Chapter 42 Form a love relationship

A passing animation appeared on Lin Xiao's screen.

Lin Xiao was a little confused just after seeing the place names on the cartoon.

Yun Ying Island.

Lin Xiao had read the posts of big guys in the forum before. It was said that the scenery of Yunying Island was very beautiful and it was one of the must-visit maps in Nishuihan mobile game.

He had some doubts at the time, how can a mobile game map be so good? Can it be better than the scenery of Sanqing Mountain?
However, when he actually came to Yunying Island, Lin Xiao finally understood.

He was wrong, very wrong.

The scenery here is indeed much better than that of Sanqing Mountain.

There are scattered cherry blossom petals everywhere, just like a beautiful fairyland, and couples can be seen taking pictures in groups everywhere.

While Lin Xiao was still admiring the scenery of Yunying Island, Lin Ameng also came behind Qing Youyi.

In front of Qing Youyi's dream, an NPC named Yu Jian was standing in front of them.

We have already arrived here. If Lin Xiao still doesn't know what Qing intends to do, it would be too false.

Haven't eaten pork, haven't seen a pig run yet?
If you have never had a relationship, don’t you know that this is the place where you can take on a relationship mission?

Lin Xiao even sent three question marks in the team channel, and then hurriedly asked in the team channel.


"Young boss, are you planning to have a relationship with me???"

On the other side, there is a magnificent soft bed.

A sweet-looking girl with a good figure was lying on the bed, tossing and turning nervously.

Her face turned red with embarrassment, reaching the roots of her ears.

His eyes were fixed on the screen, and his fingers were shaking back and forth on the screen of his smartphone, as if he wanted to type something in, but he didn't know what to say.

Looking at her screen again, the character in the center of the screen was the silent Qing Youyou.

The sweet girl in front of him turned out to be Lin Xiao's big boss, the "cold" Qing Youyou.

In fact, it wasn't that Qing meant to be cold at all, but that she didn't know how to talk to Lin Ameng.

Therefore, most of the time, he would use modal words such as "um", "oh" and "ouch" to communicate with Lin Xiao, making him look like a cold rich woman.

Qing deliberately didn't know how to explain it to Lin Ameng.

Her fingers flickered on the keyboard of her smartphone, but not a word was entered.

After a long time, Qing deliberately replied with a simple "Yes" on the team channel.

After sending this word, Qing deliberately put his head under the quilt and looked at the screen of his mobile phone with only a little of his peripheral vision.

At this time, Lin Xiao looked confused.

He didn't expect that Qing Youyi actually wanted to have a relationship with him!

This was beyond Lin Xiao's expectation!
He never thought of this possibility!
Mainly because Qing Youyi is really a super rich woman.

Now if I tell you that there is a rich and powerful woman who likes you and wants to have a relationship with you, most people will be confused and at a loss.

Lin Xiao is in this state now!
After a long time, Lin Xiao pinched his temples a little irritably when he saw the word "um" that Qing deliberately posted in the team channel.

It is so!
He guessed right!

But Lin Xiao really didn't expect that Qing Youyi wanted to form a relationship with him.

He pinched his face until it hurt and didn't wake up.

Lin Xiao thought for a long time, but he really couldn't think of the reason why Qing deliberately liked him.

I just look better, have a better personality, have a nicer voice, be more outgoing, European, and have better luck.

With just these few advantages, can he actually attract a rich woman?

While Lin Xiao was still thinking hard about his own merits, Qing on the other side was lying on the bed with a sense of loss, his expression a little depressed.

Lin Xiao's silence at this time seemed to Qing Youyi as a silent rejection.

Just when Qing was about to quit the team, suddenly, Lin Ameng, who had been silent for a long time, spoke slowly in the team channel.

"You are interested in being a boss. I'm sorry, but I have no intention of having a romantic relationship at the moment."

Lin Xiao had just broken up with his ex, although he had no feelings for him for a long time.In Lin Xiao's view, the gap between love and girlfriend is not very big.

Girlfriends are lovers, and love is lovers who play games together.

Lin Xiao was used to being single in his previous life, and he really didn't like having someone to take care of him anymore.

After saying this, Qing deliberately felt a little sad and quit the team without saying a word.

Lin Xiao was a little confused when he saw Qing intending to quit the team.

Why did he just back out before he finished speaking?
Lin Xiao hurriedly sent a private message to Qing.

But unexpectedly, before the words were sent out, Qing Youyou's profile picture had already been blacked out.

He sighed helplessly, he should say the next sentence first and then the previous one.

There was no other way, so Lin Xiao could only send a private WeChat message to Qing Yi.

"I don't want to stop at love, can you understand?"

"If you don't have such a plan, it's better not to start."

Lin Xiao didn't say anything.

He was very conflicted, saying that he didn't want to have a relationship was a lie.

He also wanted to try that sweet feeling.

But if it was just love, he didn't think there was any need to start.

Lin Xiao's words were sent out, but Qing Yiyi didn't reply for a long time.

He sighed faintly.

"It's over!"

"My wife is gone and my job is gone!"

Facts have proved that the "office romance" concept does not work!

Just when Lin Xiao was doing the main task in a helpless mood, he suddenly saw Qing's intentional reply.

"Top number."

Lin Xiao showed a wry smile.

Good guy, still so concise and to the point!

Less than half a minute later, Qing Zhizhi directly logged in, and then swiped 99 paper cranes for Lin Xiao, directly raising the friend level to 2200.

Girls are so proactive, so Lin Xiao is naturally not the kind of passive person.

He also sold 99 paper cranes and gave them to Qing Youyi.

The two people's favorability instantly increased to more than 3000 points.

Later, Qing deliberately took Lin Xiao directly to Yu Jian's place to do a love mission.

In the middle of the tacit understanding tasks, neither of them opened the microphone, but they still chose the same answer.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart.

It seems that Qing Youyi is indeed a good love candidate?
After completing a series of tasks, Lin Xiao and Qing accidentally formed a formal relationship.

Lin Xiao was just about to send a private message to Qing Yi when he suddenly received a gift from Qing Yi.

The generous Qing was interested and directly gave Lin Xiao ten heavenly stones!
Lin Xiao was stunned when he opened the package.

But the next moment, he couldn't help but smile.

We only knew each other for less than five days.

The value of the gift you intended to give him already exceeds the value of your predecessor in three years!
Later, Qing intentionally sent two pictures to Lin Xiao on WeChat.

One picture shows a handsome male anime character leaning against a red wall, and the other picture shows a cute female anime character leaning against the wall with her head down.

Lin Xiao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"This is the avatar of a couple!"

(End of this chapter)

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