Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 621 The Paris Agreement that changed history

Chapter 621 The Paris Agreement that changed history

Damn it, Spain joins the Nordic Alliance composed of Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden?

Bismarck was very dissatisfied.

Therefore, he couldn't help but set his sights on Dutch Prime Minister Tolbeck.

The Netherlands had always been in a neutral position during the Franco-Prussian War. Later, it lent the Duchy of Luxembourg to Prussia for a week, which made the world think that the Netherlands favored Prussia.

Afterwards, the Netherlands took a sharp turn and entered into an ambiguous relationship with the French Second Empire government under the regency of Queen Eugenie in Paris, and now even joins the 10-nation Pan-Prussian camp against Prussia.This makes it appear that the Netherlands has shifted from supporting Prussia - neutrality - to favoring the Second French Empire.

And now, a more Spanish alliance has begun against Prussia?
At this moment, Bismarck was suddenly confused about what he was thinking about William IV of the Netherlands.

It was precisely because he couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking that he was even more afraid of William IV.Because only by being unclear can he have an uncertain grasp of the situation.

He was not afraid of Queen Victoria, and even Napoleon III was manipulated by him.However, facing William IV of the Netherlands, he seemed to never be able to grasp the opponent's trajectory and lost the initiative between the Netherlands and Prussia. This has to be said to be a taboo for military strategists.

Not only was Bismarck in a state of confusion, but even Prime Minister Gorchakov of the Russian Empire was silent, quickly calculating the gains and losses of this matter to the Russian Empire.

The relationship between Sweden and the Russian Empire has eased this year, but regarding the issue of the Grand Duchy of Finland, although the Swedes are calm on the surface, who knows if they have other plans secretly.

Therefore, the Tsarist Empire is very concerned about any increase or decrease in threats in Northern Europe.

The Netherlands is currently moving from mainland Europe to the Far East, which has broken the previous tacit understanding of mutual support between the Russian Empire and the Netherlands.

Even His Majesty Alexander II expressed his dissatisfaction with the Netherlands to him many times.Because of the position that the Tsarist Empire created for the Netherlands, the Netherlands was the spokesperson of the Tsarist Russian Empire in Western Europe. It was also the source of the Tsarist Russian Empire’s absorption of the technology of advanced industrial countries in Western Europe, and it was also the middleman for the Tsarist Russian Empire to enter Western Europe.

However, as the Netherlands has focused its energy on the Far East in recent years, the Netherlands has actually made a mess in its own country.According to intelligence information from the Tsarist Empire, the Netherlands has currently transferred its most advanced military and civilian technologies to the Far East.That's where the most advanced technology hiding spot in the Netherlands is.

The contempt for the homeland indicates that the Netherlands will no longer think that when the homeland faces threats from other major powers, it needs to bow its head to the Tsarist Russian Empire and beg for help, allowing the Tsarist Russian Empire to put forward conditions.

This was definitely a strategic loss for the Russian Empire.Therefore, I originally came to the southwest of the Netherlands to participate in the armistice negotiations with dissatisfaction. Now when I heard that the Netherlands actually agreed to Spain becoming a member of the Nordic Alliance, this heralded an increase in the threat to the Russian Empire in Northern Europe. Gorcha It's strange that Prime Minister Cove is happy.Bismarck and Disraeli seemed to understand this, so they couldn't help but set their sights on Tolbeck, the Dutch Prime Minister.

Not only these three people, but also Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and others also set their sights on him.

"Don't look at me, the Netherlands is just a supporter, not a promoter." Tolbeck said to them: "The Netherlands will move its capital to Melbourne in the Far East Australian continent next year. Therefore, the Netherlands has decided to cede power to the leading country of the Nordic Alliance. It was given to Spain, so soon the Netherlands will be just an ordinary member of the organization. If other countries want to join in the future, they can submit applications to Madrid."

No one thought that Tolbeck would say this, let alone that the Netherlands would give power to Spain?
Is the Netherlands that good?

Also, it seems that Denmark took the initiative to announce it just now, Sweden and Spain were silent, and the Netherlands responded passively.Could it be that Dutch-speaking Sweden and Denmark have fallen out?
But before they could think about it, Tolbeck pretended to cough twice and said seriously: "The Netherlands believes that the war between Prussia and the Second French Empire has caused international panic and the domestic situation in the Second French Empire is chaotic. "The countries here are all constitutional monarchies, or they are constitutional dual monarchies like the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

He deliberately raised his eyes and glanced at Bismarck, and then said in a high voice: "I think none of the prime ministers here are willing to support the overthrow of their own royal family. If you hope so, then it proves that everyone here has no regard for the king of their own country. "Loyal"

Having said this, he stared at Bismarck with eyes and asked: "Prime Minister Bismarck, do you think Prussia is suitable for implementing a republic without a king?"

Everyone was immediately shocked by his sonorous question, and they couldn't help but praise the other party in their hearts, because this question clearly focused on Prussia's vital points.

In order to disrupt the Second French Empire, Prussia actually supported the regime of the Third French Republic in the south, intending to overthrow Napoleon III, the French emperor. 'Well, now that Tolbeck asks this question, no matter how he answers, Bismarck will face serious consequences.

Reply Prussia does not support constitutional monarchy?Well, that means Bismarck will not support his own king, William I. This is a very important matter. The news from Prussia will definitely be enough to turn Prussia upside down.

And if he expresses his loyalty to this system, then Bismarck's current approach of supporting the French Third Republic is definitely a deviant thing. Not to mention within Prussia, the royal families behind the prime ministers of the countries here will definitely unite and start to isolate Prussia in the future. That way If so, Prussia would face a very painful situation in Europe and even the world.

British Prime Minister Disraeli, Austria-Hungary Prime Minister Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, Spanish Prime Minister Monrad, and Tsarist Russian Emperor Gorchakov could not help but admire him.This Tolbeck is worthy of being a political veteran who has been in charge of the Dutch government for 8 years. He really has his own tricks.

Bismarck glanced at him with complicated eyes, and then said unhurriedly: "Prussia naturally supports the great royal family, but we have no objection to the people in southern France asking for more benefits from the north. You know, Napoleon It is precisely because the III generation had too much support for the north and too little concern for the south that the levels of support between the north and the south were different. Therefore, Prussia has a close relationship with southern France. Today's support from Prussia is not a problem of the system."

After saying that, Bismarck looked at Prime Minister Charles opposite, ignored the other party's dissatisfaction, and put forward conditions: "If Paris wants to armistice, then Prussia needs to be compensated. Our Majesty must be able to declare the establishment of the German Empire in Paris, and we will take over the French Empire. In the overseas colonies and territories, the Paris fortress, our forts and heavy artillery, including ammunition, must be handed over to Pulis. At the same time, France will compensate France with 5 million francs, Saint-Quentin-Reims-Chalonson-Troyes-Dijon. -How about what east of Chalon belongs to the Kingdom of Prussia?”

(End of this chapter)

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