Chapter 163 Rock Candy Sydney
  Time soon came to Friday night, and Lin Xiao went online early to prepare to help.

"Help fight and join the group++++++++++"

Lin Xiao kept sending messages on the gang channel to apply to join the group.

Around 120:[-] in the evening, about [-] people in their large group had applied.

"The idols and Suwen who have higher ratings will go to the defense team and the middle team, and Jiuling will also go. At least we will ensure that there is a Suwen and a Jiuling in the same team!"

Lin Xiao took it upon himself to adjust the composition of the team and put most of the long-range output into the middle group and defense group.

Tieyi was placed crosswise into the middle group, the defensive group and the offensive group.

There are at least six to seven iron-clad men in a large group.

The remaining Xuehe Suwen was placed in the mobile group, and Broken Dream was placed in the jungle group and eye position.

It took a full half hour for 120 people to adjust.

He directly turned on the mic and said on the gang channel.

"From now on, our large groups will be divided according to this professional composition. You can remember the leader of your own group."

"From now on, for the middle group, look for Ning Shuang. She is the leader of the middle group. For the defense group, look for me. Lin Ameng. Next time, the people from each group will directly apply to be the leader of your group."

"The leader of the offensive group is Gui Gui Chang'an, the leader of the jungle group is Donggua, and the leader of the mobile group is professional killer Zero Zero Seven."

After Lin Xiao divided everyone's positions, he arranged the leader of each group.

He couldn't just come up and divide the professions and groups first every time he went online, that would be a waste of time.

Lin Xiao's memory wasn't that good either. He couldn't remember which group each person was from, so he simply let them remember it themselves.

From now on, let the leader of the group start a group and call people, and those who belong to the group can join the group themselves.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and continued in the gang channel.

"You can start a group chat by yourself. If someone can't join the gang battle, let them know in the group in advance so that they can be replaced when the time comes."

"The rest is left to the leaders of each regiment to coordinate themselves."

According to Lin Xiao's model, one team leader is responsible for only about 30 people. Most of the time, there is no need to work hard to manage. It is just harder to help out every week.

This is the help mode that Lin Xiao has always wanted to use. It is simple and does not require too much time to coordinate.

However, Bai Yujing had no desire to do anything difficult and thankless at that time, so this plan has been shelved.

It would be best to take it out now.

At [-]:[-], the opponent they were going to face in the first gang league game appeared in the gang channel. Yun Shen didn't know where to go, and at this time, they could enter the game early.

"Come in, come in, I'll go in and take a look at the job assignments on the other side."

Lin Xiao took the lead with his defense team and entered the battlefield.

Five minutes before the start of the game, all 120 people from both sides entered the fighting venue.

Lin Xiao opened the statistics panel and observed Yun Shenzhen's professional composition and average combat power.

The current commander of Yunshenshiwu is Yuzi. Their professional ratio is quite balanced. The idols and Suwen have the largest number of people, followed by Tieyi and the long-range turret Jiuling.

The least of them are Rivers of Blood and Broken Dreams.

There are about 21 Blood Rivers, and Broken Dreams only has a pitiful four.

The average combat power of Blossoms is higher, with an average combat power of about [-], while the average combat power of Yunshenshishi is only [-], a difference of [-] in average combat power.

Although the average combat power of the two sides is very different, Lin Xiao does not think this is a gang battle that can be won easily.

In the final analysis, it is because of the other party's professional matching.

The professional mix of Yunshenshiwuchu is quite balanced, and it can be said that it is the most suitable lineup for supporting battles.

It was obviously adjusted intentionally by Yuzu. Lin Xiao knew Yuzi too well. At the beginning, Yuzi only had a meager command level at best, but during this period his command improved rapidly and he had reached the second level of being able to predict three situations from one situation.

If it weren't for managing the alliance that took too much of his energy away, Yuzu might have reached the level of commanding by now.

The gang war started immediately, and Lin Xiao began to arrange their offensive strategy.

"The mobile team, the middle team, the offensive team, and the jungle team all go to the bottom lane. The goal is to demolish the opposite bottom lane tower."

"The defense team is in the middle. If the opponent wants to push, give them the tower. If you can, just hold off for a while. Don't fight with them in the middle."

"If the opponent abandons the first tower in the middle lane and goes to the bottom lane to protect you, don't withdraw from the bottom lane. The defense team will go to the bottom lane to support you."

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, the leaders of each regiment clicked 1 on the gang channel, indicating that they had heard Lin Xiao's command plan.

On the other side, there is a gang channel in Yunshen.

Yuzi glanced at the prosperous job ratio, and then said in the gang channel.

"The mobile group and the offensive group go to the bottom lane to defend, the middle group and the defensive group go to the middle, and the jungle group goes to the flowery granary."

"If the other side attacks our road, we will retreat and give them a road."

"Our main goal in the first stage is the blossoming granary. After we capture the granary, we will start a resource war with them."

Just as Yuzi finished speaking, a male voice with a calm tone suddenly came out.

"If you want everything, you will get nothing in the end."

"Since the opponent's combat power is overwhelming, why not play steadily, defend well and wait for opportunities?"

The man in front of him is the new conductor of Wanzhang Haoqing, Bingtang Xueli, who is known as "Little Zhuge".

At the same time, he is also a top conductor at the strategizing level.

Yuzu frowned in dissatisfaction, with a hint of unkindness in her tone.

"The gang war hasn't even started yet, and you're thinking about defense?"

"Why don't you just let the opponent finish the push in five minutes?"

Hearing Yuzi's words, Bingtang Xueli sneered disdainfully.

"Haha, I almost forgot, you are the commander of Yun Shenzhen Ignorant Place."

"Boss Xia Yu, I will withdraw first. The first battle with Wan Zhanghaoqing is a gang war with the motherland, and I will go over to take command."

Boss Xia Yu thought for a moment, carefully considering every word he said.

"Didn't Qiuyi ask you to come over?"

"There are only about 50 people fighting gangs in the motherland. Can't we just push them all the way?"

Bingtang Xueli said angrily.

"Yes, there are less than fifty people over there in my motherland, but I feel like some people here don't welcome me very much."

"It's better for me to go over there."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the gang's voice channel fell silent. For a while, the atmosphere was even a bit dead.

After a while, Yuzi opened the microphone and said in a deep voice.

"That was my question just now. Aren't you here to observe Lin Ameng's command?"

The arrogant Yuzu finally bowed her head.

(End of this chapter)

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