Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 178 The first opponent in the loser group

Chapter 178 The first opponent in the loser group

The boss, Xiyao, is really fed up with this group of people in the gang, and they just say sarcastic things here.

The average combat power of the Blossoming Blossoms gang is only 62000 points. Isn't it a problem with those who participate in the gang war?

"When you were fighting, did you consider that we couldn't defeat the opponent?"

"Isn't it pure sarcasm to start talking about it in hindsight now and say that it would have been better to go back and defend at that time?"

"Have you ever considered the feelings of a gang leader?"

"Besides, with such an advantageous situation at that time, who would have thought that it would not be able to defeat the opponent!"

The leader, Xiyao, was a little dissatisfied and cursed the people in the gang. She didn't know why. When she saw someone talking nonsense about Lin Ameng, she couldn't help but want to stand up and angrily rebuke him.

Qing Yi also said in the gang channel.

"I think it's very good to win like this. With a 6600-point power gap, it's really good that we can still win like this!"

"If it were another gang, it would probably be the result of being speed-passed in 15 minutes!"

“It’s really a pretty good result to be able to win like this!”

With the two big guys standing up for Lin Xiao, everyone in the gang stopped making sarcastic remarks.

"Actually, our luck was a little off, but unfortunately we met the Mingmen Gang."

"If it wasn't for Mingmen, I should have won the next round!"

"Mingmen's main combat strength advantage is too great. The three regiments on the opposite side are equivalent to the combat strength of our entire large regiment!"

"Don't dare to fight head-on. If you fight head-on, you will lose. The 6600 combat power gap, do you really think you can make up for it all by command?"

Although they lost the first game, everyone's mentality was not as heavy as they imagined. On the contrary, they became more confident in their gang.

In their view, being able to fight like this with Mingmen also proves their strength.

The Blossoms Gang is definitely the best gang in the world and the favorite to win the championship!

Afterwards, everyone in the gang began to prepare for the second gang battle an hour later, which was also the first match in the loser group.

Lin Xiao took the time to go to the official website and take a look at the group information for the quarterfinals and knockout rounds.

The official website of Nishuihan Mobile Game was updated very quickly, and the games for the loser group and the winner group were quickly arranged.

First of all, the four winners of the quarterfinals are Wan Zhanghaoqing, Mingmen, Buddha Temple and Peach Blossom Island.

There were three games in the quarter-finals that all lasted for thirty minutes, namely Wan Zhang Hao Qing and Lonely City, Ming Men and Blossoms, and Buddha Temple and Yanziwu.

The only shorter game was the contest between Peach Blossom Island and Juejian Villa, but the total duration also reached 26 minutes!

It can only be said that these teams in the quarterfinals are very similar in strength.

And next is the most cruel knockout round, Blossoms, Gucheng, Yanziwu, Juejian Villa.

The losing team goes directly home, and the winning team advances to the next round.

The next opponent of Blossoms is the heroic opponent, the Gucheng Gang.

Although the commander of the Gucheng Gang is a strategist-level commander, he is an old commander after all and has not yet fully mastered the game. Otherwise, the strength he can unleash will definitely be stronger than Bingtang Xueli!

But unfortunately, they still lost to Wanzhang Haoqing and became Prosperity's next opponent.

We have already fallen into the loser group, and taking one step back will lead to the abyss.

At this point, Lin Xiao had no way out, and he began to show all his talents as an offensive commander!

An hour later, Lin Xiao led everyone in the gang into the venue for the gang war.

He glanced at the statistics panel and saw that the average combat power of the Gucheng gang opposite was 65000, which was about 3000 higher than theirs, and the professional ratio was also quite balanced.

But these are not problems.

Lin Xiao began to arrange everyone's next actions.

"The offensive team and the middle team go to the top lane, the mobile team and the jungle team go to the bottom lane, and the defensive team is in the middle lane."

"As soon as the game starts, hit the road and immediately launch a fierce attack. You must attract all the firepower from the opponent!"

"If the opponent supports the top lane, the defensive team will attack the middle lane. If the opponent does not support the top lane and still wants to attack our middle lane, we will release the middle lane to them and the defensive team will defend the bottom lane."

"The jungle group and the mobile group have only one mission, which is to rush to the granary on the opposite side. They must rush down the granary. After rushing down, they will directly break off and return to the resurrection point!"

Lin Xiao made the next work arrangements clear with a few simple sentences.

Facing a commander who prefers both offensive and defensive styles, the most important thing is to bloom on multiple lines and focus the attack. As long as the opponent's offensive firepower is broken up, it will be useless even if the opponent is playing both offensive and defensive styles!

This is what Lin Xiao summed up when facing an offensive and defensive command. He performed very well when facing Honey Grapefruit Tea just now.

Sure enough, the old conductor Cola was fooled by Lin Xiao's multi-point attack tactics and began to make frequent mistakes.

Three regiments were mobilized to defend the upper road, one regiment in the middle to grind the tower, and one mobile regiment to defend the granary.

None of these stupid moves worked, and they even had the opposite effect.

There were three groups on the top lane guarding the tower. As a result, Blossoms was halfway pushed, so they stopped pushing and moved to the bottom lane!

What’s more, it took five minutes for a team grinding tower in the middle to reach three-quarters of its health, while the first tower on our bottom lane had already fallen!

The mobile group guarding the granary was all killed, and they could only watch the flowers bloom and demolish the granary.

By relying on multiple attacks, Blossoms gained a huge advantage at the start.

As soon as the granary fell, the next step was to advance with a flourish of concentrated fire.

With a little bit of morale at a high level, even a 3000 combat power gap will have no effect.

In just fifteen minutes, Blossoms has already captured the high ground of the Gucheng Gang. The Gucheng Gang began to engage in fueling tactics. To put it simply, they jumped down from the resurrection point one by one, and then threw a stunt to kill them instantly!

It won’t be of any help to the front at all!

In the end, it only took the Blossoms gang 21 minutes to level the high ground of the Gucheng gang and knock down the gang's banner.

They successfully survived the first round of the knockout round and reached the top six!

And next, what they have to face will be the loser between Wan Zhanghaoqing and the Mingmen Gang.

Of these two teams, the winning team will advance to the upper bracket finals and lock in the top four, while the losing team will fall into the lower bracket with the Blossoms Gang.

In order not to face Lin Xiao, the big shark, the two gangs really tried their best in this game, and also showed many tricks to beat the opponent.

The arrogant Honey Pomelo Tea actually learned a commanding style of both offense and defense. The offense was impressive and the defense was also in place.

But the Mingmen Gang was as solid as a rock, holding on to the high ground to stall the situation!

(End of this chapter)

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