Chapter 71 Extreme Output
next moment.

Everyone's screens were shattered like glass, and the BOSS was once again put into a weak stage!
Everyone immediately threw out all their explosive skills in one go.

Entering the third stage is also the most critical time.

There are 135 seconds left in the berserk time, and the BOSS's health volume is still 44% at this time, which is a huge pressure!
"Qin Mo, Bai Xian, prepare to avoid Bai Xian!"

Lin Xiao reported the mechanism in advance.

The main T immediately observed the surroundings, looking for the figure of the piano demon.

This time they were very lucky, and the piano demon was directly at the feet of the BOSS!
Then ghost claws appeared all around again, and white lines lingered around the entire mass.

"Pull the white line away, then come back and continue output."

"A team of blood rivers, Tai Chi Tu is ready!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, we have reached this point, and the hope of passing the level is right in front of us!
"Human Palm Technique!"

The BOSS shouted and used the Human Palm Technique again.

Lin Xiao shouted loudly at the same time.

"Chi Yan, use Tai Chi Tu directly, hug the group tightly, and output with all your strength!"

The next moment, Chi Yan's screen was surrounded by the Tai Chi diagram, and the whole team relied on the time of the Tai Chi diagram to produce crazy output!

"There is another human palm technique. After taking over the human palm technique, prepare the third wave of music scores!"

We are about to reach the final moment, and this is the time that needs the most attention.

"Human Palm Technique!"

BOSS uses the Human Palm Technique mechanism for the fourth time.

"Spread out and hide from the world. Don't rush to output. Our output is stable enough!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly in his voice.

It's just that this time, the main T's luck was not very good. He was stuck by the BOSS and was directly shocked to death by two crossed palms.

Fortunately, Su Wen was quick enough and directly pulled the iron-clad fool up.

Lin Xiao, who noticed this scene, took a deep breath and then shouted loudly in his voice.

"You idiot, cut and attack, and use your full strength later. I don't need you to exchange revenge!"

Although the iron-clad fool was a little confused, she did not question Lin Xiao's decision, but directly switched to the broken state.

The boss once again sat down in the center of the map, and the aftermath shocked everyone in the group.

The envoy Qinyin invited me to dance with him.

The music score has been handed to (Sleepy) (Xingxing).

Lin Xiao was a little surprised. Was the third wave of music scores actually for two people?

The rest of the team didn't notice.

"Sleepy, wake up and send out the music score!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly in his voice.

Soon, two piano scores appeared in the team channel.

One corner, four merchants, six feathers.

Two emblems, three palaces, and five merchants
"Four-five-six, Shang Gong Shang!"

"One, two, three, please note that the two piano scores are separate!"

"Four-five-six, Shang Gong Shang!"

Lin Xiao kept repeating the corresponding score of four, five and six.

This is the last wave of music scores. There won’t be another time. As long as you don’t make mistakes this time, you will definitely pass this time!
Time comes to the last five seconds.

Everyone with a word on their head jumped directly into the corresponding music score.

The next moment, BOSS entered a weak state again.

"Explode, use full pressure!"

Lin Xiao shouted loudly in the team channel.

He glanced at the time and frowned. There were less than 50 seconds left, and the BOSS still had 25% of his health left!

The hope of victory is at hand.If you really can't pass the level due to insufficient output, it would be too painful!
After Qin Mo and Bai Xian, the most critical moment of this game came.

"Human Palm Technique!"

"Team [-] Iron Clothes, Tai Chi Tu will start immediately!"

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and shouted loudly.

Soon, Tai Chi Tu stood up, and they relied on the rogue Tai Chi Tu to avoid the penultimate human palm technique.

At this time, the BOSS's health reached 15%, and there were still 33 seconds left!
They began to race against time and luck.

The most thrilling moment of this land reclamation has finally come, the BOSS’s last human move!
Only by dodging this time can you successfully pass the level!

A burst of white light flashed across the map, and no one was hit by the white light!
The BOSS once again walked towards the center of the map.

"Main T-cut output!"

Lin Xiao grabbed the phone and shouted loudly.

"There is no need to distribute the music scores, everyone is going to attack the BOSS with all their strength, don't stop!"

"If nanny has BUFF, use BUFF!"

There are still 20 seconds left before the violent line, and the BOSS's health reaches 8%.

Except for the two wet nurses, everyone else is frantically trying to deal with the BOSS, looking for a chance to clear the level.

Countdown to ten seconds.

The BOSS's HP is still 5%!

Five seconds countdown, the BOSS's health is only 2% left!
Four seconds later, Lin Xiao used a stunt again.

In three seconds, Qing deliberately threw Red Lotus Fentian onto the BOSS.

For two seconds, the BOSS was sitting peacefully in the center of the map, playing the piano, motionless!
In one second, the BOSS's health was reduced to the last 0.1%!

At this point, the game is completely over, and it must be impossible to succeed this time.

The BOSS flew high into the sky and slapped everyone to death.

But at this time, Jiuling's baby contributed the most perfect performance.

A normal attack from her baby brought an end to the voice of Ambassador Lei Yin!
Everyone was directly shocked to death by the BOSS's big slap, but the BOSS also successfully flew his corpse and fell directly from the sky.


Wuyang Laowu was finally successfully conquered by everyone!
After spending two hours familiarizing myself with the music score, I finally cleared Wuyang City Lao Wu!

"Fuck you, awesome!"

"This Jiuling baby will have extra food tonight!"

"The key is, if it hadn't been for the last attack from Baby Nine Spirits, we would have had to fight again!"

"This Wuyang Lao Wu is too difficult, the output pressure is so great!"

"We are considered to be capable of harming Mao. We only left the music score in the last five seconds!"

"I feel that the average team will definitely not be able to pass this level. The output pressure is too great!"

"Our group fought so hard, let alone other groups!"

After beating Wuyang Laowu, everyone started chatting in the team channel.

Lin Xiao stared at the equipment he produced carefully.

Silver fingers for drums and piano.

He came out with another unique piece of equipment, Wuyang Laowu’s Guqin Silver Finger. After putting it on, his score soared to 51800 points!
And then, the stuff in the public auctions was pretty good too.

Two unique pieces of equipment, the drum, harp and silver finger, and a level 69 god-like weapon that has been refined for hundreds of years!
Now that he already has unique equipment, Lin Xiao has no interest in the first two unique equipment.

He directly offered 50 copper coins to auction the statue of the God and the weapons that were refined.

This weapon is basically the same as graduation equipment, and Lin Xiao is bound to get it.

In the end, Qing Wuyi and Yakult took away a unique piece of equipment.
And Lin Xiao won the level 69 Divine Statue Hundred Refined Weapon!
The score instantly soared to 52702 points, which directly increased the score by nearly a thousand!

At this moment, Xuehe Chiyan quietly glanced at the post-war statistics.

The next moment, his eyes widened in surprise, his eyes full of disbelief.

Fuck, what did he see?
What the hell kind of harm is this!
(End of this chapter)

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