Chapter 80 Kaben
"It's really a bit difficult to do."

Lin Xiao showed a helpless smile and said with emotion on the team channel.

There's generally nothing wrong with the previous mechanics.

But once there are too many mechanisms, it starts to get confusing.

Especially in this critical wave, immediately after the Crazy Magic Wand, move to avoid the second wave of Coiled Snake Staff.

This wave can be said to be the most critical and important wave.

If you can continue this wave, the subsequent mechanism is not very difficult.

But it was this wave that got stuck.

"It's okay. Let's do it again. You played very well just now. Keep working hard."

Lin Xiao said in the team channel with a smile.

Then according to the command just now, it was time for the first wave of coiled snake staffs again.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said in the team channel.

"The first wave of main T sees the line and opens the shield, don't hesitate!"

"Wait until the BOSS is finished, then hide behind the line for the second wave!"

The main T is a relatively stable player when it comes to punching and punching. Basically, he has not made any big mistakes since we started playing together.

This wave performed quite well, opening the Broken Halberd Shield steadily.

Then the big group continued to output, and Broken Dream Chuxia also knocked down three pillars.

"There are more than three lines in the second wave, hide the lines yourself!"

Lin Xiao hurriedly said in the team channel.

This time everyone's positioning was quite beautiful. As soon as the Crazy Wand technique ended, they immediately moved and avoided the second wave of lines.

After avoiding the critical second wave line, the third wave line is much simpler.

This wave is full of calculations with only one thread, and you can avoid it perfectly by moving a little bit.

Lin Xiao hurriedly shouted on the team channel.

"Don't go back to the big group in the early summer of Broken Dreams, wait until the Crazy Wand spell is done before returning to the big group!"

"Continue the output, don't stop!"

"Your name will be called immediately. The leader of the second team, Tai Chi Tu, will prepare!"

Soon, the countdown to the second wave of poison stories began.

At the same time as the countdown ended, Makino used the Crazy Wand Technique at the same time.

The main T fired the Tai Chi figure steadily, blocking the key poison tan.

Seeing that the BOSS had just handed over the Crazy Wand Technique, Lin Xiao hurriedly spoke to Broken Dream after knocking on the pillar.

"You can return to the main group in Chuxia, continue the output, and test for poison immediately!"

Makinoya’s mechanics can be said to be one after another.

He had just completed the Poison Tan and the Crazy Magic Wand technique, and soon there was a poisonous poison. Lin Xiao could only keep reminding the group.

Makino's Poison Gu took action, Broken Dreams in the early summer, the statue of the god Junhuai, the main T punched to the back of the flesh, and the poison sign appeared at the same time.

The prophet fool rushed to test for poison.

But her drug testing speed this time was ridiculously slow.

The poisonous poison icon has almost disappeared, and she has just finished testing the first person.

"Prophet, hurry up and test for poison!"

Lin Xiao was helpless. The speed of drug testing was even worse.

When the poison test comes out, it is estimated that all three people who were poisoned will die!

"I just threw it away, the test was too slow, this wave!"

Lin Xiao was really speechless and could only rely on his feeling to throw the antidote onto the main T's body.

next moment.

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly.

The familiar slogan did not appear, which meant that Lin Xiao made a wrong bet, and the real poison was the god Junhuai!

As the countdown ended, the idol Junhuai was killed instantly.

At the place where the idol Jun Huai was killed, an invincible medicine man appeared at the place where Jun Huai was killed.

This medicine man can imitate all of Jun Huai's skills and does extremely high damage!
"Destroy it, this medicine man will have no chance once he comes out!"

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly, and then chose to cut himself off.

Everyone in the team also followed Lin Xiao and chose to commit suicide.

"The drug test is a bit slow. Didn't I tell you about the poison test in advance?" Lin Xiao reviewed the question just now.

Most of the other issues are fine, the main problem is the drug test.

It's too slow!

The speed of the first wave of drug testing was obviously good, but I don’t know why this wave is so slow!

"Mine, mine."

The iron-clad idiot honestly admitted his problem.

Seeing the idiot like this, Lin Xiao couldn't say anything to criticize him.

After all, it’s only the second time I’ve fought, so it’s pretty good to be able to fight like this!

"The priest has picked up the things, and the main T can attack monsters!"

Lin Xiao continued to direct seriously.

The first two hits were the most perfect. The first wave hit 65% of the blood, and the second wave hit 55% of the blood.

But the next few fights were pretty average.

Usually it ends without even seeing the first wave of Coiled Snake Staff.

Either there is a problem with the sandbag, or there is a problem with the main T, or there is a problem with the prophet, or there is a problem with the medicine man.

With the exception of hunters, it's basically a mistake in one turn.

I had to destroy the sandbag six or seven times before I found the feeling of my position.

Lin Xiao sighed quietly.

Even if you can’t pass, at least you can see what it will be like after 20%!

This is bad, you can't even see 50% of the blood, how can you talk about 20% of the blood!
Finally, Lin Xiao couldn't stand it any longer. He turned on the microphone and said helplessly to Dong'ao.

"We can't fight like this without any improvement!"

"Why do you always make mistakes at the beginning?"

Lin Xiao was really numb.

He can memorize the first 30% of the mechanics with his eyes closed.

Why do some people still make mistakes?
"Fight hard, just this wave, pass it steadily!"

Lin Xiao said seriously.

"There's really no need to worry about it all the time!"

He glanced down at the time.

It has been two and a half hours since their first draw at 02:30.

Before they knew it, it was already five o'clock.

Fighting like this is not an option. If you are tired, you will definitely not be able to make a profit!

"Rest for 5 minutes first. After the rest, we will fight two more waves. If we can't pass, we will give up!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice in the team channel.

He couldn't optimize anyone in the team, he could only deliberately optimize himself and Qing.

"It's been two and a half hours of fighting!"

"It takes longer than the four and five people in Wuyang combined!"

"It's outrageous. This BOSS has too many mechanisms!"

"It's really numb. How can we possibly survive this fight!"

"Play two good waves. It's not a big deal if you keep making mistakes like this. It's such a waste of time!"

Everyone started discussing in the team channel.

Mainly chatting around the issues of too many, too complex mechanisms and errors.

The mechanism of Wuyang Laoliu can be said to be almost non-stop, and there will be a different mechanism almost every minute.

Generally, immediately after one mechanism ends, another mechanism will appear.

Sometimes there are even two mechanisms appearing at the same time.

This fight is a complete test of command.

When the commander sees all the mechanisms, he must consider how to deal with each mechanism at the same time.

Lin Xiao had been playing for two and a half hours, and his mouth was so dry that his throat was almost hoarse.

During this 5-minute break, Lin Xiao took the time to go to the bathroom.

He was completely exhausted from the beating!
(End of this chapter)

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