Chapter 118

"I love you at 105 degrees, the drops of clear distilled water, and the super idol's smile are not as sweet as you."

Lin Xiao turned over and turned off the alarm on his phone in a daze.

But soon, before he woke up, there was another rapid ringing.

This time it was not an alarm clock, but a rapid ringtone. Lin Xiao rubbed his eyes and took the phone.

"Hey, who is it?"

Lao Gu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Lao Lin, why aren't you up yet?"

Lin Xiao was a little confused as to who was calling him this early in the morning.

He glanced at the screen of his mobile phone and saw that he was a little less sleepy. He said with some dissatisfaction.

"Lao Gu, it's only eight o'clock in the morning, and I'm getting a hammer call!"

"Hey, hey, Lao Lin, you must have forgotten, right?"

Lao Gu said helplessly.

"Didn't you agree to take Lao Zhou to the airport today? You won't forget it, right?"

Lin Xiao suddenly sat up from the bed and opened his eyes in surprise.

"Are you kidding me? Today is the 22nd?"

He didn't pay attention to the time these days, and he didn't realize that today was already the 22nd, and Lao Zhou and his girlfriend Liu Lele were on today's flight!

"Absolutely. Are you confused when you hit Ni Shuihan? Didn't the group still talk about this matter yesterday?"

Lao Gu sighed helplessly.

This Lao Lin was too crazy. He had already agreed to send Lao Zhou and Liu Lele to the plane today, but why did he forget to do so?

Lin Xiao quickly apologized.

"My, my, my, I've been dizzy from playing Ni Shuihan for the past two days. I'm too tired from giving orders."

"I'll get up with Tiantian right now, and the two of us will be there soon."

Lao Gu on the other side of the phone said with a smile.

"Don't worry, we're at the hotel here. Their flight leaves at four in the afternoon, so you just need to catch the lunch shop and come over!"

Lao Gu called Lin Xiao mainly to remind him.

It's not that troublesome. If you're in a hurry, just come over in time for lunch and finally get together.

Lin Xiao nodded and said to Lao Gu.

"Okay, then Tiantian and I will take a shower and we'll be there in a while. You can just send me the address of the hotel later."

Lao Gu's affirmative answer came from the other end of the phone. Lin Xiao nodded and hung up the phone.

He rubbed his eyes, glanced at the naked Ji Tiantian beside him, and smiled, tucked her in the quilt, then got up and went directly to the bathroom.

It was almost nine o'clock when I went to the toilet after washing up.

Lin Xiao chose a more casual combination of sweatshirt and jeans, and then wore a pair of classic canvas shoes.

Around 09:30, Ji Tiantian also opened her eyes in a daze.

She got up and drank some water first, then walked to the bathroom with disheveled hair.

Neatly dressed Lin Xiao stood at the door of the bathroom. He looked at Ji Tiantian who was washing her face and said with a smile.

"Do you know what day it is?"

"Today? Our one hundred days together?"

Ji Tiantian was a little confused and didn't know what Lin Xiao was suddenly saying.

"It's not your and my birthday either? What's wrong? Is today important?"

Seeing Ji Tiantian's confused look, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile and said in a deep voice. "Have you forgotten that Lao Zhou and Liu Lele are going back to Fancheng today? Why, aren't you going to see them off?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Ji Tiantian was stunned at first, and then opened her eyes in surprise.

"Today is the 22nd?"

"Yeah, I've already forgotten it as soon as I saw you."

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes in the bathroom and said with a smile.

"It's okay, don't panic, I called Lao Gu just now."

"They are in the hotel now. We have a flight at four in the afternoon, so we can get there at noon."

Hearing this, Ji Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, that's fine. My husband is lucky to have you!"

Ji Tiantian knew herself very well. If Lin Xiao hadn't reminded her, she would definitely not have remembered this incident.

It's not that I don't have a good relationship with my best friend Liu Lele, it's mainly because I've been playing Nishuihan so crazy these past two days.

Every day when I wake up, Ni Shuihan comes online to kill people. After several days of darkness, people are confused.

Ji Tiantian pushed Lin Xiao out of the bathroom door and closed the door to her room.

"Okay, okay, come out quickly, I want to dress up!"

Lin Xiao looked at the closed bathroom door in front of him, showed a helpless smile, lay down on the sofa, and directly boarded the Nishuihan mobile game.

The playing time in the first two days was too long. I had to play for four days and three nights, and the server crashed.

Their server was forced to shut down yesterday for maintenance, and Lin Xiao was not able to log in all day yesterday.

As soon as I logged in today, I received official maintenance compensation.

Lin Xiao received his email. Lin Xiao was not interested in the official's high-sounding words at all. He was just a little curious about the reward.

The official was a rare act of generosity and directly compensated Sanjiaozi.

To put it bluntly, 30 Jiaozi is really not that small. Compared with the past, this is really a lot.

After their battle with the Blossom Alliance, Mingyue Tianya gradually divided into three camps.

The first one is the Haoqing Alliance headed by Bai Yujing.

They are the most powerful alliance in Mingyue Tianya. A[-], A[-] and A[-] join forces, their combat power is extremely high, and their command level is much higher than that of the Blossom Alliance.

The second one is still the Blossom Alliance headed by Blossom Blossoms.

Although the player's level and command ability are at a disadvantage, the advantage of Blossoms is the large number of people.

While occupying half of Group A, they also unite six gangs from Group B. The number of people is staggering.

The third one is the neutral party spontaneously formed by Mingyue Tianya players.

They currently have the largest number of people, and many of them are casual or Buddhist players who are not interested in fighting and killing in the arena.

There are many top European emperors and high-level players among them.

At this time, players on both sides were constantly mocking each other in the world channel.

At that stage last night, many people thought it was a big victory for the Haoqing Alliance. After all, they had already occupied five lines.

As long as we drive out the Blossom Alliance on Line [-], we will be victorious.

But the people in the Blossom Alliance don't think so.

It's very simple. The Prosperity Alliance has not completely failed. They still have a line and a chance to make a comeback.

Therefore, they seized on this and firmly denied their failure and refused to admit that they lost to the Haoqing Alliance.

It is precisely for this reason that the two sides launched a fierce war of words.

Although they may not be opponents head-on, the Flowers Alliance will definitely not lose in the war of words.

It's already the second day that Lin Xiao has come here, and yesterday's war of words will only become more intense!
(End of this chapter)

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