Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 1145 The Austro-Hungarian Empire reaps the benefits

Chapter 1145 The Austro-Hungarian Empire reaps the benefits

"This is a strategy. Queen Victoria, who has ruled Britain for more than 42 years, is indeed a scheming person. Such an idea actually came to her mind.

The proximity of Britain and Colombia diverted people's attention, and Austria-Hungary benefited from being alive.

The proximity between the United Kingdom and Colombia immediately attracted global attention.

Looking back, Portugal and Brazil, the Netherlands and Venezuela, and the United States of America also sent envoys to Latin American countries. France and others also adopted their own methods to intervene in Latin American affairs. The German Empire heard that its military base in Uruguay was going to be expanded. The number of troops stationed will also increase from 1000 to 3000. China has also sent 500 troops to the Paraguay region in the plateau area in the heart of Latin America.

And after the German Empire defeated France in 1871, it took from France our Dutch-ruled Suriname and French Guiana between Brazil and Brazil, which now became German Guiana.

These are Germany's major moves in Latin America.

In contrast, the Austro-Hungarian Empire originally occupied the Yucata Peninsula, and the subsequent war with Mexico only expanded the scale of the original colonial area.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire continued to attack Mexico on land and sea in order to expand its territory. Many local people continued to flee north, looking for safe places in the north to take refuge. "

William IV would make a speech of his own in the Dutch Parliament every year, "As Mexico seeks to hit targets in the rear of the Austro-Hungarian Empire beyond the front line, Mexico needs more well-mounted and powerful artillery, and Mexico also needs more artillery." The problem with firearms is that in the eyes of the outside world, we are unable to manufacture more in a short period of time and provide them with them. This is what caused the Netherlands to slow down the delivery of weapons to Mexico.

This is an image of the Netherlands that we have always made under certain cover-ups. "

"The Austro-Hungarian Empire's invasion of Mexico will bring great changes to Latin America. This is an issue we need to pay attention to. This is also the reason why countries around the world are eager to try and visit the region frequently."

William IV said to the 78 senators, 300 members of the House of Representatives and government officials below: "If there is a choice between the influence of Latin American countries and the victory over the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Mexican War, the Netherlands will not hesitate to make the first choice. Naturally, we need to maintain our main influence in Latin America. I can understand why Mexican President Gonzalez is worried, and he has already worked hard to maintain our attention in the Netherlands."

"The current situation of the Netherlands is to maintain the provision of military aid weapons to Mexico without affecting the stability of Mexico and the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the battlefield. The Netherlands also works with its allies in Latin America to support Mexico's weapons shortage problem."

“Together with the 13 Latin American countries, we have downplayed the concerns that European countries in Latin America have frequently made good friends with countries in the region, which will influence relations with the Netherlands, and also indicate that it will not affect support for the Mexican campaign.

Our Foreign Minister Mari Philip pointed out at the Latin American Security Summit in Ecuador that the Netherlands will continue to lead the G13 Latin American allies to provide substantial support to member Mexico while ensuring the ability to respond to other crises. "

"Austro-Hungary reduced its weight to European countries, especially Britain, Germany and Portugal, and benefited from strengthening relations with Latin American countries. Perhaps these three countries were trying to split the Thirteen Latin American Group from the beginning to prevent Mexico from having a steady stream of support from the group. , the Austro-Hungarian Empire benefited from the collective diplomacy carried out by Britain, Germany and Portugal.

Therefore, whether Colombia or other countries increase their exchanges with the four countries of Britain, Germany, Portugal and Austria, they are supporting the four countries to divert the attention of the Netherlands from providing support for Mexican weapons and politics. "

"However, the diplomacy between Colombia and the United Kingdom makes me think that they will never be able to open a contract in Latin America. The Netherlands also has obligations and interests and cannot allow these countries to enter our country. Listen carefully, it is our backyard of the Netherlands. Such a situation It will only create more political deadlock and violence. The Netherlands will not give up its interests there."

"Currently, the four countries of Britain, Germany, Portugal and Austria have launched a new round of diplomatic wooing in Latin America. The Netherlands needs to adopt corresponding policies, but don't worry, our investment in Latin America over the past 20 years can indeed be used at this time.

There is actually no overlap between the Mexican War and the diplomacy of the four countries of Britain, Germany, Portugal and Austria. The outcome of the Mexican War in the future is still unknown. However, this war and the efforts of various countries to win over Latin American countries have obviously destroyed The Dutch establishment of the Group of Thirteen to rule the Latin American region has obviously destroyed most of the Netherlands' assumptions about its strategic and regional status, and will bring about tremendous changes to the region. "William IV stood on the rostrum of the Dutch Parliament, overlooking the hundreds of people below representing the top politicians of the Netherlands, and said:

“The Netherlands had three naval battles with Britain at the end of the 18th century. The first time they won, the second time they were drawn, and the third time the Netherlands lost. Our world-renowned title of sea coachman was lost.

We have also been robbed as the financial capital of Europe by London, England.

In order to restore the country, our great-grandfather William I agreed to transfer several colonies such as the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to the United Kingdom. Only then did the United Kingdom agree to the restoration of the Netherlands proposed by the Russian Empire.

Previously, the Dutch East India Company dominated the Dutch Republic, which was mainly about commerce.

After the restoration of the Netherlands in 1815, the Orange-Nassau family behind me became the royal family. Our family began to work hard for the revival of the Netherlands for four generations. After 67 years of hard work, the Netherlands finally once again stood in a strong position. On top of the world.

In the 18th century, the Dutch maritime military power was second only to the Spanish Empire.

Now entering the last 19 years of the late 20th century, although our naval tonnage is not as large as that of Britain, our warships and submarines are no weaker than the other side.

The three major cities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Sydney, Amsterdam and Melbourne, are not much weaker than London. In terms of economic prosperity, it is among the top ten in the world.

Sydney is in fourth place, behind London in the UK, Paris and Berlin in France, followed by Amsterdam and Melbourne following New York but ahead of Madrid. .

The House of Orange-Nassau would continue to promote prosperity in the Netherlands. "


William IV couldn't help but think of the issues of Israel and Palestine in later generations. Because the issues were often marginalized by the international community, the Palestinian people were imprisoned by the Israelis in the small land allocated by the Israelis. Se can also establish diplomatic relations with the Balak allies to ensure peace and stability.

But when a group of despised captives resisted, and it turned out to be a fatal conflict, it showed that only by facing up to and resolving the situation of the Bale people could we truly enter a more stable path.

“For the Netherlands to develop, it needs a stable world structure, and the United Kingdom, which is still the world’s number one country, is a hurdle that the Netherlands has to face.

The United Kingdom should also be aware of this and disrupt the development plan of the Netherlands, especially when the situation around the Netherlands enters a period of chaos. Then the Netherlands will not have more energy to develop itself and will need to spend energy to maintain the surrounding situation. Therefore, the United Kingdom, Germany, The actions of Portugal and Austria-Hungary are actually not about wine, but are directed at the development environment of the Netherlands. Everyone, the next step is the last mile of the Netherlands' efforts. We must hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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