Chapter 100 Complete victory!

The crowd of people who were blocked in the pass never thought that Bai Yujing could actually have such a move that could pull the fire out of the cauldron.

A large group of nearly 120 people were all trapped and killed in the pass.

And then, Bai Yujing took advantage of the victory and pursued it, pressing directly to the high ground of great pride.

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes, looked at the people who were about to be resurrected, and said in a deep voice.

"In this wave, grab the position in front of the defense tower and stop dragging us with the other side."

"Just this wave, take it directly!"

"Morale will increase infinitely, just push this wave!"

Lin Xiao knew very well that Wan Zhanghaoqing's command level was definitely not low. If he could trick him once, it would be difficult to trick him a second time.

In this kind of multiplayer PVP competition, one chance is enough to determine the victory.

Seeing Bai Yujing's large group attacking his own high ground, he commanded Yuzi to shout loudly on the gang channel.

"Everyone is defending the high ground, we must not let them knock down the high ground tower!"

Commander Yuzi was really defeated by Bai Yujing who frequently used strange tricks.

He still can't figure out how Bai Yujing's group suddenly withdrew from the granary!
It was obvious that their focus was on the granary, but they didn't expect to be tricked by them.

At this time, Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes.

Although the gap in combat power was indeed huge, he had thought very clearly before attacking the high ground.

He couldn't think of any other strange moves that could defeat Wan Zhang Hao Qing.

Next came the time of a last-ditch battle. Even if his combat power was low, it didn't matter. He still understood why the ants would bite the elephant to death.

As long as Wan Zhang Hao Qing dares to support him in batches, he will be confident of holding back Wan Zhang Hao Qing's large army!
Yuzi, who was tricked by Lin Xiao, was making frequent mistakes.

He directly asked the resurrected Wanzhang Haoqing people to jump into the platform at their feet after the countdown ended.

He didn't even notice the dense crowd of Bai Yujing players at his feet.

So what if the combat power is suppressed? After all, he is not invincible.

The result of jumping off in batches is to be directly bombarded to death by various skills!

If Yuzi can command everyone to gather and jump at the second time, there may be hope for a comeback.

This tactic of encouraging people to die in batches is just killing everyone in Bai Yujing!
Sure enough, the overwhelming arrogance did not restore the disadvantage at the beginning. Instead, the two highland towers on our side were all left with remaining health and were in danger.

Once the Highland Tower falls, the gang flag will be undefendable and completely exposed to the attacks of Bai Yujing's people.

Only then did Yuzi realize the gap in command between the two sides.

If he had not despised and looked down upon Lin Ameng at the beginning, and seriously regarded him as his opponent, he might not have been forced into such a desperate situation at all.

Only now did he guess what tactics Bai Yujing used.

Thinking about it, the other party must have expected the disappearance of the eye position and deliberately sent out false news that all his troops were in the granary.

Seizing the brief disappearance of the ward position, the whole group automatically moved to the birth point.

Then the whole group gathered together, a double team came, and the situation turned from bad to good!
Even though Yuzi was Lin Ameng's opponent, she couldn't help but admire Lin Ameng's tactics.

The tactical ideas are clear and clear, the play method is simple and easy to understand, but the effect is quite perfect.

One wave directly killed Wanzhang Haoqing!
Just when the arrogant Yuzi was still thinking about how to make a comeback, the two defense towers on the high ground collapsed.

Later, Bai Yujing set their goal on the proud gang banner.

The gang flag started to drop blood.

Finally, at this last moment, Yuzi thought of the situation of Jedi counterattack.There are always more than a dozen or twenty of them jumping in one wave, which does not help the front at all.

Facing a large group of 120 people, it is basically not difficult to deal with such a small number of people.

At least fifty or sixty people must be gathered on their side to jump from the birth point to the high ground together, so that they can cause a huge blow to the opponent.

Yuzi glanced at the gang flag's health, which was only less than 20%.

He took a deep breath and said on the gang channel.

"Hold still, don't jump down yet, wait until everyone jumps down together!"

As soon as he said this, the heroic people who were about to jump off the high ground immediately stopped their operations.

When there were about 50 people in the resurrection point, Yuzi directed everyone to jump from the resurrection point.

This adjustment can be said to be immediate.

If the combat power of both sides is similar, 50 people really don't need to pay attention.

The concentrated fire of 120 people can completely submerge these 50 people.

But the current situation is that the gap in combat power between the two sides is extremely obvious.

These fifty people with great pride can even compete with Bai Yujing's large group of 120 people in front of him!

At this time, Wan Zhanghaoqing, who jumped to the center of the crowd, began to kill everyone, attacking Bai Yujing's people like chopping melons and vegetables.

Lin Xiao, who noticed this, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about the front. Everyone sets fire to the flag. This wave must push down the flag!"

Lin Xiao also knew that the head-on gap between the two sides was quite huge.

As long as Wan Zhang Hao Qing makes full use of their frontal strength, they basically can't compete with Wan Zhang Hao Qing.

The only chance left for them is this one!
As more and more Wanzhang Haozhen players joined their group, Bai Yujing's players kept falling. At this time, the flag's health also reached 5%.

Yuzu bit her lip tightly, her eyes a little nervous.

He didn't expect Bai Yujing's demolition to be so fast.

In just a few minutes, it was demolished and less than 5% was left!

Thinking about the possibility of losing his job, he shouted on the gang channel.

"Use all your strength, the target is Bai Yujing, who is gathering the banner of the Fire Gang!"

Yuzi is really going all out now.

He had a hunch that this wave was Bai Yujing's last resistance. As long as they could withstand this wave, there was no way they would lose!
However, Yuzi underestimated Bai Yujing's output and overestimated his own combat power.

Even if 120 pigs are put to kill in front of you, it will take more than ten minutes to kill, let alone a skilled player.

Su Wen's agreement became the spark that defeated Wan Zhang's pride and withstood Wan Zhang's crazy output.

In the end, Bai Yujing defeated the overwhelming Wan Zhanghaoqin in 11 minutes and flattened the opponent's flag in one fell swoop.

The treasure chest symbolizing the winner appears on the high ground of great pride!
Witnessing this scene, the enthusiastic players did not hesitate at all and directly chose to quit the fighting team.

In the gang channel, boss Mu Changfeng took the lead in attacking.

“I don’t know what level of conductors I have raised!”

"The combat power was over 50, but it was flattened in 11 minutes?"

"I don't know what the fight was about!"

(End of this chapter)

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