Chapter 180 Insider

Although having a mole is also bad news, it is better than the news that the opponent has changed their play style.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao took a deep breath. The first goal now was to find the mole. If he couldn't find the mole, he would not be able to command.

You can't communicate with everyone in the gang by typing at this time.

Lin Xiao said in the gang channel.

"We are at a bit of a disadvantage, so we won't attack for the time being. Let's defend comprehensively. Release the first tower to them first. The defensive team and the middle team will defend the second top tower, and the offensive team will defend the first tower in the middle."

"After the jungle group and mobile group are resurrected, go to the bottom lane."

After Lin Xiao finished talking in the gang channel, he directly opened a private chat with Ji Tiantian and Xiyao.

He talked privately with Ji Tiantian, the leader of the jungle group.

"We have a traitor here, take your people to the granary opposite and follow them!"

Ji Tiantian posted a question mark with some confusion, and then deducted a 1 to indicate that she understood what Lin Xiao meant.

It is a very stupid thing to communicate by voice when there is a mole.

Ji Tiantian also started typing to communicate with Lin Xiao.

Then Lin Xiao said to Xiyao again.

"You are optimistic about the opponent's position. Don't use the middle. There is a traitor among us. Let go of the middle and lead the offensive team to the granary to defend."

"Remember, just follow the people in your group!"

"Don't open the mic!"

With Xiyao's bad temper, how could she have imagined that there would be a mole in her gang, she asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Can you guess who it is?"

In fact, Lin Xiao already knew something about it. He could probably narrow it down to a certain group, but he really didn't know who it was.

"I don't know. Just do as I say first. Don't let the other side find out!"

Lin Xiao came and reminded Xiyao again, fearing that the impulsive Xiyao would hide the mole.

If this mole finds himself exposed and hidden, there will really be a big problem!

A real actor never gives away small ones, only big ones!

If the decision-making at the critical moment is exposed, it may bring about earth-shaking fatal problems. At that time, it will really determine the success or failure of a game!

Lin Xiao didn't dare to gamble at all, so he had to find this mole as soon as possible.

At this time, the audience watching the game discovered from a God's perspective that the action route of their personnel was quite strange. The five regiments were divided into five waves of people, and they were not even defending in one place.

"What happened? You gave up?"

"It's so strange. Why does Blossom Flowers arrange such a big group?"

"Isn't it normal that we should defend? Why don't we defend the top two towers instead of guarding the middle?"

"Speaking of which, the other side is also very strange. Since the first tower on the upper road has been conquered, why doesn't Mingmen even attack the second tower?"

"Go directly to the middle lane? What does the commander of the Mingmen Gang think? Hasn't a tower been destroyed on the top lane?"

Not only were they unable to understand the operations of the Blossoms, but they were also unable to understand the operations of the Mingmen Gang!

The first tower on the top lane has been breached. Instead of pursuing the victory, go to the middle lane?

It was as if he had guessed that there might be a trap in the second tower on the top road.

But this doesn't make sense, because if you guess that there is a trap in the second tower on the top road, then you should at least let the ward come over and take a look to be safe!

At this time, Lin Xiao had a smile on his face.

He could tell now that the mole must have directly opened the phone and transmitted his voice to the other party's ears.

Otherwise, how could the opponent not attack the second tower on the upper road?

As for who the inner ghost is, Lin Xiao actually has a small guess in his mind. Although it cannot be determined concretely, the possibility can be said to be very high.

In this way, Lin Xiao relied on the superficial nonsense command and the actual typing command to turn the Mingmen Gang around.

Honey Pomelo Tea, the leader of the Mingmen Gang, was also in a daze. He had no judgment of his own and just let it happen.

Completely relying on the false information given by Lin Xiao for command.

Gradually, not only the members of the actual game, but also the players watching the game felt that something was wrong.

"The conductor of Honey Pomelo Tea is completely offline!"

"What are you fighting for? After fighting back and forth, you lost the first tower on your top lane and the second tower on your bottom lane?"

"It's just Shi Lezhi, I feel like I'm being beaten randomly!"

"There is really a problem with his level. I always feel like he is being led by others!"

The game is still going on. As the game time passes the 20-minute mark, the Blossoms Gang led by Lin Xiao has bulldozed the six outer defensive towers of the Mingmen Gang.

Even the two highland towers on the high ground were constantly bursting with flames, almost falling down at the first touch.

As for the Blossoms of Flowers, only three towers were missing.

Seeing the unabashed behavior on the other side, Lin Xiao was speechless and spoke directly on the gang channel.

"You don't have any shame, you're looking for a mole to eavesdrop, right?"

"Winter Melon, you are also the general manager of the Blossom Alliance after all. How much money did Mingmen's boss pay you to make you a mole?"

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, the gang channel exploded instantly.

"Fuck, what's the situation?"

"No wonder the conductor told us to do it completely differently. It turns out there is a spy among us!"

"How is it possible, how can it be Winter Melon? He has been in our gang for so long, he can't be a mole!"

"Maybe it really is Winter Melon. I heard that he has been very dissatisfied with A Meng, not just for a day or two."

"You really are a mole, don't you think Donggua, the slave of the third surname!"

Seeing the heart-wrenching and taunting words on the gang channel, the inner ghost Dong Gua immediately broke his guard. He turned on the microphone and cursed angrily.

"What qualifications do you have to say to me? You can't even manage a gang, so why should you direct gang wars?"

Donggua has been grudged against Lin Xiao for a long time. In the final analysis, it was because Lin Xiao took away his position as soon as he came.

Lin Xiao mocked disdainfully.

"Just because I can lead the gang to get the first place, just because I can lead the gang to reach the semi-finals of the best gang in the world!"

"You have lost so many times at my hands, don't you have a point in your mind?"

"Managing the gang is all you can do. If you are the leader of the gang, we won't even be able to make it out of the group stage!"

"What's more, even if you have resentment in your heart, why don't you just say no? Why do you have to be a mole? What's the point!"

Lin Xiao's words, like a barrage of words, deeply hurt Dong Gua's sensitive and fragile self-esteem. Without too much hesitation, he directly quit the gang!

The game was immediately suspended, and officials directly asked Xiyao what happened and why someone suddenly quit the group.

Xiyao simply told everything about what happened just now.

At the same time, this news also reached the ears of all viewers watching the game!

(End of this chapter)

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