Chapter 38 The Perfect Answer
"Fuck, the Emperor Ou is here!"

"Emperor Ou will answer this question easily!"

"I feel like this question is just a proposition, with no solution at all!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was very curious about Lin Ameng and didn't know what answer he could give.

At this time, some female water friends who had just come to the live broadcast room did not know Lin Ameng well, and they all asked questions in the barrage.

"What does Ou Huang mean?"

"Do you know Lin Ameng?"

"Who is this Lin Ameng? I've never seen him before!"

Some old viewers explained patiently.

"Lin Ameng is the most European player in this game. He released the first Qionghua White Feather and Galaxy Starshade in the entire server!"

After seeing the old audience's explanation, the new audience understood Lin Ameng.

Afterwards, they looked at the exaggerated screen with interest.

As soon as Lin Ameng entered the team, Feihua, the hometown sister of Jiaji, said excitedly.

"He is my favorite idol brother."

Lin Xiao's face turned red when he heard Feihua's words from his hometown.

This sound is too funny!
Exaggerated said with a smile.

"Ameng, please introduce yourself."

Lin Xiao turned on the mic directly and said in the team channel with a smile.

"My name is Lin Ameng. I am an idol player. My main purpose of finding love is to abduct a cute girl back to the gang."

Lin Xiao's voice is very magnetic, and he sounds like a harmless Asasi boy.

This voice alone gave Lin Xiao a lot of favorability.

And Lin Xiao's reasons are also very legitimate.

Bringing a cute girl back to the gang is a contribution to the gang.

Little Ah Qi also asked with a smile on his face.

"Then Ameng, if you play a dungeon with your friends now and your love asks you to take a photo, what should you do?"

Unknowingly, Xiao Ah Qi quietly closed the distance with Lin Ameng.

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and said with a smile.

"There's something wrong with your question."

Little Ah Qi was confused.

What's wrong with this problem?
Not only Xiao Ah Qi, but also the comments in the live broadcast room were confused.

"Isn't this a good question?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"What kind of trick is this? It's retreat in order to advance!"

The barrage even includes Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Hometown Feihua asked with some doubts.

"What's the problem, A Meng?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile.

"I'm already in love, why don't I start my business with her?"

As soon as Lin Xiao said this, several ladies in the team channel suddenly became enlightened.

We are all already in love, so why would we forget about our relationship when we go to work with our friends?

It's obviously better to fight with Qingyuan.

Since he and Qingyuan were together, Lin Ameng's problems naturally disappeared.

The barrage exploded instantly.

"Damn it, bull!"

"This answer is really cruel, it blocked little Ah Qi to death!"

"That's right, why wouldn't we write a book together if we are in love? Why would we take photos like this when we write a book together!"

This wave of Lin Xiao was full.

Lin Ameng then continued to add.

"But if this happens, I will choose to play a dungeon with my friends."

Hearing the second half of Lin Ameng's words, little Ah Qi was a little confused.

He has obviously found the most perfect answer, so why bother?

Little Ah Qi couldn't help but ask.

"Why did you choose to play dungeons with your friends?"

Lin Ameng said seriously and softly.

"It only takes a few hours to make a copy with my friends, but I can take a whole day to take pictures with Qingyuan."

Full score!

Lin Xiao's implication was obvious.

Playing games with friends may only last a few hours a day.But you have to spend a long, long time with your love, so why worry about these few hours.

The barrage exploded instantly.

"Damn it, Love Saint!"

"If I had this mouth, I would have been single long ago!"

"That's a great answer, really!"

"Please, Teacher Lin, please publish a book quickly!"

Not to mention the barrage, several people in the team channel were also confused.

I didn't expect such an answer.

Too bad!
Little Ah Qi was really speechless now.

Exaggerated and laughed.

"Ameng, your answer is so awesome!"

Then he asked several young ladies in the team.

"If you are satisfied with A Meng, just add A Meng as a game friend."

"You can discuss the rest in private."

An exaggerated smile.

This time at least a marriage was completed.

The blind date conference was not too bad.

Hometown Feihua said with a smile.

"Okay, I've added A Meng as a friend."

Little Ah Qi also said with a smile.

"I have also added A Meng as a friend."

With that said, the two of them prepared to quit the team and chat privately with Lin Ameng about forming a relationship.

The barrage also thought that the conclusion was finalized at this time.

Although Qiaozuiyu and Momo didn't speak, it was quite good for Lin Ameng to gain the favor of the two young ladies.

However, at this time.

Lin Ameng suddenly asked doubtfully.

"Is it just you two? Don't you want Momo and Slippery Fish to join us?"

Hearing Lin Ameng's doubtful words, the barrage was stunned for a moment, and then exploded instantly.

"Damn it, cow, man, eating what's in the pot and looking at what's in the basin!"

"You kid, you can catch them all in one fell swoop, right?"

"Hey Lin Ameng, I didn't expect you to have such an idea!"

"We're just setting aside the harem, right?"

The four ladies in the team channel were also confused.

Little Ah Qi was the first to react.

"Hey Lin Ameng, I even said I would add you, but I won't add you anymore, hum!"

The cock-mouthed fish also said angrily.


"Eating from the pot and looking at the food from the basin!"

Momo snorted coldly and ignored Lin Ameng.

Feihua, the only one from her hometown who didn't speak, also kept slandering her.

It's too much!

Isn’t this little clip of yours enough?
You have to provoke Qiao Zui!
Knowing that she had offended the public, Lin Ameng laughed heartily, with no embarrassment at all.

"Just kidding, I'll run away first."

After saying that, Lin Ameng directly quit the team.

As Lin Ameng withdrew from the team, Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiaji also withdrew from the team.

Seeing the three people quitting the team at the same time, Danmu said with some regret.

"Oh, you are so confused, little clip!"

"Little Ah Qi was also deceived by a scumbag!"

"If nothing else, I really admire Teacher Lin's words. He is so eloquent!"

"Learn, there is no end to learning!"

Although Lin Xiao withdrew from the team.

But there is no doubt that the show effect brought by Lin Xiao has made this exaggerated dating show completely popular!
More and more players come here to watch the exaggerated dating show.

Exaggeration makes money!
On the other side, Lin Xiao, who withdrew from the team, was in pain.

Hometown Feihua and Xiao Ah Qi were both very direct and directly asked Lin Ameng when they would form a relationship.

Lin Xiao exploded.

He was just going up there to have fun, but he didn't expect to incur such an emotional debt!
(End of this chapter)

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