Chapter 35 True Identity
At 08:30 in the morning, just when Lin Xiao was still looking for a team to make a copy, he suddenly saw the words that Jiannai had just posted in the gang chat.

"Jianmeng Linyuan Difficulty Level 5 will output the ++++++ team (6/[-])."

Lin Xiao did not hesitate and directly chose to apply for their team.

Soon, Qing Youyi Broken Dream was put into the team.

The originally lively team fell silent in an instant.

It seemed that because of Qing's intention, no one knew what to say in the team channel.

The atmosphere was really awkward.

Lin Xiao sent a message helplessly and then asked in the team channel.

"What were you talking about just now?"

Shanghai University, female dormitory.

Wake up, Chu Xia and Hanbao are sitting by Sleepy's bed, and the four of them are playing the mobile game Nishuihan on Sleepy's bed.

Seeing what Qing deliberately said in the team channel, the three of them looked at Nongjian in unison.

Sleepy face blushed, waved his hand quickly, and said nervously.

"Look at what I'm doing."

Sister Yu laughed out loud.

"Are you not your love rival intentionally? We want to see how you react."

Sleepy rolled his eyes at Hanbao and said helplessly.

"What kind of love rival is there?"

"Qingyi and Ameng are just friends, you are overthinking."

Chu Xia and Xingxing looked at each other and said in a strange tone.

"Oh, my friend!"

Sleepy couldn't help but glance at Chu Xia and Xingxing.

These two guys are too annoying!
At this moment, the idiot suddenly remembered Blood River Chiyan, so he opened WeChat to chat with Chiyan privately the day after tomorrow.

"Hey, Chi Yan, let me ask you if you are interested in forming a relationship with Lin Ameng?"

Chi Yan was shocked when he received the WeChat message.

I asked?

He and Qing Youyi have no relationship other than being members of a group or a gang.

Neither of them said a word.

Now if you suddenly ask someone such a strange question, you won't be directly criticized!
The idiot is a little confused.

He really didn't want to get involved in such weird things.

"How about changing it to another one? This question is too private."

Blood River Chi Yan was in a bit of a dilemma.

Hanbao glanced at Xingxing, who was playing games seriously, and quietly replied in the private chat.

"If you can ask, I will take Xingxing to have dinner with you at noon!"

"real or fake?"

Blood River Chiyan was a little suspicious.

Do you expect the fool to help you wake up?

It's fine if this guy doesn't sell himself, but he still wants to help him wake up?
The honesty of the fool is indeed worthy of Blood River Chiyan's attention. .

"Whether you want to say it or not, it's just a matter of words!"

The idiot urged directly in the private chat.

After being urged by the fool, Xuehe Chiyan immediately put down his doubts.

MD, done it!
At least we can sit and have a meal together, which is better than not being able to see each other!
Thinking of this, Blood River Chiyan broke the calm in the team channel and said directly in the team channel.

"Your Majesty, do you plan to have a relationship with Lin Ameng?"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he saw Blood River Chiyan's words.

Group love?
What the hell!
He and Qing deliberately formed a relationship with Hammer!

But when he saw Xuehe Chiyan's words, he immediately guessed that Chiyan must have recognized the wrong person.

He didn't know that Lin Ameng was Qing's intentional agent during this period, and thought he was the one taking charge now.

Lin Xiao had the idea of ​​teasing them, and he replied directly in the team channel.

"Wait until the afternoon. I will go and have a relationship with him in the afternoon!"

The team channel exploded instantly.


"What's going on?" "You two really want to form a relationship?"

"Are you kidding? Why did you two form a relationship?"

The remaining four people in the team channel were stunned.

I originally thought that Fu Poqing would not care about Lin Ameng, an ordinary player.

But I didn't expect that these two people were actually planning to form a relationship today?
I really made a few people in the team channel dumbfounded.

Shanghai University, female dormitory.

Sleepy opened his mouth wide, his eyes full of disbelief.


She couldn't speak a word for a long time.

Unexpectedly, her worries were not unnecessary. The two of them did have such a special relationship.

Just when everyone was feeling heavy, Qing Youyi's Broken Dream suddenly made a laughing expression.

"Ah, don't you all believe it?"

Everyone looked confused, their eyes full of doubts.

What exactly is going on?

Why did it feel like Qing Youyou's tone was very similar to a friend they knew.

"It's me, I'm Lin Ameng."

Qing intentionally broke the dream and explained to everyone in the team channel.

"My dear sir, you intentionally broke your dream."

Everyone was really confused now.

What is the relationship between Qing Youyi and Lin Ameng? Why would he give his account to the other party directly?

"You. This."

Everyone in the team channel felt a little short of words for a moment and didn't know how to describe this scene.

As if realizing that they guessed wrong, Lin Xiao quickly explained.

"I am Qing Zhi's power leveling agent, and I am helping her level up her account. Don't overthink it."

Seeing Lin Xiao's explanation, everyone in the team channel felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

It turns out it’s just a power training!
No wonder these two people feel much more familiar with each other than others.

It turned out to be this reason.

Sleepy feels a little embarrassed because his guess all along has been wrong.

Lin Xiao then continued in the team channel.

"Don't tell other people in the group."

He is Qing Youyi's exclusive power trainer, but he still doesn't want people in the group to know about it.


Sleepy replied sweetly.

Ever since she found out that Lin Xiao was Qing's intended trainer, the stone hanging in her heart suddenly fell.

Until these two people have nothing to do with each other, that's all that matters.

Afterwards, a group of six people entered the second difficulty level of Jianmeng Linyuan.

Although Jianmeng Linyuan Difficulty Level [-] is indeed not easy, fortunately they are all spiritual enough.

Passed perfectly on the first try.

The reward for clearing the level is the three unique skills of Canshin. Lin Xiao also received a unique piece of equipment from Jianmeng Linyuan.

In the team, except for Blood River Red Flame, the remaining five people all have at least one unique piece of equipment.

Their luck is indeed quite red.

After finishing Jianmeng Linyuan, Lin Xiao quit the team and began to explore for unique equipment.

You can get up to nine unique pieces of equipment today.

Lin Xiao chose to do some of the key ones.

The unique high-combat shoes, the unique high-combat necklace, the unique stone blouse, the unique helmet of the man in black, the unique weapon of the mountains and seas, the unique accessory cold weather needle.

These people have high ratings and conflicting positions. They are Lin Xiao's first target.

After collecting these unique equipment.

The score of Qing Yi Broken Dreams has reached around 34000 points, which has basically reached the upper limit of the score on the fourth day.

(End of this chapter)

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