Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 68 Opening up wasteland and Wuyang Lao 4

Chapter 68: Opening up wasteland, Wuyang Lao Si
"This kick is too harsh!"

Lin Xiao's mouth twitched.

Just when I wanted to run, the group was wiped out.

Only two men in iron clothes were able to carry them down with their rough skin and thick flesh.

Just outrageous!
"Let's start again and fill up the blood volume first!"

The two Tieyi directly chose to start over, and then they prepared to start Wuyang Laosi again.

"Open it directly. Don't hand over the first Changge Xianjun before you open it."

"Dance for a while. Two Ts, two breasts, and two rivers of blood."

Standing at the front of the team with his fists in iron clothes, he directly captured the dragon and opened the BOSS.

The red-clothed envoy immediately walked over to the iron-clothed man, fisting him to the flesh.

"As graceful as a startled dragon, as graceful as a swimming dragon!"

Hongyi threw three fans, and two seconds later, a red circle appeared on the ground. She quickly rushed to the red circle, and then kicked up the red circle with a spinning leg.

"Hide the red circle by yourself, the nanny's milk is so big."

"I'll shout later, and the second team of Tieyi will directly take revenge later."

No one in the team channel said anything, they were all concentrating on typing notes.

Soon, the red envoy's blood volume reached 90% and entered the first stage.

"Please also dance with me!"

The envoy in red walked to the center of the venue, and maids appeared around him at the same time.

"The dancers come in, and the rest of the output starts from the door!"

Lin Xiao's command was very clear and he quickly determined the target of the fire.

Soon, the maid at the door was knocked out, and then all outputs killed all the maids in a counter-clockwise direction.

The first stage of dancing is over, and the cycle of the previous skills begins.

"Light clouds cover the moon, and the flowing wind returns the snow."

This is the voice of BOSS Flying Fan.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Lin Xiao.

The man with more than half health was knocked down suddenly for some reason.

"Pull the T first."

Lin Xiao commanded calmly in his voice, and at the same time, the movements of his hands did not stop.

Various skills were thrown out as if they were free of charge, and at the same time, Wan Jian Jue was interspersed with wave after wave of explosions.

"Don't carry it after the third level, remember to exchange revenge."

Lin Xiao thought for a moment, and there was only one reason for switching to T in this case, and that was because he didn't change T on the third floor.


Tie Yi stood up again and punched the meat to open the Maitong channel.

After the first stage of the BOSS, Zhan Fu dropped three more.

Qing Youyi and Chu Xia's Broken Dream were one each, and Blood River Chiyan also used a Zhan Fu.

Lin Xiao can also understand the reason why they died in battle.

The BOSS of the Red-clothed Envoy is indeed not friendly to melee output.

Mainly because it is easy to be kicked to death by the leg of the red envoy in close combat, and the output environment cannot be guaranteed.

The BOSS's blood volume has reached 70%, and two more mechanisms have been added.

The wind and clouds change color, and a red tornado will blow on the ground, causing extremely high damage and almost killing instantly.

Admirers; Admirers will appear randomly in each wave, and the persistent admirers among them will constantly add blood to the BOSS, so they need to focus their fire first.

Lin Xiao glanced at the countdown and commanded in a deep voice.

"Seven seconds of wind, seven seconds of persistence."

"After hiding this leg, all the output main T will gather near it."

After the BOSS roundhouse kick, all outputs including the nanny stood near the main T.

Lin Xiao continued to direct.

"The main T directly activates Tai Chi Tu and outputs all-out concentrated fire on the BOSS."

Tieyi's fists reached the point where he stood, and he directly used Jianghu's special skills.

next moment.

A huge black and white Tai Chi diagram bloomed under everyone's feet. Five seconds later, the Tai Chi diagram shattered.

Tai Chi Tu is Ping Tianmen's unique skill, which can clear all bullets and traps and reduce the enemy's attack speed.

This effect is the key to tornadoes.As long as Tai Chi is played well, the entire journey can be basically wind-free!

"Perseverance at the door, all output focuses on persistence."

"Don't hide when the boss kicks. Prioritize persistence. The nanny has a date!"

Lin Xiao continued to direct seriously.

With Suwen's agreed damage reduction, the damage from the BOSS's kick is not that high.

A kick passed by, and no output was killed.

At the same time, persistence was directly killed!

Then the cycle of three mechanisms began, the situation changed, the kick, and the admirer.

"After hiding their legs, a team of Blood Rivers directly started Tai Chi."

Lin Xiao was stuck in the last moment of the situation, allowing the whole team to enjoy the BUFF of Tai Chi Tu.

The BOSS's violent change was directly neutralized.

At the same time, the output also reduced the BOSS's health to 50%, entering the second stage.

"Save all output for bursts, and Su Wen for long songs to present to you."

"There will be a wave of weakness in the second wave. When it becomes weak, I will directly bleed with all my strength and squeeze your output!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice in the team channel.

He glanced at the time on his left.

The red-clothed envoy went berserk for 165 seconds!
In other words, they need to suppress 50% of the blood of the red envoy in these two and a half minutes.

This difficulty is really not low!
After the dance ends, enter the second stage of the cycle.

Fortunately, their team had two Tai Chi diagrams at Pingtianmen, and the CD time was just enough to turn them around, ensuring that there would be no wind the whole way.

With 50 seconds left in the violent rage, the BOSS's health reached 20%.

There are still three seconds left before the situation changes, but at this time, the envoy in red has already walked to the middle to dance.

"There is no need to hand in the Tai Chi diagram, the wind is blocked."

"Output your persistence with all your strength. If there is an explosion, give it immediately, and save people as soon as possible!"

The most critical time has come.

Being able to remove the wind jam proves that their group's output is definitely sufficient.

The key is the last two waves of attachments, which must be dealt with!

"Behind the BOSS is persistence, output the persistence with all your strength!"

Lin Xiao's eyes were very sharp, and he saw the persistence behind the BOSS at a glance, and hurriedly shouted to several outputs.

The remaining six outputs that did not dance did not retain skills, and the persistence of dancing was instantly lost.

"The wet nurse will just jump to death and get up, the output will jump to death, and wait for the wet nurse to carry someone else!"

Lin Xiao reacted extremely quickly.

The last wave didn’t require that many people to dance at all.

Anyway, the wet nurse has been able to stand up for herself, and their battle recovery is quite sufficient.

Just ask the wet nurse to carry the dead person!

After hearing Lin Xiao's command, the two Xuehe and the two nurses immediately let go and jumped to their death in less than three seconds.

The violent duration was 43 seconds, and the red-clothed envoy's HP was 19%!

"Save the two iron coats at the door."

"You idiot, just cut it and beat it!"

The violent duration was 35 seconds, and the red-clothed envoy's HP was 15%!

"Yo Layo, take this kick directly, don't hide!"

"The second team of iron warriors has completed the Tai Chi diagram, and the final wave will come soon!"

The violent duration was 22 seconds, and the red-clothed envoy's HP was 8%!

"Squeeze your output, don't hesitate if you have special skills, throw them away quickly!"

The violent duration was 11 seconds, and the red-clothed envoy's HP was 4%!

"Reducing your own damage and hiding your feet, continue to suppress the BOSS's blood, and throw it away if it breaks out!"

The violent duration was 3 seconds, and the red-clothed envoy's HP was 0.5%!

Qing deliberately stood there and did not dodge the red-clothed envoy's kick at all, and threw a red lotus Fen Ye with anticipation.

After the stunt is completed, there is only one second left in the berserk time, and the BOSS's health has finally bottomed out!

(End of this chapter)

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