Chapter 144 Copying Operational Command

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"Why did it suddenly disappear!"

"What's going on in this dark night? Why did you destroy the group directly!"

"Is there a bug in the game? What's going on, command!"

Everyone was confused and didn't know what happened just now.

Lin Xiao showed a smile and sighed helplessly.

"Three wolves, Ai Ai, you have to use your skills to scratch people. You can't stop scratching them. If you don't scratch them, your anger will rise too fast!"

"You didn't scratch the person. If you scratch him later, you won't be able to suppress your anger anymore."

"After Yilang self-destructed, it exploded in less than two seconds, and the whole group was wiped out immediately!"

Lin Xiao directly pointed out the reason why the group was destroyed just now.

Only then did everyone understand why Lin Xiao divided the wolves into one, two and three, and gave each of the three wolves their own tasks.

That's what it meant!

"Let me ask, is it okay if I go directly to the sandbag location when it's almost night?"

"You just keep staring at the punching bag and using that skill to scratch people?"

In the team channel, Qiqi Aai asked with some doubts.

When she suddenly changed from a Nine Spirit to a Werewolf at the beginning, she was actually confused and didn't know what happened.

Later, I scratched the sandbag with my paw and realized what I was doing.

While she was still groping, she saw a red wolf head progress bar in the lower right corner of herself being full, and then she exploded.

"No problem, you can just go directly at night and just stare at the sandbags and scratch them."

"It's actually simple. After the second team of Blood River Thorns comes back to deal damage, and you are the only wolf left, you can scratch them if you want. If you don't want to scratch them, you can just hang up."

"As long as the first wave doesn't explode with the Blood River Thorn!"

Lin Xiao explained with a smile.

Although Werewolf seems to be a new mechanism that needs to be learned, in fact, if you play according to Lin Xiao's style of play, Werewolf is simply the easiest priesthood, much easier than almost all priesthoods!
There is only one wolf left and he can hang up as much as he wants. He is a pure boss!

"I seem to understand a little bit, let's do it again so I can get familiar with it again!"

In the team channel, Qiqi Aai replied seriously.

"It's okay, just give it another try to let the werewolf get familiar with it. The werewolf knows how to play this Wuyang Laoliu and basically fight at will."

"Other mechanisms are very simple and there is no pressure at all!"

Lin Xiao said to everyone with a smile.

Hearing what Lin Xiao said, everyone had smiles on their faces.

In fact, what they felt just now was almost exactly the same as what Lin Xiao said.

Apart from adding a werewolf and an extra night to the mechanics, I really don’t feel any pressure from the rest.

Most of the mechanics are easy to handle, but this werewolf is more troublesome.

Lin Xiao then continued to direct, exactly the same as the first day of the wave. Their first day's mechanism was basically perfect, and there were no major problems.

But after entering the dark night, I felt a little nervous.

There was no problem with Yilang and Sanlang in this wave. After Yilang exploded, he returned to the output position, while Sanlang kept grabbing sandbag milk, and there was no AOE damage in front.

However, something went wrong with Erlang this time and it was too late.

He blew himself up directly with Yilang!

Another group was wiped out in an instant!
Lin Xiao frowned with dissatisfaction.

What's going on with Leng Qingqiu, the second wolf, and what kind of thing are they fighting?
How can you still make mistakes while playing a self-defeating wolf!

Lin Xiao has always felt that cutting off the wolf is no longer a mechanism. It is a simple operation. After turning into a wolf at night, just click on the cut off and it's done.Is it any harder than the three wolves to tickle someone?Can this also be a mistake?
Lin Xiao was speechless.

Seeing that Lin Xiao didn't speak for a long time, Leng Qingqiu said in the team channel with some embarrassment.

"Sorry, my phone was stuck just now and I didn't click on the auto-disconnect button."

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and returned his smile.

"It's okay, take your time, just teach the three wolves. This BOSS will pass with your eyes closed, really!"

He was anxious, but there was no point in being anxious. Just take your time, and there was nothing you could do if you didn't take your time.

Then they began their third attempt.

This time it was much smoother than the previous two.

None of the three wolves made any mistakes, but this time it was everyone who had the problem.

No one could hide from the wave of rays, and four of them were directly shot to death by the rays!
After that, there were a series of mistakes, and there were problems everywhere, as if their group was an old ship with leaks everywhere.

The main T didn't move in a good position, sucked in the big group, outputted the stuck model, and was sucked to death by the BOSS.

A mold penetration directly caused the large group to suck back, and six of them were wiped out in an instant.

The full-screen ray directly shot the entire group to death, the devil's minions singled out 12 people, the poison was not cured, and the hunter was poisoned to death.

Not opening the shield caused everyone to be shocked to death by the Huntian Volong.

Anyway, only you can't think of it, they couldn't do it without Lin Xiao.

The ways of death are really weird, and there are all kinds of situations, but I have to say that their group's performance is much better than at the beginning.At least there were basically no problems during the first two days and nights.

It's much better than it was at the beginning.

But speaking of it, the difficulty of Makino Mi in the first week is indeed very high, mainly because the Makino Mi value in the first week is too high, and ordinary teams cannot pass it even if they have ideas.

And some large top-scoring teams have professional fighting teams, and they basically have no problems when they take action.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, took a sip of water and rested for 5 minutes, allowing everyone to relax.

From five o'clock in the afternoon to seven o'clock in the evening, they had been fighting in Wuyang City for five hours.

Four hours were wasted just on Wuyang Lao Liu and Wu Yang Lao San!

After resting for 5 minutes, Lin Xiao picked up the phone again.

This time, he will definitely be fine and can definitely survive!

Lin Xiao adjusted his condition and continued to hold the mobile phone to give instructions.

The main T's hometown is Chang'an and he directly attacks monsters.

"Output with all your strength, just deal damage in the first wave, then adjust the position after you finish sucking it!"

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

There was only Lin Xiao's voice in the team channel.

A red poisonous pool appeared at Da Tuan's feet, Lin Xiao said immediately.

"Professional killer Zero Zero Seven, just start Tai Chi!"

A black and white Tai Chi diagram appeared at everyone's feet, suppressing Du Tan. At the same time, the BOSS turned around and used the Crazy Wand Technique in the direction of the sandbag Nai Chang An.

As soon as the crazy wand spell ended, the main T jumped directly to the third point in a double jump, waiting for the right guardian of the third point.

Lin Xiao lowered his voice and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be anxious, take a five-second poison test and prepare yourself."

Soon, the professional killer Ling Lingqi guarded Chang'an and returned to his hometown. A poisonous icon appeared on the body of the idol Ningshuang.

The prophet Hanhan reacted very quickly and directly chose to test the guard professional killer Zero Zero Seven!

(End of this chapter)

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