Chapter 122
After talking to Lin Xiao and getting repeated assurances from Lin Xiao, Ji Tiantian felt at ease and went to the bathroom to wash up.

The two had just set off at around 11 noon.

Fortunately, their location is not very far from the airport, and it takes basically half an hour to drive there.

Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian held hands and walked into the Wanda Hotel next to the airport.

"Do you two have an appointment?"

In the hotel lobby, a waiter stood in front of Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian with a smile.

She squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the two people in front of her.

People who work in the service industry have already developed a pair of "intelligent eyes!"

Although you may not be able to tell how rich you are just by looking at your face, you can at least tell a person's living standard.

The Wanda Hotel here is not a small hotel, and the two people in front of them walked directly to the elevator as soon as they entered.

There are only two cases.

The first type is young couples running errands in a hurry, and the second type is regular customers who often stay at Wanda hotels.

No matter what kind of person it is, it is not something she can easily provoke.

"We are going to room 412, please take us there."

Lin Xiao said to the waiter openly.

"Okay, please go this way!"

The waiter stood with his hands folded, and then stepped on high heels, twisting and turning in front of Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian.

After the elevator reached the fourth floor, Lin Xiao waved to the waiter, got off the elevator, and walked to room 412 holding Lin Xiao's hand.

Arriving at the door of the room, he knocked gently.

Soon, Lao Gu's familiar voice came from inside the door.

"Who is it!"

"Tiantian and I are here, open the door quickly, Lao Gu, Lao Zhou!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly outside the door.

There was a rush of footsteps in the door. Lao Gu opened the door and looked at Lin Xiao and Ji Tiantian outside with a smile.

"Old Lin, what's going on? You're getting late and late for your appointment!"

Lin Xiao laughed and shook his head.

"No, no, something happened just now. Didn't you come over as soon as you finished your work?"

Lao Gu rolled his eyes at Lin Xiao. This reason was too false. He didn't want to believe a single punctuation mark.

He opened the door and welcomed Lin Xiao in.

In the room, Liu Lele, Lao Zhou, and Lao Gu's girlfriend were playing mahjong on the mahjong table.

"You guys had a good time playing mahjong."

Lin Xiao walked to the sofa behind the mahjong table with a smile and said in a deep voice.

"Just get up in the morning and play for a while. We have a flight in the afternoon. There's not much to do in the morning."

The honest and honest Lao Zhou on the side whispered, seeming to be explaining something to Lin Xiao.

"I know, Lao Zhou."

Lin Xiao walked to Lao Zhou's side, patted his shoulder, and said sadly.

"Don't forget about brother when you return to Fancheng. If you need anything, contact me often. If I can help, I will definitely help you find a solution."

Lao Zhou pushed up his glasses, feeling a little nervous, and then sighed quietly.

"Life in Shanghai is too stressful."

"I didn't feel it when I was in college. Once I graduated, I really felt that it was difficult to move forward. It costs thousands of yuan to rent a small house, not to mention eating and drinking every day."

"When I was about to graduate, I stayed in the Shanghai stock market for three months. I earned 8000 a month and couldn't save a penny. I was living on paycheck to paycheck every month!"

Lao Zhou's words were a bit sad.

Lin Xiao recalled their time in college.

At that time, Lao Zhou was the most serious and hard-working person in their studies, and he often read until one or two in the morning.

Moreover, he passed CET-[-] in his sophomore year, which would really make them gnash their teeth with hatred.

Completely different from these laissez-faire college students.After graduation, he was also the first graduate of his class to find a job.

I thought he was the most likely person in their class to stay in Shanghai, but I didn't expect that he would leave so early, returning home less than a month after graduation.

"Do you have any plans to go back?"

Lin Xiao didn't know how to comfort him and could only ask him about his future plans.

Lao Zhou thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I should go back and take the civil service exam. My family asked me to go back and prepare for the exam."

There was some sadness between Lao Zhou's brows.

Seeing the work he did before graduating from college really changed him a lot.

"It's pretty good. Tiantian and I are also planning to go home before the National Day."

Lin Xiao didn't hide it at all and said with a smile.

"Life here is really stressful. Does the family want the two of us to go back quickly?"

Lao Gu on the side asked in surprise.

"Are you going back too, Lao Lin? Didn't you agree to work hard in Shanghai? Why do you want to go back suddenly?"

Lao Gu's family situation is quite good and he is a native of Shanghai.

He will definitely stay in Shanghai after graduation. He also hopes that his friends with whom he has good connections at university can stay in this city. Occasionally, when he is in a bad mood, he can sit and drink together.

"There's nothing I can do. My family is urging me to get married."

Lin Xiao showed a helpless expression and squeezed Ji Tiantian's hand beside him.

"My father has already said that if I don't go home by the end of September, he will come to Shanghai to find me. How I will go back then is uncertain."

Although it was time for farewell, Lin Xiao still didn't want to make the atmosphere too sad and took the initiative to joke with everyone about himself.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, everyone around him couldn't help laughing.

Ji Tiantian gently hammered Lin Xiao's chest.

"Why are you saying this?"

She covered her face shyly.

Falling in love and getting married are two stages.

Now when it comes to getting married, Ji Tiantian still feels a little shy.

"It seems that some people don't want to get married yet. I feel like I'm thinking too much."

Lin Xiao pretended to be regretful and said with emotion.

"Who said I don't want to"

Before Ji Tiantian finished speaking, her eyes met Lin Xiao's smiling eyes.

She blushed and pushed Lin Xiao.

"I'm going to go chat with Lele and the others!"

After saying that, he walked to Liu Lele and Chang'an, and several girls started talking privately.

However, Lin Xiao still vaguely heard a few words, such as bridesmaid, bride price, work, travel and so on.

Lin Xiao didn't go into too much detail and continued to chat with Old Gu Laozhou.

He approached Lao Zhou's ear and controlled the volume just enough for three people to hear.

"What about Liu Lele? Why did you take her back?"

Lao Zhou glanced at Liu Lele, who was happily beside him, and sighed helplessly.

"Lele said she wanted to visit my city."

"I'm going to find a job over there and go to work first, and prepare for the exam with me at the same time."

"No matter how much I try to persuade her, I can't persuade her, and I don't know what to do."

After hearing what Lao Zhou said, Lin Xiao sighed quietly and patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder.

"Lele is a good girl, don't let her down."

(End of this chapter)

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