Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 193: Holland, what are you planning on?

Chapter 193: Holland, what are you planning on?
"Isn't his ambition what we need? Not only do we not suppress it, we also need to help him."

Under the surprise of McKay Sean, William IV said: "Contact Bain, the president of the Dutch Association in North America, and ask him to guide the Dutch to start supporting him. I will take a look, Elihu B. Washburn Well, this guy, how big a battle can he bring out?"

Recently, as the crisis in Denmark and the German Confederation has been resolved, Ethiopia and Africa have calmed down a bit, and the remaining North American countries, the former United States, and now the Commonwealth of America and the Confederate States of America are still at war, which has triggered a global stir. focus on.

Moreover, because the war was the longest war since the four-year Crimean War between Tsarist Russia and Britain, Ottoman, France, and Sardinia (now Italy) from 1853 to 1856.

The troops invested by the North and the South were almost the same as those in the Crimean War at that time.


Today, the North and the South have 18 killed in the North and 15 in the South, and 14 injured in the North and 6 in the South.

The population base is 2234 million in the north and 910 million in the south.

As the Civil War became more and more intense, it seemed that it had no intention of stopping. This made the outside world worry that there would eventually be a super battle in the respective hinterlands of the North and the South. This prevented many European immigrants from thinking about North America, and some North American immigrants were even planning to do so. Get out of there and live somewhere else,

Returning to Europe is good, but it seems that the Far East of the Netherlands is undergoing a booming construction wave, which is a better choice.

In William IV's discussion of the Northern Confederation.

In other places, there are actually discussions about ambitious figures including the Lincoln administration.

Of course, they themselves are also analyzing their "enemies".

Salmon Portland Chase (Dutch), the former federal finance minister who had just stepped down last year and was subsequently nominated as the chief justice of the Commonwealth of America, said at a press conference on January 1865, 1, that the interior minister Eli Hugh B. Washburn expressed great appreciation.

"This is a great move by them. This man has injected vitality into the reconstruction work of the American Confederacy. The Department of the Interior under the leadership of Elihu B. Washburn is very efficient. Therefore, he is very qualified as Secretary of the Interior. "

Just click to finish.

But because Salmon Portland Chase, the Chief Justice of the United States, even a slight statement is enough to make everyone take it seriously.

Even Lincoln looked surprised, with a solemn look on his face.

President Lincoln was like this, not to mention Secretary of State Seward.

Because when they both worked together in the Lincoln cabinet administration, they always faced off against the former Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon Portland Chase.

I originally thought that this guy was finally gone and a new finance minister came in, which would reassure Seward and stop opposing the promotion of western development.

But I never thought that, just a few days after I felt at ease, this guy would actually have something to do with Secretary of the Interior Elihu B. Washburn, who is now extremely grateful to the red and black people around Lincoln. Political support for Elihu B. Washburn.

Home Minister plus Chief Justice?
This puts him under a lot of pressure.

What made him extremely depressed was when did the Irish and the Dutch become so close? Otherwise, how could these two leaders of different origins come together?

Could it be that he prevented Lincoln from conducting arms transactions with the Netherlands and interrupted Lincoln's attempt to develop a closer relationship with the Netherlands some time ago, which made Salmon Portland Chase put aside his dignity and choose to marry the Irish-born Eli? Hugh B. Washburn teamed up to put pressure on me?

Siward's head ached for a while.

Especially since Chase was the founder of the Communist Party, even Lincoln had to show some respect when facing him. After all, Lincoln was the first elected president since the founding of the Communist Party.

Just when Seward was at his peak and the federal political arena was in turmoil, Lincoln's deputy, Vice President Andrew Johnson, also stood up.
He said: “Black lives matter, and black people should also have the freedom of white people.

White people have the right to vote, and so should black people.

I agree with Elihu B. Washburn’s statement. I think black people should not be slaves, but should appear as American citizens.”

As Vice President Andrew Johnson comes from the South, his speech is destined to become the target of attention from both the North and the South, and even Europe is discussing it.

Therefore, as he agreed with Elihu B. Washburn's views and stated his position, the issue of his position that had been discussed recently was resolved.

Many people in the South ridiculed him for this, ridiculing him for selling his soul and his fellow southerners for the position of vice president.

Not to mention the situation between the north and the south of the United States.

Back to the Netherlands, to be precise, back to the Far East of the Netherlands.

Australia, Sydney!
Now there is a boom in construction here. "Hi, Joe, business has been good recently."

"That's not bad. It's simply a sign of getting rich."

"That's right. Look at Sydney. In just one or two years, it seems to have changed. The population has exceeded 50 and it has become the largest city in the Netherlands. Look at the construction foundation here. The facilities, na na, are neat and spacious. Horses running on them feel like they are galloping.”

"Don't look at the notice on the Sydney City Hall that this is a road. There will be other means of transportation in the future, not just horses."

"I know, I know, it's bicycles. Now there are bicycles everywhere on the streets of the Netherlands. There are also two-person bicycles that can ride on people. I even saw the news some time ago. Edison, a young scientist from the William Group, invented a bicycle that can ride on plastic all the way. On the basis of tires, there are bicycles that can be ridden by one person, two people, or even three or four people.

The report cited by the Sydney Daily News said that Europe and even the world will enter a major revolution in transportation. In addition to the British steam trains, the Netherlands is now driving bicycles that are cheap, high-quality and easy to operate, which will bring a trend in the world. , sweeping the world.affect his daily life. "

“Yeah, I saw the news some time ago, and there was a bicycle race held in the Netherlands, well, it seems to be in Rotterdam, the second largest city.

It is said that in that competition, the winner can get up to 10 bicycles as rewards. You must know that the current price of these bicycles is not cheap. It costs almost half a year's salary. If you win, it is equivalent to losing 5 years of work. , so envious”

"Well, you are content. Who in the world doesn't know that under the leadership of His Majesty William IV, the Kingdom of the Netherlands gives the most preferential treatment to the overseas indigenous people under its jurisdiction. Today's life can be said to be something we have never thought about before. , I say the same for you guys, don’t always think about those messy things that are there or not, look around the world, there are still white countries that are so good to us people of color.

Be careful of other compatriots complaining that you are ruining our image of East Indian Aboriginals. "

"Go, you still talk about us, look at it. You still say that you are indigenous, but we are now Dutch."


Seeing the teasing of several friends, Megawando felt a throbbing in his heart.

The Netherlands actually gave them the citizenship of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which they had never expected. Although the Netherlands had colonized the East Indian elite for many years, its previous brutality caused local dissatisfaction.

However, starting after 1857, the Dutch government seemed to begin to change its strategy, adopting a gentle policy with a little welfare, etc., and slowly guided the changes of their indigenous people, resulting in millions of people in just a few years. The indigenous people began to accept the rule of the Netherlands, and even established the Dutch indigenous army a few years ago to help the Netherlands conquer Africa in the world. It seemed to be integrated into the management of the Netherlands.

According to what he and several friends who were also indigenous said, this was the Netherlands learning from the British approach in the Indian subcontinent, cultivating local troops and assisting British management.

So a few years ago, a few people signed up for a school founded by the Dutch in Jakarta. Since their families were relatively well-off, they had learned a lot about Dutch primary education before, so there wasn't much that could faze them.

After the top universities in the Netherlands opened branch campuses in the Far East the year before last, a few people followed their families to the newly acquired Australia of the Netherlands due to family business, career and other reasons, and became part of the migratory people in Sydney. member.

In the past two years, they have watched Sydney gradually transform from a small town originally built in the UK to a city that is now under a booming construction boom. It is almost as big as Jakarta where they once lived, and in terms of buildings, it is more exquisite.

He enrolled in an architecture class, so seeing these tall buildings in front of him gave him a clearer understanding of his future.

"I must be a world-famous architect, build the world's top buildings, and be famous all over the world."

He even thought about his current identity.

Name: Megamando

Birthplace: New South Wales, Australia, Sydney, Kingdom of the Netherlands&&&&.

Date of birth: Born on May 1845, 5

"Now we all have Dutch nationality, but I don't know what the Dutch government thinks. Over one million people here have immigrated to Africa in the past two years, and there are also over one million people on various islands. Taken together, the base is not high. Despite the changes, the population still reaches tens of millions.

In addition to the 2000 million people in Africa, aren't William IV and the Dutch cabinet afraid that our population is larger than theirs and that it will be difficult to manage? "

"Yes, according to the Dutch government's population report last year published by major newspapers in the Netherlands, the number of white people in the Netherlands is currently 880 million, which is about the same as us. In other words, they only account for about one-third of the total population. The Dutch government is not afraid What are we?"

Yes, isn’t the Dutch government afraid?

This is also where the British government is confused because it is not human.

The British government is studying this issue recently. In the view of Viscount Palmerston's cabinet, this is more attractive than the American Civil War. Even Queen Victoria keeps asking about it.

It can be seen that the Dutch move to accept colonial people of color as nationals aroused doubts in Europe.

Netherlands, what are you planning on?
(End of this chapter)

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