Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 32 BUG level double spiritual charm

Chapter 32 BUG level double spiritual charm
The moment he saw Lin Xiao's internal strength score, his exaggerated mentality collapsed.

"15420 points?"

"Fuck you, you're only level 49 now, and you already have such a high score?"

Exaggerated has always felt that my account is lucky.

The internal strength score is only about 14000.

The bosses around me basically have this score, and the score will not exceed 1000.

He thought this was the highest score at this stage.

But never expected.

It turns out that there are really people who can stack their internal strength to over 15000!

The barrage kept passing by.

"Damn it, my rating is only 11000!"

"Ordinary players can pile up 13000 and it will be very expensive. What the heck, 15000?"

"Are we really playing the same game?"

“I feel like this batch is even more outrageous than turning on the modifier!”

Then, Exaggeration opened the internal strength interface of Lin Ameng's account.

Three fire and two gold.

But this rating is really ridiculously high.

"1762 points of sun and moon!"

Exaggeratedly clicked on the specific panel of Sun and Moon, and everyone was dumbfounded.

In the position of the secondary attribute below, two words appear clearly, aura.

And the most incredible thing is that there are two Lingyun entries!
"Two auras? One inner strength and two auras?"

Exaggerated took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

He really couldn't believe his eyes.

He has quite a few internal skills with aura, and basically all of them have aura.

As long as you cut it more, the aura will eventually come out.

But one internal strength with two auras?

What's happening here?
Is it a bug?
It was the first time he saw Exaggerated, and he was also confused by it.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"Is this a BUG? Can one inner body produce two auras?"

"It's impossible. The effect of aura is to add +1 to the characteristic effect, and the gain effect is increased by 50%. Does the pair of auras increase by 100%?"

"Good guy, a sun and moon, plus 15% damage?"

"Is this a bug? How can one inner strength have two auras?"

The barrage was also confused.

It's not like I haven't seen Lingyun before. After all, in the past few days, many European emperors have indeed had the opportunity to produce Lingyun.

But a person with both internal strength and aura is a little bit incomprehensible.

Following Dan Lingyun is not a concept at all.

According to the display of the aura entries, the bonus of the pair of auras to internal strength is 100%!

This is outrageous too!

Exaggerated took a deep breath and asked in the live broadcast room.

"Can this internal power be used to double spiritual energy? Brothers, I have never seen such a situation."

The barrage in the live broadcast room also replied.

"I haven't seen it even once."

"Double Spirituality? You probably can't do it even with a cheat device."

"Is this a bug?"

"If it's not a bug, then the value of this account will probably take off. Just this one, Sun and Moon Liangyi, the account price will be increased by 5!"

"With 5 yuan, you can cut out the double aura? You probably can't cut it out with [-] yuan!"

The barrage exploded.

They had a hunch that this moment might really be the moment to witness history!
A double aura of inner strength.

I guess Ni Shuihan, the mobile game planner, can’t even understand this account.

Exaggerated took a deep breath and asked in the live broadcast room.

"Ameng, did you cut this double aura yourself?"

Lin Xiao, who was watching the live broadcast, nodded and replied in the live broadcast room with some confusion.

"I cut it myself. Are double auras rare?"

No wonder Lin Xiao didn't know.

Lin Xiaoqie's internal strength can basically produce a spiritual charm with six or seven internal strength.

Although double spiritual powers are rare, his own account also has two double spiritual powers.

He thought Lingyun was guaranteed.

Seeing Lin Xiao's reply in the live broadcast room, the corners of his exaggerated mouth twitched.

This is not a question of rare or not.He has never seen a person with dual inner strength and aura until now.

This is almost impossible to do!

An awkward smile appeared at the corner of his exaggerated mouth, and then he said in the live broadcast room.

"Ameng, do you mind if I ask customer service?"

"I have indeed never seen this pair of auras before."

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and then said on the barrage.

"it is good!"

Exaggerated nodded, clicked on his own exclusive customer service, Ni Shui Han mobile game Xiao Nuan.

Basically, players with more than [-] krypton gold will have their own dedicated customer service.

There was no exaggeration and no secret, and the customer service chat box was opened directly in the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Nuan, can this internal power produce double auras?"

Xiao Nuan replied.

"We are asking your question, please wait."

While waiting, barrages kept passing by.

"This must be a BUG, ​​and it will probably be corrected later."

"How was it designed at that time? The double aura is too outrageous."

"The current internal strength level is only level 15. If this double spirit can be upgraded to level 25, the score will probably be over 2500!"

"As long as the following entries are not crooked, they should be able to reach 2700 points!"

"One internal strength is equal to two of my internal strength. The score is 2700, which is outrageous!"

"The main thing is that the aura has a high score. One aura is worth 500 points. Just these two auras alone support 1000 points!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Fanxia nodded in agreement.

"Ameng's Sun and Moon Liangyi should be the best in the entire server."

“The later score stabilized over 2500!”

While Exaggerated and Danmu were chatting, Xiao Nuan also sent a reply.

"There is indeed a certain probability that there will be two auras in the internal strength entry."

Seeing Xiao Nuan's reply, Fanxia was completely convinced.

This isn't a BUG, ​​it's just pure luck.

The internal strength entries can indeed satisfy the situation of dual auras.

The official reply has sealed the deal.

Those who shouted bugs in the live broadcast room also shrank and stopped talking.

Exaggerated couldn't help but smile and said.

"If I fuck you, this internal strength alone is worth fifty or sixty thousand!"

Then Fuhua continued to look at Lin Xiao's other internal skills.

Yang Bo, who scored 1842 points.

Two more auras!

The 1400-point Dianming Furnace is slightly worse, with only one aura.

The 1200-point Broken Cauldron, although it has no aura, has almost perfect entries, one for major attack, one for breaking defense, and one for elemental damage.

This can almost be said to be the graduated internal skill of the god.

Zhe Rui with a score of 1432 has one aura and two attacks.

Exaggeration makes me feel a little numb.

Lin Ameng's account has more internal strength with aura than without aura!
Especially Yang Bo who swings his sword, and Yang Bo who wields the sword and the two instruments of the sun and the moon.

Simply invincible.

A perfect entry for the double aura.

Just these two internal skills alone, worth hundreds of thousands, can't be cut!

After watching Lin Ameng’s inner strength, Fan Kua couldn’t help but say in the live broadcast room.

"I'm going to fuck you, this internal power is so invincible!"

“Although I don’t play Idol, I want to spend money to buy this account directly!”

After reading Lin Xiao’s account, I no longer have any interest in reading other accounts.

Exaggerated immediately logged in and then chatted privately with Lin Xiao.

"Boss Qiuyi has something to ask you. Why don't I give you his WeChat account?"

"it is good!"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and then agreed directly.

To Lin Xiao's surprise, Boss Qiuyi approved Lin Xiao's friend application almost instantly.

After adding WeChat, Boss Qiuyi chatted directly in private.

"30, can this number be issued?"

(End of this chapter)

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