate in terms of temperament and character.

"When the Ming army is exhausted, I will personally lead the cavalry south, defeat Datong, capture Xuanfu, and hunt the capital together with the Ming Emperor."

The only drawback is that it's a bit confusing.

"If you don't believe it, look--"

Looking at the Jinyi guards around me, they all have expressions on their faces like you are a liar.

Lan Daoxing shook his aqua blue robe and pointed forward with his index finger.

I saw two skull and bone chandeliers coming out from under the gloomy sky, accompanied by the yin energy formed from the bones and human skins around them.

Two monks, one behind the other, holding chandeliers, penetrated the fog and walked toward the crowd.

When they saw the leader Lan Daoxing, they all bowed deeply forward. "The Taoist priest has been waiting for a long time. The Dharma King has summoned all levels of governors and households under the jurisdiction of the Xingdu Command Department to come. When the Taoist priest arrives, he can announce the court's order to them."

I heard the two skinny ghost-like monks in front of me say this.

Lan Daoxing's eyebrows flashed.

Luo An behind him was also calm.

"Then there is Dharma King Lao Daci."


Two monks led the way as the road to the Great Mercy Temple became increasingly rugged.

The surrounding environment is becoming more and more dead and quiet.

Behind him, he looked at two monks who looked neither humble nor overbearing even when facing the special envoys sent by the imperial court.

A young nephew next to Luo An asked in a low voice with some confusion.

"What is the ability of this compassionate Dharma King to allow the court to treat him with such courtesy?"

"The Great Merciful Dharma King——"

Although his voice was very low, it was clear that the two monks leading the way were not ordinary people.

Hearing this, they led everyone forward, turned back, raised the corners of their mouths slightly, and condensed the Sanskrit words on their faces like black tadpoles into one place.

"It was the ninth year of Xuande. His Majesty ordered the establishment of the Great Merciful Dharma King in Lhasa to lead many Buddhist lords who were entrusted during the Yongle period. He also coordinated with the commanders and envoys to manage all the big and small things in Uzang. All the governors and households were subject to the Great Merciful Dharma King. Moderation... Now this tradition has lasted for nearly a hundred years. Envoys from the Han Dynasty are all received by the Great Mercy Temple. It has always been like this - "

The monk's voice was like a child playing with dead wood, harsh and intermittent, making people feel chilled.

During the Hongwu period, after the imperial court used troops on the plateau twice, in order to ensure that the local chiefs of Uzang did not dare to rebel again, they established the "Uzang Guard" on it, which had jurisdiction over thousands of households and guard posts. Ensure the local military rule by force.

The more famous one is that in the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), the Oris Military and Civilian Marshal's Mansion was established in Leh City.

In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), the Wanhu Mansion of Muzhuba was established.

In the sixth year of Hongwu (1373), Bili Gongwa Wanhu Mansion was built.

In the fifteenth year of Hongwu (1382), Yangsiduo Wanhu Mansion was established.

In the eighteenth year of Hongwu (1385), Shalu Wanhu Mansion was established.

In the eighth year of Hongwu (1375), a residence for thousands of households was built.

In the Yongle period, the situation was different. In order to meet the expenses of moving the capital and conquering various places, Zhu Di was not satisfied with investing heavily in Uzang every year to maintain a large number of troops to maintain the Ming court's local rule.

So under Zhu Di's instruction, he began to intentionally support XZ's religious forces in order to attack the local chieftains and Tibetan nobles.

A large number of esoteric Buddhist lords were canonized and granted fiefdoms.

In the eleventh year of Yongle (1413), the king of Chanjiao was established, with a fiefdom, and was stationed in Bili Gong.

In the eleventh year of Yongle (1413), an auxiliary king was established, who had a fiefdom and was stationed in Sidazang.

In the fifth year of Yongle (1407), King Chanhua was established, with a fiefdom and stationed at Liewudong.

In the fifth year of Yongle (1407), the Dharma King was established, with a fiefdom, and was stationed in Zuerbu Temple.

In the eleventh year of Yongle (1413), the Mahayana Dharma King was established, with a fiefdom, stationed in Saga.

Many more——

As long as the monks brought heavy money to the capital to meet Emperor Yongle, Zhu Di was happy to grant these religious forces various canonizations and titles.

At this time, Uzang's local forces had been squeezed to the brink of collapse by religion and various Ming army garrison households.

Various large temples and Dharma kings began to embezzle the land of nobles and plunder their populations with the support of the Ming court... Perhaps in a short time, Uzang will completely become a guard of the Ming Dynasty no different from the mainland. Therefore, all this happened during the Xuande era with the overall shrinkage of the Ming court's power - or its complete defeat, which declared the end of the blueprint of the Hongwu and Yongle generations to control Uzbekistan.

(End of this chapter)

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