Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 646 The Hague International Court of Justice Organization Summit

Chapter 646 The Hague International Court of Justice Organization Summit
"I think Europe is about to experience a morning craze."

William IV said: "We also need to be more prepared to speed up the construction of airships. The Anglo-Dutch war may not be far away."

Originally, world peace might have lasted until the early 20s.Due to the rise of the Netherlands, Britain has realized that it must stop the Netherlands.

When he was in Greece nine years ago, in order to reassure Queen Victoria, William IV proposed to the Queen that the Dutch-British navy would be the dominant force in the navy.

So the past nine years have been calm around the Netherlands, and the UK has also been supported by the Netherlands' maritime supremacy. However, with the collision of the two countries' status in the Far East, after nine years of precipitation, it has accumulated to a point where it is difficult to suppress, especially the Dutch navy. The scale has now reached 35 tons, while the United Kingdom only has 39 tons. If this gap is calculated based on the tonnage of the steam battleship British Warrior, which is 920 tons, it is only a matter of four or five Warriors.

Although Dutch submarines account for most of the tonnage, submarines are also a type of naval strength.

That's why Britain has stopped suppressing internal suppression of the Netherlands over and over again.

The Netherlands is even more impregnable through its operations in Far East Australia.

William IV believed that as long as Britain dared to launch an attack on Australia, it would definitely be a very tragic loss.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the United Kingdom hesitates to move forward and does not dare to cross the pond.

"Your Majesty, we are currently far away from the mainland of Europe, but we have become the target of many European countries vying to win over us. At the International Court of Justice in The Hague on June 6, we may encounter more overtures. I don't know if you The idea is"

Gerrit De Vries asked carefully.

There are currently three pillars in the Dutch political scene. His Liberal Party will have a difficult time facing the challenges from the Christian Party and the Socialist Party in the general election at the end of this year. As far as he knows, the Socialist Party and the Christian Party seem to have plans to jointly form a government. If the two parties are elected at the end of the year, If the major parties really join forces to participate in the election, then the originally dominant Liberal Party will face defeat in the general election.

Because of this, the current hope for the Liberal Party to win seems to come from what Tolbeck said is the support from His Majesty William IV.

If it can gain the support of William IV, then the Liberal Party's hope of victory will exceed 7 levels.

The Liberal Party has been in power for four terms since 1862 and has been in power for 17 years (from 1870, each term was four years)

So at present, William IV has lowered his attitude.

William IV thought of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

On June 1878, 6, the International Court of Justice Summit was about to be held in The Hague, Netherlands, which immediately attracted the attention of the international community.

The summit included Creston of the United Kingdom, Bismarck of the German Empire, Prime Minister Charles of the Second French Empire, Prime Minister Gorchakov of the Tsarist Russian Empire, Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, Prime Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Ramon Narva, Prime Minister of Spain. Ace, Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire Prince Abdul Vasi, Prime Minister of Sweden Old Louis de Gil (Old Count Louis).Danish Prime Minister Monrad, Italian Prime Minister Marco Minghetti, Portuguese Prime Minister Nuno Barreto, President of the Commonwealth of America Stephen Douglas, Belgian Prime Minister Rafi Hall, Argentine President Mitre, Ecuadorian President Mo Reno, Venezuelan President Herrera, Colombian President Mosquera, Brazilian Prime Minister Fonseca, Paraguay President Pelos, Peruvian President Prado, Chilean President Mascaiano.

Mexican President Benito Juarez, King Chula Longkorn of the Kingdom of Siam and other international prime ministers or presidents participated in the meeting.It is also the first time that the organization has held a prime ministerial-level summit since the Netherlands established it.

Another focus of the summit is whether Dutch Prime Minister Gerrit de Vries and British Prime Minister Creston will start talks on the Strait of Malacca dispute in the Far East, which has attracted everyone's attention.

Whether the Prime Minister of the German Empire will hold talks with Prime Minister Charles of the French Empire to discuss the German Empire's support for the regime of the Third French Republic in southern France is also the focus of the summit.

At the same time, Chula Longkorn, King of the Kingdom of Siam in the Far East, who appeared as a king on European territory for the first time, was also the target of many people's attention at this summit.

Relevant countries may take advantage of this rare opportunity to hold side events, and Verne seems to be more interesting than the official on-site event.In addition to Prime Minister Gerrit de Vries of the host country the Netherlands, both the United Kingdom and Germany have become the focus of the summit.In addition, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Tsarist Russian Empire also attracted attention.

This time the German Empire and the Second French Empire became official members, which will allow the organization to completely cover the entire European and American countries.

It is said that Dutch Prime Minister Gerrit de Vries will have more than 50 meetings alone, and Creston will not give up much, and will have more than 30 bilateral meetings. Bismarck has also reached 28. Gerrit de Vries In interactions with the prime ministers of Bismarck and Creston, they may deliberately look at their strategic autonomy.

Among them, the Netherlands organized a series of performances at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Just like its role in other organizations, the Netherlands also plays a very strong mainstream role within the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The Netherlands will definitely play an important role in its interactions with other countries. Changes show distinctive labels.

In this regard, many people speculate that the Netherlands will use its position in the organization to besiege Britain and safeguard the position of the Netherlands, just like it besieged the German Empire and the French Empire.

However, many people believe that it is difficult for the Netherlands to do what it did at the beginning, because at that time the Netherlands was the dominant country, and the six major European countries had fully joined in. The Netherlands' status has been diluted to the point where it is almost difficult to maintain its status as a leading country.If the Netherlands chooses that, then the Netherlands will lose its status as a permanent host country, which will be a huge loss for the Netherlands, and the Netherlands will not take risks easily.

Of course, some people think that the Netherlands may use the organization's plan to use other countries as intermediaries to ease relations with the United Kingdom. This is what the Netherlands should and must do. Only in this way can the Netherlands maintain its own development, whether it is military and economically.

However, there are people who support this point, but there are also many people who are against it.

In short, the International Court of Justice in The Hague will be held tomorrow, and the international community has already participated in various possibilities for the summit.

William IV, who is in the Far East, is also making various arrangements, because he wants to give a gift to tomorrow's summit, and one is a shocking gift.

 Chapter 645 was uploaded by mistake and was uploaded to volume six. You can go to the last chapter of the previous volume to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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