Chapter 29 Three-Mistress Bureau
"What love?"

As if sensing something was wrong in the atmosphere, Lin Xiao clumsily changed the subject.

"Let's fight three or three first."


Sleepy replied in the team channel.

Qing deliberately said nothing and just pressed the match button silently.

The matching mechanism of three-three players is very simple. Generally, three-person team members will be prioritized in the group queue team.

If there is no queued team, the ranked opponent will also be a team of two plus one.

And because of the group queue, there is no man-machine team even if there is a losing streak.

Therefore, three-person queuing is much more difficult than solo queuing.

In less than 10 seconds, the three people were matched with their first opponent.

Once entering the [-] interface, the opposing lineup is Xuehe, Tieyi and Suwen.

When both sides have Su Wen, Sansan is a standard milk game, and the main pressure is on the Su Wen of both parties.

Xuehe and Tieyi's bodies are very hard, and they also have various body dominance and damage reduction skills.

The key to winning this game is to kill the opponent Suwen and let the opponent be weaned first.

As soon as he entered the game, Lin Xiao set a goal.

"Let's ask Qie Su first. Tieyi and Xuehe are not easy to kill."

"If you are sleepy, just protect yourself."

Qing Yi remained aloof and said nothing.

Qiao Jie replied in the team channel.

"it is good!"

The countdown is over and the three-three showdown begins.

Qing intentionally broke the dream and rushed towards the center of the venue immediately.

Lin Xiao walked a little slower, keeping a distance from Kou Ni to ensure that he could defuse the fire as soon as possible.

The opponent's Blood River Iron Clothes came menacingly, aiming directly at Su Wen Niegui behind Lin Xiao.

Entering the middle court, Xuehe directly closed the distance with Su Wen with a Ling Yunyue, and then the gun cage froze Deng Nan.

Gun Cage is Blood River's mid-range control skill. It causes damage to surrounding enemies and immobilizes them. It also has a healing reduction effect. It is one of Blood River's few control skills.

At the same time, Tie Yili stepped into the field and set his target on Keng Keng.

Force Smash is Tieyi's strongest entry-field displacement skill. It has a body-dominant effect. Its main function in PVP is to shorten the distance.

Qiao Cuo's reaction was quite quick. He immediately handed over his control release skills and avoided the immediate concentrated fire of Xue He and Tie Yi.

Lin Xiao on the side seized this opportunity and started outputting.

The wild geese fell on the sand, the three layers of Yangguan, and Yu Feng's various skills were thrown at Xue He from the side.

Blood River's blood volume began to drop significantly.

Su Wen was in a state of releasing control, and Xue He had lost his key gun cage skill. It was basically impossible for him to instantly win the battle at the start of the game.

Xuehe and Tieyi immediately turned their attention and set their target on the statue.

First, he hit Lin Xiao with a jab, and then Tie Yi followed up with the Shenglong Fist, seriously injuring Lin Xiao's statue.

Shenglong Fist is Tie Yi's only PVP serious injury skill. Although the damage caused is relatively low, as Tie Yi's PVP skill, its importance is irreplaceable.

Being attacked by Xuehe and Tieyi at the same time, Lin Xiao's blood volume dropped sharply.

In desperation, he could only hand over his key control skills.

But Tieyi and Xuehe were like maggots on the tarsus, clinging to Lin Xiao's statue.

After being released from control, he was directly picked off by Xuehe again.

This time, Lin Xiao's blood volume dropped to less than half, and under the attack of the iron-clad whirlwind legs, Lin Xiao's statue was still hung with reduced healing.

Sleepy's treatment didn't have much effect.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was about to be killed by the concentrated fire, Jiongquan decisively pulled out the promise and raised the health of the statue to more than half, and the statue also had the effect of reducing damage.Promise is Suwen's PVP magic skill, which provides damage reduction and evenly shares part of the damage to yourself and your teammates. It can also bring additional damage reduction effects to your teammates, improving the combat efficiency of the entire team.

With the blessing of the agreement, there is no need to worry about Lin Xiao's statue for the time being.

On the other side, Qing's intentional Shattered Dreams had cut the opponent's wet nurse to half health, and the opponent's wet nurse also surrendered the agreement in order to protect herself.

The first wave of confrontation between the two sides was basically a [-]-[-] split, with neither gaining any advantage.

Moreover, all the key skills of the nannies on both sides have been handed over.

The two sides unanimously determined the target of the fire, both of which were the other party's nanny.

It was agreed that all the CDs would be destroyed, and the wet nurse could only rely on Fufeng's healing to resist the damage.

Fortunately, the damage of Lin Xiao and Qing Zhi's Shattered Dreams is much higher than that of Tieyi Blood River, and the sleepy operation is also really good.

Seizing the gap between Blood River Iron Clothes' concentrated fire, he added two key first blooms to himself.

First Bloom is one of Suwen's single-target skills with the largest amount of healing, and it also lasts a long time.

But its biggest drawback is that it takes a second to activate.

Relying on Chuxu's high-cost treatment, Kunming managed to stand firm under the concentrated fire of Tie Yi and Xue He.

But the other party's wet nurse can't hold on for that long.

Under the concentrated fire of the idol and broken dreams, the other nurse fell first.

As soon as the opponent's nanny fell, the balance of victory had tilted towards Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao and Qing intend to turn the river of fire and blood into Tieyi.

The two melee outputs were directly hit by the statue's AOE damage.

Although in the end it was difficult to escape the result of being killed by focused fire, at the same time, the blood shield of the opponent's blood river was also knocked out.

Xuehe, who was still full of blood, turned around and hit Lin Xiao with a set of combos.

But his health was too poor, and he was killed by Lin Xiao's statue.

The remaining Tie Yi had nothing to do against Broken Dream and a half-blooded idol. After surrendering control, he was picked up into the sky by Broken Dream's moon wheel.

Although the iron body is indeed very hard, it has no choice but to suffer in the face of the concentrated fire of the two outputs.

Lin Xiao won the first game.

"Ow, sleepy!"

Lin Xiao showed a smile and entered into the team channel.

"What a beautiful fight, withstanding two waves of concentrated fire!"

Sleepy posted a happy expression and then replied in the team channel.

"Haha, so so so."

All beginnings are hard.

After winning the first game, the rest of the game became easier.

Basically, it was a winning streak all the way, and he rushed directly to the Liuli rank.

After the Liuli game, the intensity obviously increased a lot, and he even knelt down for two games in a row.

The lineup after the Liuli Game was obviously much more reasonable.

Generally, it is Suwen plus output plus Blood River or Iron Clothes. The lineup is capable of resisting and attacking, is full of tankiness, and does high damage.

Especially Jiuling, a veteran of the [-]rd and [-]rd games.

Lin Xiao encountered him twice, and both times he was defeated by Jiuling.

The explosion is too high!
If you throw down a broken dream and three spiritual manifestations, your bloodline will be worrying.

In addition, Jiuling has the existence of Gu body to sacrifice its life, and its frankness is also quite good.

Apart from the fact that the legs are a bit short and not very flexible, I didn't find any other major problems.

After reaching the third level of Liuli, the three of them stopped in unison and did not continue to match.

(End of this chapter)

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