Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 46: God-given clothes, picking up dreams from the galaxy

Chapter 46: God-given clothes, picking up dreams from the galaxy

first hand.

A golden light flashed on the screen and hit the stone wall heavily.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light slowly bloomed on the stone wall.

In the first hand, Lin Xiao directly hit a heavenly stone.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that Lin Xiao really hasn't seen a single-yolked egg for a long time.

"Is there only one?"

Lin Xiao's eyes widened in surprise.

He had a hunch that today's lottery would not be as smooth as the previous lottery for Boss Qiuyi.

Later, he used the skill of knowing destiny.

I used it five times in a row, and all the results were bad or very bad, but not once was the result of bad luck.

Normally, no one would do any lottery in this situation.

"This number is so unlucky today!"

Lin Xiao said angrily.

He had a feeling that it wasn't his luck that was the problem, but that there was probably a big problem somewhere else!
"Isn't it a bit familiar?"

Lin Xiao didn't bother to use the skill of knowing destiny now, and started dry pumping directly.

Sure enough, shipment rates began to drop significantly.

At the beginning of the draw, the price of a heavenly stone could be controlled at 1400, and Lin Xiao could barely make a little profit from it.

But after a hundred strokes, Lin Xiaotian's stone appreciation began to become difficult to draw.

That is to say, Lin Xiao is lucky enough to be a European emperor, and he is the illegitimate son of the goddess of luck to ensure the shipment rate.

Otherwise, I estimate that the average price of this wave of sky-appreciating stones should be more than 2300!

In the end, Lin Xiao drew 1600 heavenly stones at a price of 100 each.

And you are very generous in your intentions.

Although it was Qingyuan who helped draw the money, the money he was supposed to give was exactly the same, and he transferred [-] RMB directly to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao holds 4 yuan, but now he still feels confused.

For some reason, he suddenly smelled the aroma of soft rice.

Later, Qing deliberately logged in to his account, gave God clothes, and made the dream of picking up the galaxy.

The Dream Picking from the Galaxy is not as popular as the God-given Auspicious Phoenix, but the effect is also very powerful.

A pair of large wings like small fluttering moths flapped behind him.

Qing Youyi’s Broken Dream looks quite handsome.

After a while, Qing decided to log in directly with the same account.

Lin Xiao directly had a private chat with Qing.

“Look at my circle of friends!”

Qing Yi was a little confused, and then clicked on Lin Xiao's circle of friends.

The first item in the circle of friends is a photo he and Qing Youyi just took.

Lin Xiao attached a sentence to the photo.

There are three thousand things in the floating world, but I have three loves: the sun, the moon and you.

The sun is the morning, the moon is the evening.

I am interested in you.

Even though Lin Xiao doesn't seem to talk about love very much, when he does, his lethality is immediately maxed out!
On the other side, Qing deliberately looked at the WeChat post that Lin Xiao had just posted, and her face turned red to the base of her ears.

The first two sentences were the original words of Rabindranath Tagore's Birds Collection, but it was mainly the third sentence that made her almost die of embarrassment.

Qing Yi really couldn't bear such a direct and undisguised confession.

Lin Xiao was a little confused when he saw Qing Youyi didn't speak for a long time.

Could it be that you don't like this tune?
He regretted that he shouldn't have been so direct.

However, after a while, Lin Xiao saw a small red dot in his circle of friends.

When he clicked on it, he saw that Qing deliberately liked it in his circle of friends and commented at the same time.

"Me too."

Lin Xiao was a little confused, so he directly pulled Qing Youyi into the team, and then opened the microphone and asked.

"You are interested, what do you mean by me?"

On the other side, Qing Youyou, who was lying on the bed, turned red instantly and almost turned into a steam girl.

She said hesitantly. "That's what it means."


Lin Xiao opened his mouth wide, a little shocked.

What does it mean?
What does that mean?

Lin Xiao almost fainted, so he turned on the mic and said.

"What do you mean, do you like it or not?"

He didn't give Qing a chance to be vague, and directly asked her to choose whether she liked it or not.


Qing Youyi was not the kind of girl who was pretentious, so she opened the microphone and spoke directly to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao clearly heard the words "Qing intentionally likes".

For some reason, he felt an electric shock all over his body, and all the pores in his body felt like they were open.

Lin Xiao had never experienced this feeling with his ex.

However, this feeling appeared with an online dating partner whom I had known for less than a week.

For a moment, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile and muttered.

"Is this the feeling of heartbeat?"

After breaking this layer of window paper, the relationship between the two people began to develop by leaps and bounds.

Lin Xiao asked directly in the team channel.

"When there is no one around, can I call you Xiaoqing?"

"Then my name is A Meng."

Qing Yi said sweetly.

Suddenly, she seemed to have remembered something and asked in a bad tone.

"Ameng, I heard yesterday that you were attending a blind date conference?"

"Yeah, yesterday."

Lin Xiao thought of his performance at the blind date conference and wanted to push it away in a daze.

Who would have thought that he would form a relationship the next day.

Lin Xiao really didn't expect that he would have such a day. If he had known it, he wouldn't have joked.

"Don't chat with them privately anymore!"

Qingyi said weakly with a very sweet voice.

"If you talk to them privately, I will break up with you!"

The only way she could think of to threaten Lin Xiao was to break up with Lin Xiao.

Listening to Qing's intentional words, Lin Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still said it seriously.

"I promise that I won't mess around with other girls in the future."

"Except for normal chatting when things happen, we won't chat privately at other times."

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Qing Youyou let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

There is no way, the two of them can't see each other now, so it's normal for Qing to be worried about Lin Xiao.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao and Qing lingered for a while.

The two people piled up the rating to more than 44000 and immediately went offline.

The game was quit, but the chat had just begun. Lin Xiao went straight to sleep with Qing Youlianmai.

The two of them talked from about nine o'clock in the evening until three o'clock in the morning before falling asleep.

In the meantime, Qing Youyi's family members came in once, and seemed to hear Qing Youyou's voice still talking in the room.

Fortunately, Qing reacted quickly and buried his head in the quilt, so he was not discovered.

Lin Xiao also took advantage of tonight's opportunity to upgrade his intentional title of Qing from Xiaoqing to Bao.

Although Qing was still shy, he did not reject Lin Xiao.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiao saw the WeChat message sent to him by the exaggerated customer service.

"At nine o'clock tomorrow afternoon, please come to the live broadcast room!"

“This week’s zero krypton ceiling selection will end tomorrow.”

"Players who are rated as having a zero krypton ceiling will receive a cash reward of 2000 yuan that we have prepared!"

Lin Xiao directly replied OK.

After all, when it’s free money, who would refuse it!
(End of this chapter)

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