Chapter 166 Resource Replacement
  The second gang battle is about to begin, and everyone with flowers and great pride enters the gang battle site one after another.

Lin Xiao opened the statistics panel and took a look.

The professional mix on the opposite side is relatively balanced. Just like the blossoms, the number of people asking for gods is the largest, followed by the Nine Spirits in Iron Clothes.

The average combat power reached 6.16, which was not much different from the combat power of Blooming Flowers.

"It looks like they are evenly matched opponents."

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and said with some enthusiasm.

There is no doubt that this gang fight is the one with the closest strength that Lin Xiao has ever fought.

"Only put two groups, the defensive and offensive groups, in the middle. Everyone else goes to the upper road and rushes directly to the opposite tower."

Lin Xiao first used a two-way attack tactic, wanting to test the depth of the opponent.

He didn't expect to be able to defeat the opponent with this move. If he could defeat the opponent with just this move, then the opponent would be too weak.

On the other side, in the gang channel with great enthusiasm, Bingtang Xueli planned the next tactics.

"The defense team and the middle team go to the first tower in the bottom lane. There is no need to rush, just stay in front of the first tower in the bottom lane."

"The mobile group is going to the first tower on the lower road. Be ready to circle back on both sides at any time and listen to my command."

"When the offensive team and jungle team go to the top lane, they can take the initiative to attack, but they must wait until the big team in the bottom lane makes a move before going out."

Bingtang Xueli quickly arranged for everyone in the five groups to help them go where they should go in time.

"We focus on defense and don't need to come up and confront the opponent head-on!"

Bingtang Xueli warned again to prevent the leaders of each regiment from commanding the people in the regiment to rush out.

In the gang channel, the leaders of each group quickly replied.

"Roger that!"

Bingtang Xueli opened the statistics panel and took a look, with a trace of disdain and ridicule in her eyes.

He wanted to see what qualifications Lin Ameng had to be called the first conductor of Mingyue Tianya!

When the game started, the gang members from both sides rushed out towards the goals set at the beginning. Soon, the big groups were already at their respective positions, ready to go.

"The people on the opposite side are all huddled in the tower. I can't see exactly how many people there are."

Yan Wei Sui Meng reported the information to Lin Xiao in advance.

Lin Xiao frowned in confusion, and then relaxed quickly.

This style of play uses defense as offense?

It would be too boring to fight!
  Lin Xiao said directly in the gang channel.

"You can give them the bottom lane directly. We push the middle lane and the top lane. Everyone rushes directly into the opposite tower without hesitation."

Lin Xiao is not playing tricks with you. It doesn’t matter what plans and strategies you have, I’ll deal with it later!
  Without any hesitation, everyone in the gang rode directly into the range of the Wan Zhang Haoqing defense tower.

Tie Yi, who rushed to the front of the crowd, instantly became the target of everyone's fire.

"Su Wen directly pulls a promise, and the nine spirits of the gods jump on the other side's face!"

Lin Xiao commanded in a deep voice.

This wave is called offense as defense. If the top and middle lanes press like this, no matter how many people there are in the bottom lane, they can only return to defense honestly.

This can completely disrupt Wan Zhang Hao Qing's planned plan.

At this time, the heroic commander looked at the darkening portraits in his own group and sighed helplessly.

He is not afraid of the opponent's complicated tactics with him, but he is afraid that the opponent is a reckless man and will simply use his strength to defeat him.

No matter what, just get in the face.

Then his defensive-oriented style of play fell behind.

After all, the initiative in the battle must lie with the attacker. "There is no one in the bottom lane. Should we just push the tower or go back to the middle lane and go around the back?"

Qing Qingqing, the leader of the attacking group, asked in the team channel with some confusion.

"There's no one on the way down, is there?"

Bingtang Xueli opened the map and squinted at the scenes on the map, then thought of the two groups led by Qing Qingqing.

He suddenly had an idea and thought of a way to restrict the blooming flowers.

"For the attacking team, there is no need to attack the bottom lane. We can directly go around the opposite house from the bottom lane and attack your granary, the prosperous driver!"

The leader of the attacking group opened the map, looked at the far away granary, frowned helplessly, and complained.

"Our attacking group is half a map away from the granary on the opposite side. How can we possibly capture the granary on the opposite side?"

He simply didn't know what to say. How could he go around to the granary?

Bingtang Xueli opened the map and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Go from the back of the first tower and go around the house on the opposite side to go directly to the granary."

After all, the time he came was too short. Although the people in the gang seemed to obey his orders, they actually didn't take him seriously.

Maybe there is a possibility that these people are all supporters of the former commander?

Bingtang Xueli didn't think too much, opened the map and continued to command.

"The big group on the bottom road will go towards the granary immediately. The remaining people will hold them back from the front. If they die, they will be replaced immediately. Don't hesitate."

As long as the front can be held back, it is only a matter of time before the granary is destroyed.

And the other side.

Lin Xiao looked at the moving red dots on the map, his eyes flashing.

"The big group in the bot lane on the opposite side stopped pushing the tower and passed directly in front of our bot lane tower."

"They seemed to be heading in the direction of the grain silos near our home."

In the team channel, Yan Weiqing deliberately spoke in the gang channel with a hint of doubt and confusion.

Lin Xiao nodded clearly.

The target of the behavior of the opposing group must be their granary.

Otherwise, Lin Xiao really couldn't think of any possibility of the opponent doing this.

Ignoring the defense towers within easy reach, the whole group walked directly behind the towers in a swaggering manner.

After all, it is impossible to let the big group come around from this angle.

After thinking about this, Lin Xiao frowned in confusion.

This wave really hit him where he had the most headache.

Although the granary is safe for the time being when we return to defense, the front is bound to be destroyed thousands of miles away. Originally, we only had the advantage of the middle and upper lanes. Once this advantage is lost, it may be difficult to get it back next time.

This is one aspect, and another reason is because Lin Xiao does not want their large group to be led by the opposite large group.

Once you get into the opponent's rhythm, the game will be difficult.

"Continue to demolish the middle and upper roads. Don't worry about the granary for now. You won't be able to reach the granary immediately from the other side!"

"Jump directly to the back row of the opposite side and kill everyone behind the tower!"

"First take down one tower in the lower lane. After taking down the first tower, we will go to their granary!"

Defense is not the offensive attitude that Lin Xiao likes. He still focuses on offense and plays aggressively.

Even if you choose to defend, you should retreat to advance and exchange resources with your opponent to the greatest extent!
  This is the last style of play at the level of strategizing, and it is also a style of play that belongs exclusively to Lin Xiao!
  (End of this chapter)

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