Ni Shuihan: Qionghua White Feather drops at the beginning!

Chapter 78 The strange annihilation point

Chapter 78 The strange annihilation point

Lin Xiao started to direct quite naturally.

"Is there anyone who knows how to hunt, break dreams and idols?"

The hunter's requirement is to knock out all the pillars on the field as soon as possible, so the most flexible broken dreams and idols are naturally the first choice.

Of course, in addition to Broken Dreams and Idols, Blood River and Nine Spirits can also be hunters.

"I'll do it, you put out all your strength."

Chu Xia said in the team channel.

She has been studying the mechanism of Wuyang Laoliu for the past two days.

Although she has not been a hunter before, she still knows a little about how to play as a hunter, and this book-writing experience is just an opportunity to practice it.

"The prophet is a team of iron-clad idiots, and the guards are the main T of the second team, punching and punching."

"The last one is a sandbag."

"Who can be a sandbag?"

Lin Xiao assigned the positions of the other two priests and began to look for the last mechanical position, the sandbag.

"Sandbags? What are sandbags?"

In the team channel, Jiuling Xingxing asked with some confusion.

Lin Xiao explained.

"Makino has a skill called the Crazy Wand Technique, which will target players far away and release a huge fan-shaped attack, attracting all players in the area to come close to him."

"Sandbags are meant to stand outside the big group and become the target of Makino Ya's magic wand technique."

"It's best to use Nine Spirits and God Statues, which can only be output remotely."

The idol Junhuai asked with some doubts.

"Is this sandbag difficult?"

Lin Xiao explained with a smile.

"It's not difficult, just press release when sucking."

"It's not too difficult. If you don't feel nervous, you'll be fine."

Junhuai was a little eager to try.

It's not interesting to play pure output all the time, but it's quite interesting to play machine position occasionally.

"Then I'll come."

Jun Huai said in the team channel.

Lin Xiao nodded. In this case, all positions are basically arranged.

Then there is the issue of running-in.

Later, Lin Xiao opened the team channel interface and adjusted the positions of everyone in the team.

"The guard is the main T who punches the flesh, the prophet is the deputy T fool, the pharmacist Lin Ameng, the hunter Chuxia, and the sandbag Junhuai!"

“It’s ready to go without any problem!”

Lin Xiao said in the team channel.

Everyone nodded, and then directly opened the monster next to BOSS Makinoya.

The four servants under Makinoya began to attack the 12 people in front of them.

But soon, Lin Xiao discovered something was not right.

Why does it feel like there are fewer and fewer people in their group!

Lin Xiao's eyes widened in surprise.

Because I was too careless when opening monsters, I directly opened the four servants under Makinoya, causing the four servants to directly gather fire in a large group.

The two nannies were not paying attention, and the crispy skin was immediately cool.

Lin Xiao's face darkened.

Before he could defeat the BOSS Makinoya, he was taken down by the four servants under Makinoya's command.

"Destroy one wave first, then the battle will begin."

Lin Xiao's mouth twitched and he commanded in the team channel.

Everyone in the team typed the symbol "." on the team channel.

It would be really embarrassing if this was told!

After everyone was resurrected, Lin Xiao began to arrange tasks.

"Stand separately, the leader T of the second team and the wet nurse will go to draw the hatred of the two guards on the right. The big group will attack Xuehe and Jiuling first!"

I originally thought of beating my four servants casually with their eyes closed.

I didn’t expect that I would have to give serious instructions.Lin Xiao was really helpless.

After beating the four servants under his command, the divine machine eye, the magic-breaking spear, the Gu spirit ball and the broken halberd shield appeared in front of everyone.

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Take your own things, and the priests should take their own things!"

He guided Lin Ameng to the side of the Gu spirit ball and directly picked it up.

At this moment, a clear female voice suddenly appeared on the microphone of the team channel.

"You took it by mistake, you took it by mistake! It's so hard to punch, why did you take my demon-breaking gun!"

The broken dream of early summer stood next to the fist-to-flesh man, and everyone was dumbfounded.

She was originally going to pick up the magic-breaking gun, but she didn't expect that as soon as she walked to the magic-breaking gun, she saw Tie Yi punching her flesh and snatching the magic-breaking gun away from her with a light skill.

What is this called!
"I don't know. Didn't the guard take this? Did I remember it wrong?"

Fist to the flesh said with some doubts.

Lin Xiao helplessly covered his head when he heard the words of punching to the flesh.

He had never calculated that he would forget this matter.

I'm afraid they don't even know what the prophets and guards should take!

"Destroy it. Destroy it and reopen it. Take it again."

Lin Xiao said in the team channel.

"The guard has a broken halberd shield, the hunter has a magic-breaking spear, the prophet has a god-level eye, and the pharmacist has a Gu spirit ball."

He still said it in the team channel.

Really, you can’t steal even if you are lazy, you must go through everything seriously.

Standing up again for the second time, this time it was much better than before.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and then said in the team channel.

"The main T will directly attack the monsters, and everyone will gather at the group mark position."

Makinoya's voice came from the phone.

"Although you are smart, I am not stupid either. If I lose, I won't let you get what you want!"

A familiar way of capturing dragons and opening monsters with fists and fists.

Makino Ya directly handed over a crazy wand technique on the spot, and then walked towards the direction of punching to the flesh.

"Put the sandbag behind the BOSS, directly behind the robe."

"A distance of about one displacement!"

"Stand to the group logo position, hold tight, don't wear the mold!"

"Main T pulls the BOSS's side, don't move!"

Lin Xiao kept shouting loudly in the team channel.

But the main T seems a little nervous when punching the flesh, and he can't always pull the boss's face well.

The BOSS went to his far left and right.

"Master, stop moving! Suck it now!"

Lin Xiao briefly estimated the time for Makinoya's second crazy wand technique. It was basically the time for a control release skill, about 20 seconds.

It's about to be sucked now.

"Main T pull the direction, don't keep changing the direction!"

Lin Xiao kept talking in the team channel.

But I don’t know what it’s like when the fist hits the flesh, it keeps moving.

In desperation, Lin Xiao could only say in a deep voice.

"Nanny is ready to release the control agreement, and the BOSS will hand over the release control agreement as soon as he sucks it!"

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, Makinoya used the second crazy magic wand method.

It was exactly as Lin Xiao guessed, because the main T kept changing his orientation, causing the sandbag to be unable to exert its effect at all.

The result was that the boss used a crazy magic wand to suck it into the big group.

The first team's Suwen Yakult reacted quickly and made a control agreement at the critical moment. Although the first team's health dropped to less than half health, they were not killed.

The second team was in dire straits. Keng Kong's hand speed was still a bit slow and there was no agreement to relieve control.

Makino used a crazy magic wand technique, and the second team lost 5 of them.

Except for the main T, who had thick health and high defense, the remaining five people all fell to the ground!

(End of this chapter)

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