Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 355 The British Royal Family’s Mother-Daughter Duel

Chapter 355 Dialogue between Mother and Daughter of the British Royal Family

The Confederate States of America failed to impeach the Lincoln government, which shocked everyone. The victory of the Irish and Germans represented the failure of the Senate and House of Representatives, led by the Netherlands, to suppress President Lincoln.

This makes the world look at the Netherlands with curiosity. As the backer behind the Dutch, it is obvious that this time it has also failed for the Netherlands. With such a result, the Netherlands is about to face a country that has been tested and can be used against the Netherlands at any time. The Netherlands would face difficulties as a result of a more hard-line Lincoln administration.

On February 1868, 2, Mexican Foreign Minister Sebastian Tejada visited the Kingdom of Prussia and delivered a handwritten letter from Mexican President Benito Juarez to Prime Minister Bismarck and William I.

On the second day, Prime Minister Bismarck met with Sebastian Tejada

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Prussia said that Prime Minister Bismarck emphasized during the meeting that Prussia fully supports the German-American people of America who may have been unfairly treated, and vowed to continue to support those who lead the German-American and even the American federal states in a peaceful way. Provide support for other ethnic minorities to move towards democracy and gain greater autonomy.

The Prussian Prime Minister emphasized during the meeting that Prussia was dissatisfied with Mexico's execution of Maximiliano I last year and asked Mexico to clarify the reasons for the decision. Similar dispositions implemented.

Prime Minister Bismarck also stated that Prussia cherishes its relationship with the Mexican people, and at the same time requires Mexico to accept European values ​​so that Europe will accept Mexico's integration into the international community.

The Mexican Foreign Minister, Sebastian Tejada, proposed to strengthen the relationship between Mexico and the Kingdom of Prussia and welcomed the role of the Kingdom of Prussia in the Americas. On behalf of the Mexican President, he invited Prime Minister Bismarck and Wilhelm I to visit Mexico City at an appropriate time. .

Prussia invites Mexican foreign minister to visit Berlin?

And the time chosen was actually after the impeachment case of the Commonwealth of America?
With this invitation, many people understood that in this North American senatorial vote, the Mexican senator helped the Germans and Lincoln?
However, the current development of the situation shows that the Netherlands has fallen into a disadvantage. After all, Lincoln has won in the Americas, and now the drunken southern Mexico has also chosen to get closer to Prussia.

Just when everyone was "worried" about the Netherlands, they discovered that the Netherlands seemed unmoved.

Faced with such a situation, William IV deliberately chose to be interviewed by Britain's most influential Financial Times newspaper on March 1868, 3. He said casually: "Why can the Netherlands rise so quickly in Europe? It’s not that we care about the gains and losses of one city or one pool, but that we have continuous long-term plans. The Commonwealth of America is our ally. Although the current cabinet government does not seem to be very friendly to the Netherlands, there are many of us in the Commonwealth of America. Friendly to the Netherlands, we are not worried that the country will have an anti-Dutch trend.

What's more, we not only have a relationship within the emerging Communist Party, but also have a good relationship with the Democratic Party, so I feel reassured by the mature relationship between the two countries. "

When asked about the fact that Prussia currently has the upper hand, would the Netherlands be dissatisfied with the Mexican Foreign Minister's visit to Berlin?
William IV affirmed: "Of course there will be. I am just dissatisfied with why the Prussian palace is puzzled by a government that killed a king and allowed him to visit Berlin, the political center of Prussia. I think Vienna in the Austro-Hungarian Empire must be very dissatisfied now." "

When William IV was asked how the Netherlands would respond to Prussian Bismarck's aggressive actions against the Netherlands, how should he respond?

William IV said: "The Netherlands has sufficient ammunition to meet all provocations from its opponents. We do not want to take the initiative to deal with anyone, but if other countries think that the Netherlands is weak and can be bullied, then they are totally wrong, because the Netherlands is now We have enough tools to fight against invading enemies. Believe me, our Netherlands has risen. I hope that major powers will not have any delusional thoughts about the Netherlands. If they do, then they will need to be prepared to be beaten hard." When asked about the specific measures taken by the Netherlands, William IV gave an example, that is, the Netherlands has the most advanced steam battleship technology construction speed in the world. The Netherlands' construction speed far exceeds that of the British and French empires.

William IV was asked if Britain and the French Empire wanted to launch a water attack on the Netherlands now before the Netherlands had built enough fleet ships and built up real strength. How would the Netherlands face the UK? Or a French attack?

William IV laughed, "Although this is a hypothetical topic, this question is very creative. I think it is good. If you really want me to answer you, then I can only say that your assumption just now is wrong."

Why do you say that?This newspaper reporter asked.

"Why?" William IV said proudly: "Because the current tonnage of warships in the Netherlands has reached 10, and in the Far East, we have also built a tonnage no less than that of the fleet. In Alaska, we also have a large tonnage. The fleet, in fact, our current tonnage is almost the same as your British Empire. Of course, there may be some gaps in combat power, as you know. The Netherlands lacks the baptism of war, but the UK is the best at this."

When the report that William IV was interviewed by the Financial Times was published, the whole of Britain was in a state of excitement.

The United Kingdom, which has always been known as the world's most powerful navy, has been overtaken by other countries without even realizing it?And it is not the French Empire that has always been wary of it, nor the Kingdom of Prussia, which has been so arrogant in Europe recently, nor the Tsarist Russian Empire with its Eurasian dual policy, but the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is very close at hand and has a population of only one-third of the UK.

Major newspapers in the UK immediately republished the report from the Financial Times. As a result, there were people who were both happy and worried throughout the British Isles. On the island of Ireland, many Irish people had smiles on their faces.

They like to see England's unhappy face the most, especially when he is being slapped in the face like this.

In contrast, Buckingham Palace and No. [-] Downing Street looked sad.

The Netherlands actually announced its naval strength.

With William IV releasing the entire news, all European countries would be shocked.

Queen Victoria asked her fourth daughter and informal secretary, Princess Louise: "My daughter Louise, do you think the Netherlands has any ulterior motives in choosing to announce it at this time?"

Princess Louise was stunned, not expecting Queen Victoria to suddenly ask her a question, but her response was not slow, "I think this is a kind of opportunity taken by William IV."

(End of this chapter)

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