Chapter 191 Perfect Staffing

However, this time, the mobile team and the jungle team were destined to disappoint Lin Xiao.

"There are about a dozen people defending the granary opposite here. They are all covered with blood and Su Wen. The front of the granary cannot be taken down!"

Soon, news about the leader of the mobile group, the professional killer Zero Zero Seven, came through the gang channel.

Lin Xiao glanced at the gang channel and suddenly felt bad.

He forgot about the mobile group opposite!

Obviously, the opponent came prepared, knowing that Blossoms' main strategy was to attack and replace resources.

Most of the firepower will be placed on the demolition of the front, and only a small part will target the granary.

Therefore, as long as half a regiment is placed in the granary in advance, the small pass of the granary can be defended.

What surprised Lin Xiao the most was the other party's staffing, which only put a dozen people in the granary!

Lin Xiao didn't know whether the opponent knew his offensive habits in advance or whether the staffing was perfect.

A general command will place a number of defensive personnel at least as many as the attackers in the granary to ensure the safety of the granary to the greatest extent.

If the opponent has this idea, then the large frontal group will need to lose half a group or even a group's firepower.

Relying on the pull of the granary, Lin Xiao can rely on this numerical difference to create a perfect offensive rhythm.

But the assessment of combat effectiveness is really spot on!

Just relying on the defensive personnel of this half of the regiment can achieve a defensive effect that is no less than that of one regiment or even two regiments.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath. Only at this moment did he truly feel the power of knowing things like a god.

It's that feeling that every step you take is being calculated by the opponent. It's really uncomfortable!

In the exaggerated live broadcast room, barrages passed by one after another.

"This is a hammer. It can't be hit from the front, it can't be pushed by the tower, and it can't even take down the granary!"

"The average combat power is still too low. The average combat power of Blossoms is only over 62000 points. The frontal pressure is really too great!"

"Why don't you go back and guard the second tower on the middle road when the flowers are blooming? It doesn't feel like you can't guard it!"

"The main reason is that the front is too weak. Once I get back to the high ground, I can't get down!"

"You still have to pull the opponent's defense line apart. If you can't pull the opponent's defense line, it will basically go far."

"Congratulations to Peach Blossom Island, I don't see any hope of winning with Blossoms!"

Only five minutes into the game, Blossoms is already at a comprehensive disadvantage.

It can be said that the audience from God's perspective can see it more clearly.

The current Blossoms are at the end of their game. The problems they have are really too big. If these problems are not solved, it will be impossible to take down the Peach Blossom Island Gang!

Returning to the game, Lin Xiao switched his perspective back to the second tower in the middle.

The second tower in the middle is slowly bursting into flames. It is already in danger at this time, and our side has not even knocked down the opponent's first tower in the top!

Even if you want to switch houses with the opposite party, there is no chance!

Lin Xiao's pupils were locked tightly, and his mind was rapidly thinking about ways to break the situation.

He switched his perspective to the position of the granary in the bottom lane, and felt a little powerless when he looked at the opponent's mobile group that was waiting for them.

Just when Lin Xiao was about to give up, he suddenly trembled, as if an electric current passed through his body.

He looked at the defense of the granary on the opposite side of the lower road, and the most effective but extremely dangerous path suddenly flashed in his mind.

Forcefully storm the granary!

Forcibly rush down the opponent's granary at the expense of your own high ground, and then come back to defend your own granary. In the later stage, you can win the game with the advantage of resources!

The reason why this idea is extremely dangerous is because the distance from the upper road to the lower road is quite long, and it is difficult for a large group to rush down a pass like the granary.

If the opponent rushes to the high ground at this time, their high ground tower will definitely fall! At that time, they will only have a bare base exposed. They don't even need a large group to hedge against them. A mobile group can go straight to the gang flag.

But wealth is gained in danger. If he wants to win the game, there is only one way in front of Lin Xiao, and that is the granary.


Lin Xiao thought secretly in his heart, and then gave instructions in the gang channel.

"After pushing the first tower on the upper road, everyone in the attacking group's middle group will break off and return to the resurrection point. After resurrection, they will defend our granary."

"I will die in the granary!"

"Everyone in the defense team rode with me straight to the granary opposite, and walked directly behind the tower on the opposite side!"

Lin Xiao made the most crucial decision in this game.

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, although they were quite puzzled by Lin Xiao's command, they did not say a word and silently carried out the tasks arranged by Lin Xiao.

A tower on Taohua Island Road collapsed.

Everyone in the blooming offensive team and the middle team cut themselves off on the spot, while the remaining defensive team led by Lin Xiao followed and headed towards the bottom lane.

This sudden change left all the viewers in the live broadcast room confused.

"What kind of operation is this? Are you going to separate and return to the high ground?"

"Why should Lin Xiao's defense team go to the bottom lane? Shouldn't they be rushing to the opposite granary?"

"Don't mess with me, brother, why don't you go to the high ground?"

"The high ground is exchanged for the granary, right? It's really yours!"

"I can't understand the operation of Blossoms. This command is too arbitrary, and so are the people in the gang. Don't they have any objections?"

"You can't understand other people's conductors, that's why you are not the conductor of the finals!"

"What I said before makes so much sense. To be able to lead a gang with such a low average combat power into the finals must be something special for him!"

"Don't talk, just learn it and that's it!"

Although the audience in the live broadcast room did not understand Lin Xiao's command and operation, for some reason, they always felt that they saw the hope of victory in blooming flowers!

Soon, the second tower in the middle collapsed, and Taohua Island's commander directly attacked the flowery high ground.

Seeing the large group of flowers rushing towards them on horseback from behind a tower in the middle, Tinker Bell felt nervous for no reason.

Ever since he became a commander with a knack for knowing things, it was rare for him to be nervous.

Just by taking a look at the opponent's layout, the opponent's command ideas can immediately appear in your mind.

But at this moment, he hesitated.

He really didn't understand what Fanhua Sijin was planning to do.

Since she couldn't figure it out at the first time, Tinker Bell stopped thinking about it and continued to direct the team to rush to the flower-filled highland.

The flowery Highland Tower begins to come under attack.

At this time, Lin Xiao was not nervous at all, but commanded calmly.

"Don't defend the high ground. The middle regiment and the offensive regiment will go directly to the granary. They will die in the granary!"

"Wait for our defense team, mobile team and jungle team to return to defend the high ground!"

Ever since he came up with this tactic, Lin Xiao felt that his mind was unusually clear and calm!

(End of this chapter)

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