Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 62 My Wife’s Financial Support

Chapter 62 My Wife’s Financial Support

Just when Lin Xiao was feeling uneasy, Ji Tiantian's lazy voice suddenly came from the room.

"Honey, are you up yet?"

Lin Xiao felt relaxed all of a sudden.

He walked into the room slowly and saw Ji Tiantian getting ready to get up.

As soon as she saw Lin Xiao walking in, she jumped directly into Lin Xiao's arms, opened her hands and hugged Lin Xiao's waist tightly.

"Husband, I miss you."

"I miss you too."

Lin Xiao lowered his head and kissed Ji Tiantian's still red and swollen lips.

Ji Tiantian turned her head to the right, avoiding Lin Xiao's kiss.

"Oh, hubby, your mouth is still swollen."

"Okay, let's stop kissing now."

Lin Xiao showed a smile, opened his hands and hugged Ji Tiantian tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

After hugging each other for a few minutes, the two of them lay on the bed together.

Ji Tiantian lay on Lin Xiao's chest and whispered softly.

"Husband, when did you wake up? What are you doing outside?"

"I got up around five o'clock."

Lin Xiao glanced at his phone and saw that it was already 08:30 in the evening. At the same time, there was no new message from Boss Mu Changfeng.

"I've got the numbers for both of us."

"For exploration and main plot, your score is now 52000 points!"

Ji Tiantian took the initiative to offer a sweet kiss.

"Husband, you are so kind!"

Lin Xiao showed a smile and glanced at the phone again.

Boss Mu Changfeng still hasn't sent any new information.

"It seems like this deal is really going to fall through."

Lin Xiao thought secretly in his heart.

Seeing Lin Xiao's glance at the phone from time to time and his disappointed expression, Ji Tiantian guessed at a glance that Lin Xiao must be hiding something from her.

After a while, she became a little disappointed.

Is it her?
Maybe she was the only one who could make Lin Xiao so worried about gains and losses.

So what is oneself?

Is it Lin Xiao's pastime when he's bored, or is it a silly girl who can get into bed with just a little coaxing?
"My number is now in the early 50000s. I wonder if there will be any problems playing in the inner city of Wuyang in the next two days."

Lin Xiao said minding his own business.

But for a long time after he finished speaking, he didn't hear Ji Tiantian's reply in his arms.

He lowered his head in confusion.

The next second, he saw Ji Tiantian's tearful eyes.

"what happened, Babe?"

Lin Xiao quickly lowered his head, kissed Ji Tiantian's cheek, and kissed away all the tears on her cheek.

"Why did you suddenly start crying again? Are you homesick?"

He was a little confused.

Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Ji Tiantian lay in Lin Xiao's arms, hugging his waist tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, as if the two of them were about to be separated in the next moment.

"If you miss home, let's go home tomorrow, okay?"

Lin Xiao didn't know why Ji Tiantian was crying, so he could only rack his brains to comfort her.

At this moment, Mu Changfeng, who had not spoken for a long time, finally replied.

"Let me think about it again."

In the adult world, there is no direct rejection, only polite rejection.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Mu Changfeng was still not satisfied with Lin Xiao's lottery method.

Lin Xiao picked up the phone and replied simply.


Then he continued to comfort Ji Tiantian who was crying.

Ji Tiantian's eyes were blurred with tears and she couldn't see clearly who sent the message to Lin Xiao, but she could see the WeChat message flashing across Lin Xiao's phone screen.

She said whimpering.

"Did she come back to you?"

"Go find her quickly, don't let her go."

Lin Xiao was a little confused. "Who is he? Who came to find me?"

"Wife, what are you talking about? Who came to me and who left?"

Hearing the confusion in Lin Xiao's words, Ji Tiantian was also stunned.

She suddenly became aware of a possibility.

Is it possible that she is thinking too much?

She continued to ask without giving up.

"Didn't she come back to you? Aren't you going to rekindle your old relationship?"

"It's okay. I'll go back to Dragon City tomorrow. I'll stay in a hotel tonight and won't stay here anymore."

"I won't be in your way here later."

Listening to the strong smell of jealousy in Ji Tiantian's words, Lin Xiao finally understood what was going on.

Did Ji Tiantian misunderstand something?

He handed the phone directly to Ji Tiantian, and then explained seriously.

"Honey, are you thinking wrongly? I was just talking to my boss about pumping on behalf of others."

Ji Tiantian was stunned after hearing Lin Xiao's explanation.

Draw on behalf of you?

Isn't it just a proxy? What kind of mobile phone have you been peeking at!

What kind of disappointed expression is there!

Ji Tiantian opened Lin Xiao's WeChat.

Sure enough, below the pinned chat is the chat with the boss.

After looking through the chat history, Ji Tiantian figured out everything.

It took half a day not because she wanted to come back.

It turns out that it is really a matter of smoking on behalf of others!
"I'm sorry."

Ji Tiantian lowered her head and apologized in Lin Xiao's arms.

Lin Xiao had a smile on his face, brushed his right hand over Ji Tiantian's little head, and said softly.

"Fool, what I told you will never change."

"I have one and only one future, and that's you!"

"What if she really comes back to find me? In my heart, she is nothing compared to you!"

Listening to Lin Xiao's affectionate confession, Ji Tiantian felt sweet in her heart.

She really fell in love with Lin Xiao more and more, even more than she did every day in the past.

"Okay, okay, get up and have something to eat."

Lin Xiao gently stroked Ji Tiantian's little head.

I really don’t know how this little brain grows, but just by relying on these few small actions, you can imagine a big drama of palace fighting, right?
Perhaps it was because of the previous ten years that the Ji Tiantian in front of her was quite insecure.

She always seemed to be worried that Lin Xiao would leave at any time.

Lin Xiao has a long way to go if he wants to make the girl in front of him completely let down his guard!

At this moment, Ji Tiantian suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Husband, why don't you give me a gift of a stone?"

She had just read the chat records between Mu Changfeng and Lin Xiao, and this question naturally arose in her mind.

"I don't have any money."

Lin Xiao showed a helpless smile.

"I can't afford to pay if I lose, so I can only do it for you."

Seeing the loneliness on Lin Xiao's face, Ji Tiantian suddenly felt heartbroken. She lay on Lin Xiao's chest and said seriously.

"Husband, go smoke it, I'll be responsible for any mistakes you make!"


Lin Xiao opened his mouth in astonishment.

Ji Tiantian says no more nonsense.

What does it mean to be responsible for her fault?
How could Ji Tiantian be held responsible for his lottery draw?

Ji Tiantian sat up, her thin pajamas unable to block her beautiful figure.

But at this time, she didn't care about it at all.

She squeezed Lin Xiao's hand and said seriously.

"Husband, go do it on your behalf. If you're in trouble, I'll help you. I'll be responsible!"

(End of this chapter)

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