Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 629 The new owner of the White House

Chapter 629 The new owner of the White House
North America, Commonwealth of America.

The current occupant of the White House is Democratic Party leader Stephen Douglas, Lincoln's old rival.After Lincoln was assassinated in 1866, Andrew Johnson actually occupied two terms as president. Including the two years of Lincoln's successor, he ruled the Commonwealth of America for a total of 10 years. As a result, Stephen Douglas's presidential wish has always been frustrated.

In the end-of-year election of 1876, Stephen Douglas, on behalf of the Democratic Party, finally defeated James Speed, the Republican Party who had served as Secretary of the Treasury for 12 years, and Rutherford Hayes, another Republican candidate (the original president in 1876). The winner of the election) and took office as the new president of the Federal Republic of America on January 1877, 1. This was also the first time 20 years later that the Democratic Party once again defeated the Republican Party and regained the throne of the president.

"Since the restoration of the Netherlands, the constitution was promulgated on March 1814, 3. The constitution was revised in 29 to stipulate that the Netherlands is a hereditary constitutional monarchy. Legislative power belongs to the king and the parliament, and executive power belongs to the king and the cabinet. The Privy Council is the highest state consultative body and requires Responsible to the parliament, the leader is the monarch himself, other members are appointed by the monarch, and the prime minister and ministers of the cabinet are elected by the parliament and are responsible to the parliament.

The Dutch Parliament is divided into the Dutch Upper House (Senators) and the Lower House (House of Representatives). The Lower House has legislative power. The Senate has the right to agree or refuse to approve bills, but it cannot propose or amend bills. They restrain each other and form a balance. "

These are still very beneficial to the Dutch royal family in retaining power, so William IV has not changed. Only the power of the Dutch political parties has changed. For example, in 1875, under his secret promotion, the Socialist Party rose strongly and demanded parliamentary reform and gained the support of other liberal parties and The Christian party's agreement to jointly form a cabinet government is a huge foreshadowing.

In the past, various political parties in the Western world frequently joined forces to form coalition cabinet governments with more than 50% of the votes cast.

The rise of the Socialist Party is an opportunity to promote. After all, the Liberal Party has been involved in threatening the power of the royal family for four consecutive terms. People's inertia is that after sitting on a stool for a long time, they think it will always be theirs, but they often forget that in fact, this stool is just one of them. It's only temporary and can be moved at any time.

If the Liberal Party has been in power for 20 years, it will continue to pose a power challenge to William IV's royal power, which William IV naturally does not want to see.

This is also the reason why he came to Medan City this time. He is showing his attitude to the Liberal Party and the Christian Party, that is, he prefers to support the Socialist Party.

Although on the Australian mainland, the Socialist Party has not yet gained a firm foothold in the provinces, it has already won the province of Tasmania, the Maluku Islands, the East Indies, and the Pacific Islands.Occupying all four sides of the Australian continent, William IV had the feeling of a countryside surrounding a city.

Moreover, although the Socialist Party has not won seats for Governors and Provincial Speakers at or above the provincial level in mainland Australia, nor has it won seats for senators in each province, the Socialist Party has also succeeded in many elections at the grassroots level at the municipal and town levels in various provinces. As everyone knows, Canberra, the second largest city in the province of New South Wales where Sydney is now located, was successfully campaigned by socialists to win the seats of mayor and city speaker, and more than 60% of the city's council members are held by socialists.It can be said that this has created a huge opportunity in the territory of the Christian Party.

The Socialists also gained ground in Geraldton, the second city after the Liberal Party's Western Australia capital Perth, which was also carried by the Socialists in the last mid-term council and mayoral elections.

In short, the current Socialist Party on the Australian continent seems to be slowly encroaching on cities and towns in remote areas of Australia that were originally the territory of the Christian Party and the Liberal Party. "

Thomas A. Hendricks, the former Democratic Senate Whip of the Confederate States of America, became the new Secretary of State in the Stephen Douglas administration last year. He had just analyzed the intelligence from the Netherlands in detail.

“Something about the Dutch political system.

The Netherlands currently has 38 provinces and 1 capital region, so the Netherlands currently has 39 intermediate courts (i.e. provincial district courts), followed by 390 grassroots courts, which is ten times the number at the municipal level.

In addition, 5 appeals courts and 1 supreme court were established.In addition, the Netherlands has also established several special courts such as military courts and administrative courts.

The grassroots courts are responsible for hearing general cases and criminal cases, and the intermediate courts are responsible for hearing more serious civil and criminal cases. Therefore, these two levels of courts are courts of first instance.

The Court of Appeal is responsible for hearing appeals, protests and other cases.

It is precisely because the Netherlands has the most complete court system in the world that even major countries such as the United Kingdom were unable to find fault with the establishment of the Hague International Court of Justice in The Hague, because the Dutch court system is the most advanced in the West.

Now that it has been improved more completely in the past eight years, even the United Kingdom, the German Empire (formerly Prussia), France, Tsarist Russia, Austria-Hungary, etc. are copying the Dutch court system for their own use. We, the Commonwealth of America, are also learning from the Netherlands. system.

It can be said that the Netherlands has become a net exporter of advanced institutions.

All countries are learning from the Netherlands how to govern their country.

As a result, the influence of the Netherlands has naturally increased greatly, and its international prestige has become higher and higher day by day.

As the precedent of a gradual coalition cabinet government started in the Netherlands in 1875 was passed by the Dutch Parliament composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, the strength of the Socialist Party has greatly increased, and there are currently 8 major political parties in the Netherlands.

They are the Liberal Party, which is the strongest, the Christian Party, which is second, and the Socialist Party, which is third.

In addition to these three major parties, in the Netherlands, after the passage of the "Action on the Union of Political Parties to Form a Cabinet" in 1875, no less than five small political parties, including the Labor Party, the People's Party, and the Civil Rights Party, have appeared in the past three years.

These Dutch political parties all implement a leadership responsibility system, and the party leader is responsible for daily party affairs. "

Secretary of State Thomas reminded President Stephen Douglas: "Your Excellency, the Kingdom of the Netherlands is currently a white knight in the Western world, exuding their influence everywhere. Although the Commonwealth of America has developed rapidly in recent years, it has not Compared with the Netherlands, we still seem to be lagging far behind. Especially during the cabinet government of Andrew Johnson, who was in power under the Republican Party, we were closer to the economy and diplomacy of the Netherlands than during the Lincoln period. Although America has benefited a lot from us, it is also the same. Yes, we also lost a lot.”

Stephen Douglas likes to maintain a consistent deep character, and it is always difficult to figure out his thoughts. He said: "You want to say that it is time for the Commonwealth of America to break up with the Netherlands?"

(End of this chapter)

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