Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 190 The Civil War between the North and the South enters a whitening phase and worsens

Chapter 190 The Civil War between the North and the South enters a whitening phase and worsens

Although Lincoln's move took a great risk, it was of far-reaching significance.

The fight for freedom became a rousing battle cry, breathing new life into the Civil War and becoming a boost to the North.

Attracted by freedom, slaves in the South crossed the dividing line between the North and the South, and large numbers of blacks enlisted to fight against the Confederacy.

Naturally, the South was not to be outdone, and took action as the Davis administration warned.

So, on the cold first day of December, President Davis, under various pressures from the huge plantations in the south, directly ordered the southern commander, General Robert Edward Lee, to launch a full-scale offensive to the north.

"The American Civil War is another opportunity for the Netherlands. We cannot let go of any opportunity for the Netherlands to expand its power in America."

In the Netherlands, the Privy Council meeting in Amsterdam continued and William IV issued an order.

On December 1864, 12, at a press conference, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to expressing satisfaction with the results of the peace talks between Denmark, Prussia, and Austria held in Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city, also expressed its concern for the Civil War in North America. Concerned.

Asked both sides to sit down for peace negotiations and expressed Dutch appreciation for Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

Hesbert Feng said at the press conference,
“There are many indigenous residents in the overseas provinces of the Netherlands, and we respect them very much. In Africa, we in the Netherlands have more than 1000 million black residents, and there are also tens of millions of indigenous people in East India, Australian islands, and many islands in the Pacific.

We do not think that slaves are of any benefit to other countries. They are also human beings, and they also have the right to enjoy the prosperous life of the Netherlands freely. Therefore, the Netherlands supports Lincoln's policy because it is our national policy.

As for the south and the north, the Netherlands is willing to have normal economic and political exchanges with the south. For the Netherlands, both countries will be treated equally. "

As Foreign Minister Hesbert von made his first statement at the press conference on the status of those indigenous people in Africa and the East Indies and other Far East regions.

After the Dutch Parliament voted unanimously to pass the "Netherlands Equality for Colored People Act" after being proposed by members, the Dutch government immediately took effect.

Later, at a press conference held by the Ministry of the Interior, Dutch Interior Minister Joan Leer announced that the Dutch government would begin to register residents in Dutch territories around the world and conduct equal Dutch identity authentication.


This caused a huge stir in Europe.

This naturally has a copycat effect.

Austria, Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Prussia, Sweden, Portugal and other countries all followed the Netherlands in implementing various modified breeding policies in just a few days.

As for why Austria is at the front, it is because the proportion of Austrians in the Austrian Empire is actually not very high in the country. Therefore, the Dutch breeding method is just in line with the Austrian national governance. It is just the right medicine to make up for the current situation in Austria to a certain extent. of struggle.

Therefore, although the Netherlands has never been a fan of it, this time it was the fastest to follow suit.

As for other countries, it was because they saw that the Netherlands was dividing East India into provinces one after another and calculating the status of the indigenous people. Now even black people in Africa have begun to register as Dutch. This is still shocking to all countries.

But while I was surprised, I saw that the Netherlands was beginning to receive local support from indigenous and black people. This was also worthy of a visa for countries that also had colonies in Africa.

Although changes were made to the Dutch Equality for Colored People Act in the Netherlands, because of this act in European countries, the indigenous people in newly colonized Africa became quieter and less resistant.

However, unlike the Netherlands, which recognized the top-level design from above, European countries looked at the colonial natives with arrogance. It was incredible for William IV to change their views.

Even in the Netherlands, there are many people with this idea.

But this is also a long-term project and cannot be rushed.

At present, the situation in the Americas has attracted the attention of the world, and William IV also knows that the Americas are the direction for the development of the Netherlands' Far East, and the northern countries in the Far East are also the driving force for the Netherlands' economic development in the Far East. Therefore, this time the Americas The development of the situation will be an opportunity for the Far East.

Especially now that the Commonwealth of America is not favored by big countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Spain, the Australian mainland and other places will accept industrial transfers and talent transfers. Compared with other parts of the world, especially Europe, Australia is a unique place for being conservative.

Therefore, William IV pointed out in the Privy Council that the Netherlands cooperated with Britain, France and other countries to create discord in the situation between the north and the south of North America, causing them to divide and rule, and prolonging the war.

At the same time, it is required to guide public opinion in the United States to develop a situation that is conducive to the construction wave of the Dutch Far East.

Later, William IV even pointed out several directions, such as economic industry, military equipment manufacturing, etc., which were all projects that Australia needed.

"In short, I hope that the current industrial base of the United States can become the wedding dress of the Netherlands. Not to mention all, at least a share of the pie."

On December 1864, 12, a dramatic and eye-catching battle took place between the two countries in North America and the South.

Location is Virginia.The commander of the Northern Army, George McClellan, had participated in many battles before, such as the Battle of the Valley and the Battle of the Peninsula. He had led the Union army to invade Virginia on multiple occasions, hoping to go straight to Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy.

However, General Robert Lee and his men used outstanding tactics to repel his invasion many times. Especially in the two battles of Manassas, General Stonewall Jackson, an outstanding southern general who was deeply loved by Robert Lee, Once outnumbered, they won a decisive victory and suppressed the Northern Federal Government.

After that, the Confederate army took the initiative, crossed the Potomac River, and launched the Battle of Maryland. It was the first invasion to the north, but it was blocked by the Northern Confederate army in the Battle of Sandsburg. It was worth crossing the Potomac River. , retreat back.

The North thought that it could seize the opportunity to pursue the victory, but in the east of the Blue Ridge, when the Union army was already on the flanks to intercept the attack, it failed because the march speed was not as fast as the Union army.

This allowed the Union Army to successfully slip away, and the Northern Federal Army was unable to further attack them. However, this battle regained a lot of initiative, allowing them to attack again at any time.

But President Lincoln naturally would not give General McClellan so much time. He was disappointed when he saw that he had not been able to achieve a decisive victory for a long time. The restlessness of the members of Congress put Lincoln under a lot of pressure, which made him lose his patience. .

Finally, under pressure, he replaced McClellan and replaced him with Ambrose Burnside to lead the Union army.

The capital of the Confederacy, Richmond.

"It's taboo to change generals temporarily, President, it seems that Lincoln guy is really anxious now," Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America, mocked.

President Davis frowned.

"In response to this matter just now, Commander-in-Chief General Robert E. Lee said that he felt it was a pity,"

Davis explained to the surprised Stephens: "Because General Robert Lee felt that he knew McClellan very well, and he was worried that Lincoln would replace the commander again and again until he was replaced by someone he was not familiar with.

This reduces the tactical and strategic advantage for him and is a loss rather than an advantage for us."

Stephens looked a little unhappy when he heard this, but he could only hold it back. Who knew this was what Robert Lee said.

If it were someone else, he would have already given the other party the impression of being timid and reprimanded him.

Even he had to endure it because the other party's prestige in the military was too high.

Moreover, the Union Army was currently fighting fiercely with the Northern Federal Army. At this time, Robert Lee was the cornerstone and difficult to shake.

Therefore, he knew the current affairs and chose to remain silent.

In fact, it was Robert E. Lee who was overly worried.

On December 1864, 12, Ambrose Burnside, who had just been replaced by Lincoln in charge of all the armies of the Northern Confederacy, decided to launch a new battle to quell the southern rebellion.

He chose to attack Fredericksburg near the Domac River first, and then march straight into Richmond.

He began to form a continuous fighting corps, consisting of three divisions of 13 people. In addition to 1 people serving as logistics in the rear, he sent the other 12 people to participate in the Battle of Fredericksburg.

He ordered the right wing of the Grand Army, led by Edwin Sumner, to include the 2nd Army, the 9th Army, and a cavalry brigade.

The central army was led by Major General Joseph Hooker, including the Third Army, the 5th Army and a cavalry brigade.

The left wing of the Grand Army was led by William Franklin, which included the 1st Army, the 6th Army and a cavalry brigade.

The others, the 11th Army and the 12th Army, were deployed in Felskes County and Harpers Ferry respectively.

In the Confederate States, General Robert E. Lee served as the supreme commander, with a total number of soldiers of 7.
The right wing used to deal with General Edwin Sumner in the north was General James Longstreet.

Dealing with Joseph Hooker on the northern left wing was Thomas Jackson.

Facing the Chinese army were his own artillery regiments and a cavalry regiment.

The two sides started fighting again.

This has attracted the attention of all countries again.

The common people even lamented that the war was very harmful to people, while the nobles lamented that it was too easy to get promoted through the war. Look at the officials in the United States who get promoted as soon as they want. Sure enough, it is easy to get promoted in the war.

(End of this chapter)

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