Chapter 172 Video Fermentation
  While the two were chatting about the gang, Ji Tiantian walked out of the room.

She glanced at Lin Xiao, then walked to Lin Xiao's side and asked with some confusion.

"Is it Yaoyao?"

Lin Xiao nodded, handed the phone to Ji Tiantian, and explained with a smile.

"Xiyao, I'm calling to ask about the No. [-] gang in the world."

"The best gang in the world?"

Ji Tiantian had just woken up and hadn't read today's update log yet. Her tone was a little confused.

Then Xiyao explained to Ji Tiantian for a long time, and only then did Ji Tiantian understand what the best gang in the world was.

He shook his head, handed his phone to Lin Xiao, and whispered.

"Husband, look, there's a mole in our gang!"

Lin Xiao's eyes widened in surprise and he took Ji Tiantian's cell phone.

"There's a spy out there? What's going on?"

Lin Xiao couldn't believe that there was actually a mole in their gang.

He looked at Ji Tiantian's cell phone and saw a video on Douyin titled "The Conducting Record of Mingyue Tianya's First Conductor Lin Ameng."

I opened the video and watched it for a while. It was actually the video of their gang fight yesterday!
  This is the complete record of the gang battle a few days ago.

The entire video is from the perspective of both commanders, showing all the tactics and playing styles of both commanders.

The total duration of the video is up to 30 minutes.

Lin Xiao jumped and watched for about two minutes, and he quickly understood what was going on.

Obviously, this was not something sent by people from their gang, because many of the operations and commands were completely different from Lin Xiao's thoughts at the time.

This video is completely from a third-person perspective, supplemented by consequential theory to speculate on the actions directed by Lin Xiao at that time.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and handed the phone to Ji Tiantian with a smile.

"This shouldn't be from our gang."

"It should be the video posted by Wan Zhanghaoqing. This rock sugar snow pear is also interesting. You can actually feel all these things!"

Lin Xiao recognized at a glance that the person who posted the video must be a passionate person.

As for why there is one's own perspective, it is possible that some people recorded the video themselves and accidentally got it by someone with great pride.

Lin Xiao didn't want to speculate on the people in the gang with the greatest malice.

If the mole is really caught, it will only affect the unity of their gang, and it will soon be a competition for the best gang in the world.

It is better not to say such words that are not conducive to unity.

At this time, Xiyao on the other end of the phone also looked confused and asked doubtfully on the other end of the phone.

"What's wrong with the traitor? What's wrong with such a proud man?"

"What are you talking about!"

Listening to Lin Xiao's serious and confident words, Ji Tiantian nodded clearly and explained to Xiyao on her mobile phone.

"It's a video of us fighting with Wan Zhanghaoqing's gang two days ago, and it was posted online by Wanzhang Haoqing's people."

"What! What's going on!"

Xiyao shouted in surprise and immediately hung up the phone.

She opened TikTok and searched for videos.

After several days of fermentation, this video has topped the hot search list that day.

There are tens of thousands of comments alone.

Most people are praising Lin Ameng's commanding level.

At the same time, they also expressed their affirmation to their opponent, Wan Zhang Haoqing, for being able to persist for such a long time in the hands of such a top conductor.

Being able to persist until the end of the game in front of such an opponent is considered a kind of strength!

Lin Xiao held the phone and frowned as he looked at the comments in the comment area.    Send a video like this before the match against the best team in the world.

You can tell what the other party is thinking without guessing. It is obvious that he wants Lin Xiao to be the target of public criticism.

In this way, if you encounter those top gangs in other district servers.

It is almost an impossible task to snatch the victory from these people.

When I first saw something like killing, I was caught out once or twice.

If there is no real foundation, it is basically impossible to put all the hope of victory on this.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath, and what he had to do now was to find ways to increase his overall combat power.

Don't lose because of your fighting power.

Soon, a reply message came from Xiyao, and she was also quite dissatisfied.

"At first glance, it looks like it was sent by a man of great pride."

"Let's just put aside the praising and killing thing."

"It is estimated that only Wanzhang Haoqing would use such despicable means."

"But it doesn't matter, they are not our opponents in the first place!"

Seeing Xiyao's reply, Lin Xiao sighed helplessly and said in a deep voice.

"We are not as strong as we thought."

"Facing a Wan Zhang Hao Qin whose average combat strength is only 1000 higher than ours, it is so difficult to win."

"If it is an opponent whose average combat power is 3000 or even 5000 more than that, I think it is almost impossible for us to win!"

Lin Xiao directly expressed his helplessness.

He said seriously to Xiyao.

"Even if we can't recruit anyone right now, we still have to find a way to improve our average combat power."

"Otherwise, it would be nice to not be crushed when you encounter opponents with higher ratings."

In Lin Xiao's perception, 3000 combat power is almost an insurmountable gap.

The difference between a player with 67000 combat power and a player with 64000 combat power seems to be only 3000, but the damage and HP are very different.

Soon, Xiyao sent a reply.

"Okay, I'll talk to the people in the gang right now."

After saying that, she directly posted an announcement about increasing the combat power subsidy in the gang's WeChat group, setting off a wave of enthusiasm for scoring points.

Lin Xiao opened the Nishuihan mobile game and took a look at this week's gang rankings.

The number one gang has become a prosperous gang, while Wan Zhang Hao Qing is the number two gang and continues to hold the second spot.

The subsequent rankings were not much different from what was expected, with Xiaoxiang Pavilion and Tingyu Pavilion of Blossom Alliance ranking third and fourth respectively.

Yunshen, the second gang of arrogant people, is in fifth place.

As soon as he logged into the game, he saw the news from Baili Transmission flashing across the world channel.

"The Wan Zhang Hao Qing Gang sincerely recruits high-combat players, and the subsidies are huge. All high-combat players are welcome."

News from Baili Chuanyin kept flashing through, and almost all of them were sent by extremely passionate people.

They directly blocked all the world channels.

The Wan Zhang Hao Qing Gang started recruiting troops with huge benefits and subsidies as bait.

In addition, they also put the players with lower scores in the gang battle into the second gang.

Starting from the unknown point of Yunshen, the second gang, they gathered all Gao Zhan together and relied on the entire Haoqing Alliance to provide blood for the Wanzhang Haoqing Gang.

After such a combination of punches, Wan Zhang Hao Qing's average combat power increased rapidly.

By the time the quota was determined in the second week, the average combat power of their gang had exceeded the 66000 mark, an increase of 4000 compared to before!

(End of this chapter)

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