Chapter 124 Leave
In fact, at this point, there is nothing more to say.

In fact, a little analysis of the stakes can tell what kind of choice Liu Lele should make.

It's just that she doesn't want to face it.

She still had the image of falling in love with Lao Zhou in her mind, and she had never imagined that the two of them might be separated.

But after hearing Lao Zhou's words, Liu Lele suddenly began to hesitate.

She was a little confused, not knowing whether her choice was right or wrong.

Indeed, when you go to each other's city with Lao Zhou, you won't face the situation of long-distance love. The two of you can see each other every day like you did when you were studying in college.

But Lao Zhou has to prepare for the exam with all his strength, which means that Lao Zhou will not waste time on falling in love.

So even if Liu Lele really goes to Lao Zhou's city, what's the difference between it and a long-distance relationship?

Even Lao Zhou would affect his preparation for the exam because he was worried about Liu Lele, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

For a moment, the dining table fell into silence, and no one knew what to say to persuade Liu Lele.

If the other party is really stubborn all the time, everything they say will be in vain.

I don’t know how long it took, but the person involved, Lao Zhou, broke the peace.

He took a cigarette from Lao Gu's cigarette case, took the fire at hand, and lit a cigarette for himself.

"Let's break up, Liu Lele."

Smoke slowly rose from the tips of his fingers. Under the smoke, it was difficult to see Lao Zhou's expression clearly.

"Being together just creates meaningless pressure on each other."

"It's better to separate. Maybe it's better for us to be separated."

Lao Zhou understands this truth very well if there is constant interruption.

If you don't explain things clearly now and clarify the problem clearly, it will be too late when you encounter problems.

Lao Zhou didn't want to delay Liu Lele. He didn't know how long it would take for him to successfully land ashore.

Holding off is not the solution to the problem.

Liu Lele was stunned on the spot for a moment.

She thought that the two people might quarrel, be unhappy, or have a cold war because of this matter, but she never expected that they would break up!

"Why! Why break up?"

Liu Lele didn't understand the meaning of Lao Zhou's words at all, and didn't understand why they broke up for no reason.

It's obvious that the relationship between the two of them has been so good during this period of time together, and they even had very few quarrels, but why, why did it develop to this point.

Lin Xiao on the side was silent and speechless.

Lao Zhou silently blew out a smoke ring and shook his head.

"There's no other reason. I just don't like it anymore. I'm tired. Let's forget it."

His tone was quite ruthless, as if it really meant what he said.

Liu Lele looked at Lao Zhou for a long time, as if she was meeting him for the first time. Soon, she ran out with tears in her eyes.


Ji Tiantian looked at Liu Lele's back and shouted loudly. She turned her head to look at the silent Lao Zhou, gritted her teeth, and chased in Liu Lele's direction.

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes, reached out and patted Lao Zhou on the shoulder, sighing faintly.

"As for?"

"Is it necessary to do this?"

Lao Zhou smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Lele and Ji Tiantian are different. She wouldn't understand otherwise."

"I just feel a little sorry for her, after all, we have been together for such a long time."

"It's impossible to say I don't have feelings, but feelings can't be eaten as food. I have nothing now."

In terms of feelings, girls are emotional, but boys are rational.

Although rational people can be impulsive, they can consider the consequences most of the time.

But emotional people are not like this. They often only imagine good results. Girls often cannot imagine bad results.Seeing Lao Zhou like this, Lin Xiao had nothing to comfort him but patted him on the shoulder.

Finally, Lao Zhou got on the plane back to Fancheng alone.

The two Yakult and Ledo accounts have never been logged in since today.

After returning home, Ji Tiantian touched her mobile phone in silence. She wanted to ask many questions, but she didn't know how to say them. She could only ask Lin Xiao beside her in a low voice.

"Is Lao Zhou gone?"

"Let's go. Didn't we send him to the plane together? What, did you forget?"

Lin Xiao asked with some confusion.

Ji Tiantian sighed helplessly.

"I know, I want to ask you"

When the words came to her lips, Ji Tiantian fell silent again, and she sighed helplessly.

"Do you think Lao Zhou will come back in the future?"

Lin Xiao squinted his eyes, thought for a moment, and then shook his head.

"Probably won't come back."

"What's the point of coming back? Two people are not from the same world!"

In this regard, Lin Xiao still sees it more clearly.

After all, it is actually an economic problem. It was not so obvious when I was in college, but it became quite clear after graduation.

Liu Lele's family is in good condition and she is an only child. Whether she stays in Shanghai, goes home or goes to Lao Zhou's city, she will not have any financial pressure.

But Lao Zhou was different. He had to start working as soon as possible after graduation, and he didn't have much money on hand.Not to mention that he had to prepare for exams for nearly a year after graduation, and he couldn't come up with any money.

Even if the two of them really lived in Fancheng, it would be Lao Zhou who would feel uncomfortable.

He was short of money and could not give Liu Lele any help at work.

It's even possible that two people living together spent Liu Lele's money.

A person with such a strong self-esteem as Lao Zhou would definitely not be able to accept this kind of thing.

Separating early is also a good thing.

Boys take a far longer view than girls. Lin Xiao did not explain the reason to Ji Tiantian, but simply said a few words to her.

"I hope Lele can think about it."

"But it is indeed not easy to give up such a long relationship."

Ji Tiantian whispered.

As he spoke, he turned to look at Lin Xiao, a trace of nervousness flashing in his eyes.

She suddenly became worried about her future with Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao seemed to see the tension in her eyes, lowered his voice and said quietly.

"Don't think too much, honey, we are completely different from them."

Ji Tiantian turned her head and looked at Lin Xiao. From the other's eyes, both of them saw an inexplicable confidence.

She lay on Lin Xiao's chest and whispered.

"If one day, you don't like me anymore"

"That day will never come!"

Lin Xiao said swornly.

"Listen to me!"

Ji Tiantian covered Lin Xiao's mouth and continued.

"If that day comes, you must tell me and I will leave you silently."

Listening to Ji Tiantian's words, Lin Xiao felt a little moist in his eyes.

The girl in front of him really fell in love with him!

(End of this chapter)

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